
Topic: Talking of remakes...

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With the trend of studios now remastering old games...I'd like to put forward the idea of a TOMBI! (Or TOMBA!) remake! It genuinely was one of the best games on PS1!




Tombi was NEXT LEVEL gaming. I also own a highly rare copy of it which is cool.


PSN: justfoz


Fighting Force



@itsfoz wow lucky you! I had it too but must've got rid of it at some point over the years. I'd love to play it again!!!!



Just started Just Cause 4 (which is fun but is missing that je ne sais quoi that 2 and 3 has for me at least) and I’ve just found myself jonesing for a modern day remake of Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction. It was a bit ahead of it’s time imo and reckon it would be much more appreciated these days.

#deraufrichtigstejäger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore


Remakes are obviously a sore point for a lot of fans these days but there were a load of series that I didn’t get to try for various reasons. I’ve managed to catch up, or am in the process of catching up on many but I’d love:

Silent Hill, Silent Hill 3 and Silent Hill 4: The Room remakes

Lost Planet Trilogy remakes

Resistance Trilogy remakes

Killzone Trilogy remakes

#deraufrichtigstejäger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore


Some great choices, I would add Motorstorm as well. Each entry in the series was quite different from the last so a trilogy would be awesome.
Also some games like Killzone and Motorstorm supported 3D so a VR implementation should be easier.

Hopefully with the “failure” of Until Dawn then Sony might start getting the message about remastering games that are still playable on current hardware. Also why they didn’t remaster Until dawn rush of blood is beyond me, a game which actually needed a basic remake for psvr2.
Had they actually done that and bundled it then I would imagine that sales would be multitudes higher and yes given the low sales then multitudes is the correct word. 😂



@colonelkilgore yeah the original Lost Planet I'd love to see remade !
I wonder if Nicolas Cage ever sued them for Lost Planet 3 lol



@CaptD I only ever played the initial Motorstorm but I remember thinking it was a lot of fun, so yeah I think they’d make for a popular remake collection for sure. And you’re right about Until Dawn too… the PSVR game would make for such a simple remaster for PSVR2. Between that and not giving making Astrobot PSVR2 compatible… it honestly beggars belief.

#deraufrichtigstejäger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore


@KingPev I never had the chance to play any of them bud… I’m guessing that there was a character in 3 that looked just like Cage though?

#deraufrichtigstejäger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore


The rest of the THPS series - or even just THUG - would be awesome, a 'from-the-ground-up' full on remake ala THPS 1&2.

Bloodborne is an obvious candidate, although I suspect Sony will utilise Bluepoint to develop this as a PS6 launch title perhaps.

Maybe the original Twisted Metal? Could be an awesome online MP title.



CJD87 wrote:

Bloodborne is an obvious candidate, although I suspect Sony will utilise Bluepoint to develop this as a PS6 launch title perhaps.

Yeah that is the dream tbh. Imagine the first PS6 showcase starting with the Bluepoint remaster and ending with a one-more thing of From Software working on the sequel! 🥹

#deraufrichtigstejäger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore


Ian Higton from Eurogamer put out a rant video on YouTube concerning Sony’s handling of PSVR2 and I think 99% of psvr2 owners would agree with him. It is worth a watch.

Anyway back to remakes, one thing I liked about the Ubisoft Gold editions of their games, would be that they include a remake (often a minimal effort job) of games. I miss these and I would have thought with their “issues” that quick remakes of some of their old titles (Splinter cell BL, Rainbow Vegas 1 and 2 etc..) would be just what the accountant ordered.



@CaptD yeah I have Far Cry 3 Classic, Assassins Creed 3 and Assassins Creed: Liberation remasters from that model actually. Man… if every boardroom had at least one gamer in place to balance out all the bs! 🤷‍♂️

#deraufrichtigstejäger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore


@colonelkilgore yeah the main character was his spitting image ! 1 & 3 were great games, 2 not so much



The Last of Us Part 1. Due another version.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@colonelkilgore I dare not to dream....!

I honestly think the BB remake is pretty much a dead-cert for PS6 launch. From's next game though.... I genuinely have no idea what direction they'll go in, and equally I am unsure as to where I want them to go!

Would love a sequel to Sekiro, being my favorite From game..... but I wonder if they would maybe look to make a concerted sequel to Dark Souls? Like a similarly linear/connected world style (non-open like ER) and a throwback to a simpler journey?

Or something completely different, would love to see From's take on the CRPG genre - BG3 mixed with Souls?!


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