
Topic: What PS5 Games Are You Currently Playing?

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@PixelDragon It's the best PlayStation exclusive so it's well worth sticking with it. Absolutely brilliant game.

"A corpse... should be left well alone. Oh, I know very well. How the secrets beckon so sweetly. Only an honest death will cure you now. Liberate you, from your wild curiosity." - Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower.

PSN: KairuDoes


I’m coming towards the end of Jedi Survivor now I think. I’m plugging away at some of the side content before pushing on with the last of the story.

I finished up the bounty hunters last night which have been some great fights. A couple have been short lived as it’s been easy to throw some off high ledges. The ones requiring you to blast through whole areas again were particularly good fun.

For the final fight…

I think Caij fight glitched slightly as I had her pinned against the edge of the area and she only used a basic blaster attack and weak melee hits so it was rather underwhelming. Boba Fett turning up put a proper grin on my face but I felt a little deflated to then not to be fighting him.

I finished up the Tears too and just need one legendary boss still. Then just the faff of finding all the priorite shards too..

[Edited by Thrillho]



Playing RoboCop: Rogue City. I think the Push Square review was a little harsh. It’s far from the best game ever, but as a Robocop game it gets so much right.

[Edited by Bentleyma]


PSN: Bentleyma-


Just finished Spider-man 2, what an awesome game and definitely my goty and now I'm playing Alan Wake Remastered

Xbox Gamer Tag: RipperKnight


Haven’t had too much time for gaming over the last couple of weeks but finally got back to Phantom Liberty. Really couldn’t be happier with how it’s turned out. Just about finished with Cocoon as well which I’d say is unmissable for any puzzle game fans. Made a light start on Spider-Man 2 with my son but looking forward to getting more into it in the coming weeks (what an opening!).

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


MaulTsir wrote:

@TheBrandedSwordsman Finally managed to get some time on DBZ again and managed to defeat Cell who actually felt amazingly strong so when I defeated him I felt amazingly strong lol.
Only the Buu saga to go now, hoping to have it finished this week.

Android 18 looks every bit the same!! In fact they all do, character models are really good.

Glad your still enjoying Demon Soul's by far one of the most beautiful looking games on the ps5 still

That's good man, hopefully if I ever play it I won't be disappointed with any of the character models of the women haha. Congratulations on defeating Cell and attaining the feeling of amazing strength that came with the victory.

Good luck with the Buu Saga! I am indeed still enjoying DeS, almost at level 25 of Endurance now, just got to get Intelligence up to 18 and I can get Curse Weapon and apply it to my Dragon Bone Smasher. King Allant awaits!

"I think the best art doesn’t preach the truth, but encourages viewers to discover what truth is on their own." - Shinique Smith

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@Jimmer-jammer Hope you are enjoying Phantom Liberty, the game without all it's bugs, DLC included, in it's current state looks really tempting, but i have a really big backlog right now. Think there's a thread for backlogs somewhere on here so I might post in there later. Good luck with Cocoon and Spider Man 2 as well. I really liked the animated series from the 90s so hopefully the game will be faithful to that and then you should really enjoy it.

N.B I thought the Arkham Rocksteady games were really faithful to the Batman TAS show from that time as well. With some of the same voice actors etc. Great stuff.

"I think the best art doesn’t preach the truth, but encourages viewers to discover what truth is on their own." - Shinique Smith

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


Did anyone end up playing The Expanse game from Deck Nine? They just released the final (bonus) episode starring Avasarala herself, so I figured it's the perfect time to start it. Just finished the first episode and I thought it was a fairly solid start, even though the length of this episode was very short and I've heard the season as a whole is like that.

Not gonna lie however... I am most excited to get to that bonus episode and play as Avasarala. Easily the best character in this world and the only reason I even made it throught last three subpar seasons of the show.



@Tjuz I haven't yet mainly because I've had so much else to play, but I definitely want to. A sci-fi Life is Strange in a sense is definitely up my alley given how much I enjoy that series.

It's nice to see that they actually released the bonus episode for it given the struggles the new Telltale Games have already experienced apparently. I'll definitely get the Deluxe Edition for it to get the bonus episode when the time comes.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


I’m currently making my way through Resident Evil 7. I’ve started it several times but always end up dropping off of it. It’s the only mainline Resident Evil game I’ve not finished (apart from Code Veronica), so it would be nice to get it done. I’ve just killed Marguerite, which is usually the point where I stop playing, but I’m going to try and stick with it. I’m playing the PS5 version, but I miss playing it in VR.

@Tjuz I enjoyed The Expanse, but each episode was shorter than the last. I also wasn’t a fan of all the collectibles. It would of been nice to play through the game without worrying I was going to miss something.

[Edited by Bentleyma]


PSN: Bentleyma-


@TheBrandedSwordsman Thanks! Right near the end of Phantom Liberty now I think. Had to make some very difficult decisions that I’m still reeling from - it’s a brilliant piece of DLC and manages to elevate the entire game.

The Arkham games were fantastic as well! I also loved both of those tv shows but when it comes to Spider-Man specifically, I was an avid comic reader in that time. Something I enjoyed so much about Insomniac’s first effort was just how great of a Spider-Man story it told. Good luck with that backlog! I have a healthy one as well but keep it pretty fluid so as to avoid stressing about it.

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


Spider Man 2 - 15 hours in and 52% finished still loving it.



Back to No Mans Sky. Havnt played it in a couple years. Such great improvements. I'm really impressed. A great chill game.



@Elodin NSM has sat on my hard drive for so long that I even transferred it from my PS4 to PS5 and still haven't reopened it.

I played it around the era of the Atlas update which introduced the single player "story" but it would be completely unrecognisable to me now. Kudos for them for continuing with such strong support since the poor launch, and it's a shame that the launch is what it will still (rightly or wrongly) be remembered for.

I love the 65daysofstatic soundtrack too.



Just beat Resident Evil 7 and I fancied something more lighthearted, so I went with Kao the Kangaroo. I really like how bright and colourful it is.


If an indie game can look this good then it makes me wonder how good a Jak & Daxter remake would look!

[Edited by Bentleyma]


PSN: Bentleyma-


@Thrillho Yeah, bought day one. I enjoyed it back then, but the criticism was deserved. The fact that they kept improving and dropping free dlc for 5 years is impressive. No Mans Sky offers so much more to do now and makes it easy to group up. I'm still discovering new things to do, from pets, to vehicles, to basebuilding options, even quite the variety of new ships. The ship fighting is completely overhauled and enjoyable now. Also many more space anomalies to slow down and discover. Overalll the quality of life improvements this game makes it much easier to jump into. Maybe all this newness will fade, but so far quite impressive. Now off to hunt for a sentinel ship.



@KilloWertz Definitely understand that! Easy for something like this to get lost in the pile of games to play, especially with it being an episodic release and what not. Hopefully you'll get to it at some point sooner rather than later! Did you watch the show or read the books it's based on? It's quite upsetting how many troubles Telltale are already in again even after having just published a game. I'm just praying they actually get The Wolf Among Us 2 out at this point as I've been waiting for years!

@Bentleyma Haha, yeah, I do like the scavenging sections but there's a fair amount of FOMO happening there! I finished the second episode yesterday and it was still on par length-wise with the first for me, but I think a lot of that can be attributed to the fact I was just flying around aimlessly at times rather than actual narrative content. What major choices did you make in the first two episodes? I saved the vault instead of Rayen's leg, spaced Cox and went to bed with Maya. I do quite enjoy the characters in this game so far and Khan might just be my favourite after this second episode. Her story and the actor's delivery of it when you give her the cigar was incredibly touching.



Finishing up Remnant 2 (trophy hunting now), but I think I am going to move onto either FF3 or start Spider-man (I know, I know, but I just never got around to the first one).


@Tjuz I haven't watched or read anything from The Expanse, but my interest in sci-fi and games like it make it any easy choice at some point. How soon I get to it depends on if it goes on sale at all during the holidays and how long it takes me to finish other games before Final Fantasy VII Rebirth comes out.

Yeah, I'm hoping we still get The Wolf Among Us 2 still at some point. I didn't play the first one until years after it came out (I think a year or two ago), but I did enjoy it and would definitely play the sequel at some point.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386

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