
Topic: What PS5 Games Are You Currently Playing?

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@Tjuz I’m not a monster, so I saved Rayen’s leg and stuck Cox in a cell 😛. I did go to bed with Maya though.

[Edited by Bentleyma]


PSN: Bentleyma-


Finished Alan Wake Remastered and both dlc episodes, now play Tchia

Xbox Gamer Tag: RipperKnight


I’m currently playing Alan Wake 2. I think I’m getting closer to the end - I’m probably 70-75% complete. I’m hoping to get the platinum by the end of this week!



@KilloWertz Fair enough! I do wonder how you'd get along with the game not being exposed to any prior Expanse media. I think the main story so far is very easy to follow, so there's no issues there, but there's a lot of discussion and collectibles that talk about the lore of the universe without necessarily explaining the basics. Some of it I'm sure is fairly easy to piece together, but I'm interested by how it might affect someone's enjoyment if they don't already have knowledge of the greater lore. Let me know if and when you do eventually get to it! If you ever feel like giving the show a shot however, the first three seasons are absolutely worth it.

@Bentleyma Haha, I am a person who tends to enjoy picking the more "dramatic" choices in games, so to speak. In this case though, I think I was not a monster but justified in both scenarios! It was established that they were almost running out of supplies, they had prosthetics on board and that it was Rayen's own stupidity that got him into the situation in the first place. This way I help the crew as a whole by saving the supplies we desperately needed, have no major consequence for Rayen as he just gets to enjoy a brand new prosthetic and he gets to learn a valuable lesson about scavenging! A win-win! Though if you really think I was a monster for making the choice, you'll be glad to know I soon received karmic justice as last episode Maya died as a result of my actions. Welp. As for Cox... he deserved it. Sabakawala.



@Bentleyma I played the Kao remake last year it was alot of fun, enjoy it

Xbox Gamer Tag: RipperKnight


Baldur's Gate 3, obv. But I've been experimenting with PS game streaming, and booted up Weird West the other day (looks alright), and TLOU remastered. And with the UK weather and dark nights drawing in, I'm getting quite tempted to play TLOU properly soon 😱

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@RogerRoger I finished it in a couple of sittings. @BeyondKnight is right when he says it’s a lot of fun. It doesn’t do anything new, it’s just your run of the mill platformer, but it does the basics very well. I enjoyed my time with it.


PSN: Bentleyma-


I am currently playing Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name. It’s just me, Kiryu and 2 days off work!

[Edited by Bentleyma]


PSN: Bentleyma-


Playing Phantom Liberty dlc and loving it alot, there is so much content that it was definitely worth it

Xbox Gamer Tag: RipperKnight


Demon's Souls Remake is beaten!


A fantastic journey and very different from the other Souls games. It was the first after all

It feels good to beat another Souls game


@Zuljaras Umbasa! I forgot just how breathtakingly gorgeous that game is...



@CJD87 Yes, it is extremely beautiful! Also, it runs so damn well!

I admit that it is so easy compared to the other soulsborne games but that is because it is the first one. Also, it is confusing as hell especially the Tendency stuff! I had to look up guides and tips, just like with every other souls game I have played!


@Zuljaras Haha yeh it is a strange game in that respect, as the difficulty can be a real pendulum swing depending on your build choice.... Magic builds are absolutely cracked out in DeS, and just slice through some bosses! Also, the potential to cheese in DeS is ridiculous, and again makes for an easier ride.

I'd argue though that the Platinum trophy is one of the most obtuse processes I've ever embarked on. How in God's name could anyone get the Plat without a guide?! Even by From's standards, it is beyond cryptic... and the World Tendency is a fantastic conceptual mechanic, but execution is so remarkably poor lol

Cool game though, good to see where it all started



God of War Ragnarok 😊 Enjoying it more than i thought i would




I had about an hour last night trying to find something to play. I didn't fancy yet another open plan AAA game (sorry Spidey) and I wasn't feeling Baldur's Gate yet. I toyed with another Cyberpunk run with the DLC but couldn't bring myself to play something for the third time.

So instead I've gone for a slightly supernatural fishing game instead. As you do.



Thoroughly enjoying playing through Spider-Man 2 with my son. Gonna be a long one though, so I decided to fire up Alan Wake Remastered.

@AgentCooper Made it through episodes one and two. I’m really enjoying the narrative, quality of writing, atmosphere, structure and that kind of stuff. Gameplay wise it’s definitely showing it’s age and it’s limitations and has frustrated me on numerous occasions but it’s to be expected all things considered. Remedy certainly know how to spin a yarn and that’s what will be bringing me back. Curious to see where things go.

[Edited by Jimmer-jammer]

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


The thing I wish I'd have known when playing Dredge...
The game does not tell you that a couple of the quests are time limited - if you don't complete them within a couple of days of receiving them then you won't be able to. However, failing the quest counts as completing it if you are going for all trophies so the only thing you will miss is the reward for completing them.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”

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