I'm pretty sure everything I would want a remake of is being remade. But it's a fairly short list:
The Witcher
Max Payne
Then there's games that I enjoyed that I'm not sure of the remakes for... namely AC Black Flag. I kind of wish Ubi had just combined resources and not made Skull and Bones or a Black Flag remake and just made a new single player standalone Pirate RPG, maybe with a bit of the multiplayer tacked on for whoever wanted that. Ah, well. In some other universe there's a game with in depth pirate lore, and scope to create a new legend within it.
If only someone had come into the boardroom and said "Pirate GTA" instead of "Old Boat Simulator"
When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck
@Yagami I genuinely thought whilst typing that the best pirate game is going to end up being a Yakuza game 😅 so I'm going to genuinely try and get into the Yakuza Like A Dragon part of the series at some point 😁 and people seem to be of the opinion the best game this year was infinite wealth. I'm going to probably have to start with YLAD to see.
When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck
@NapoleonDynamite I'd suggest that the only reason we haven't seen a 60FPS patch (or up-scaled minor remaster) is because a full scale remake is in the works. Since Sony's acquisition of Bluepoint, things have been very quiet...and they would be the obvious candidate to undertake the work.
From's status as a developer has also blown up since Elden Ring, and I think there is a whole new audience who won't be acquainted with Bloodborne...
@Yagami I honestly can't stomach playing the whole series from the start (i'll watch the show instead 😅) I could see myself maybe playing the Hawaiian trilogy if i can get into the forst one. But I game far too slow, and I don't really like beat 'em ups to start with to commit to the whole entity that is Yakuza
When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck
@Yagami I played Yakuza Kiwami a few years back and plan on playing Yakuza Kiwami 2 this December funnily enough. It didn’t click for me in the way it has for most people around here. I thought it was fine… and obviously good enough that I’m willing to spend another 100 hours or so in Kamurocho again but felt like I was missing something.
@Yagami I like the writing and the craziness, but oh boy do the games have a weird way of winding me up. I started Y:LAD last night and was devastated to find out that instead of a quick cutscene and off to Hawaii, I'm stuck in bloody Kamurocho again 😂 and there's been about 100 cut scenes with the odd... you guessed it, random encounter with street punks. And then, even though it is all main quest so far, we get the dreaded half made cutscene where the character will say "Sup?!" (for no reason) as a bunch of text scrolls across the screen. So they haven't even fully voiced MAIN QUESTS. It just makes me think they are the absolute laziest damn dev ever. Same location, same assets, same run around madly from marker to marker, same lack of fleshed out cutscenes. It's like a half finished game, and people lap it up every year. I don't know why it annoys me so much, but it does. It is 100x worse than the stuff Ubisoft pulls in their games, they just happen to have a loyal customer base and good stories to prop them up, and no one calls them out on it.
I just wanted to go to Hawaii and fight sharks or whatever, but they must punish me with all this classic Ryu Go Gotoku stuff first 😂😂😂
Thankfully the story seems good enough, but I can't see myself making it through the game unless there's some dramatic changes soon. I pray one day they will make a complete, polished game with new assets and a genuine upgrade to their engine and lazy formula.
To tie it to the remake thread that we are stuck in, maybe they should remake the next game before they release it 😛😛😛
@Yagami nah this was actually a thing on here before I started Yakuza Kiwami. I would always choose the ‘episode’ produced first rather than a prequel produced after. For example, I would advise everyone watch Star Wars IV: A New Hope before Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace, Ironman before Captain America: The First Avenger, the Harry Potter movies before the Fantastic Beasts films etc.
I say this as someone who studied film-making and screenwriting at uni (not to lord it over anyone or anything but as some context for understanding narrative). The most appealing thing about any prequel-project, is to play into the narrative-beats and plot-points already familiar with the audience having watched/played the piece that the prequel proceeds. Therefore I chose to start with Yakuza Kiwami (much to most peoples ire) because of that. I think that when I eventually get to Yakuza 0 I’ll appreciate it all the more for this approach. A further reason was with it generally being considered the best in the series… there was no way I was going to play it first in the knowledge that everything after would be worse.
I’ll get to 0 after I’ve played 5, then I’ll play 6, then the Judgement games, then the Like a Dragon series. I do so in the full knowledge that this winds Yakuza stalwarts up but without that being my intention 🤣
@Yagami I get you but I no longer have a ps2 and Kiwami tells the same story as ps2 Yakuza but in a more palatable-for-modern-gamers approach right?
Its not as if I’d urge new viewers to Star Wars to watch the initial theatrical releases of episodes IV-VI, then watch the Special Edition’s of IV-VI that released about 20 years after with all the cg nonsense and then move onto the prequel trilogy. I’d just suggest they watch the OG trilogy in whatever release version is easiest to access and the move on to the prequel trilogy… and then completely skip the sequel trilogy altogether 🤣
@Yagami ah, no problem. It's not a hate for the game or an actual bad experience, it's just every time I play them I wish for more, and I got sick of Kamurocho in Judgment, alone 😅 it's because I like to explore in games that let you move around outside of quests, and I have a dislike of runbacks, which is what the whole area feels like, one massive runback past an area you've seen too much.
I'll stick with it though, in small doses, as like I say, she story, characters and silliness is what they do well. And Yokohama isn't Kamurocho, at least 😅 and maybe that will lead me to Infinite Wealth eventually
When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck
@Yagami that’s fine buddy… and I appreciate your input. We’re all different, we all have opinions and ultimately as long as those opinions aren’t filled with hate and prejudice, then we’re fully entitled to them. I’m gonna stick with my decision moving forwards and if I’m wrong, I’m ultimately the only person that decision will impact.
As for games being different to films, I totally agree that they are but I have played other gaming prequels in release order where the various denouements had an extra punch as a result of the foreknowledge achieved through having seen what-happens-next. In Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018) for instance there are obviously the parts where you observe a younger John Marston throughout the game which offer an insight into a character we all know so well but during the epilogue is where Rockstar uses what only a prequel can. You get to experience the events which cause Marston’s final-form in… Red Dead Redemption (2010). Now a lot of people hate that epilogue section… they say it drags on to long, that there’s no real action etc. but for me it was beautifully tragic/tragically beautiful because of having played what-happens-next.
Ultimately we all consume things differently… and as a trophy hunter, I’ve often prioritised 100% completion over narrative chronology ie if there is a game in the series that is relatively old but has online trophies it’ll be pushed to the front of the queue. I do this under the full knowledge that it will have a massive impact on my narrative experience… but also under the knowledge that my OCD would never let me forgive myself if by the time I made it to the game with online trophies organically, that the servers had been switched off. I would never tell other people they should do things the way I do… only the reasons for why I do.
Onimusha 1 and 2, so underrated and they already remade the Resident Evil series, let's go for Onimusha now! I mean it's Resident Evil but with samurais and demons, come on haha
@colonelkilgore Yeah I'm aware of that but it looks slightly better than the original, not by much either. Like you said, if it was remade with the RE engine, ohhhhhh.... just thinking about it with it's aesthetics and gore... it would be a sight to behold haha
@Yagami yeah I managed to platinum Yakuza Kiwami a few years back… not gonna lie, when I initially witnessed all of the various gambling games I’d have to learn, I almost gave up there and then. Unfortunately I’ve forgotten how to play mahjong since then, so will have to learn it over again for Kiwami 2 😅
edit. that car chase on Legend is a doozy ain’t it? 😏
@Yagami yeah that was my major issue with it, if you could’ve just retried the car chase over and over it wouldn’t have been so bad… but to have to redo the whole mission before it was crazy. Any such BS that I should be aware of for the YK2 plat?
Topic: Talking of remakes...
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