
Topic: What PS5 Games Are You Currently Playing?

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@nessisonett As I say every time, I quite enjoyed the combat on FF7R on normal difficulty but in hard mode it shines. MP is extremely limited so it makes you have to use special abilities and other materia more cleverly. Plus, it really makes you use the whole party and not just Cloud with the others occasionally.



@Thrillho Tifa’s pretty powerful but I have found Cloud to just be the most useful to control so far. Barret seems to mainly be a magic user like he usually was for me in the original.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Still feels weird hearing Biggs’ voice considering it’s literally just Balthier from XII without the posh English accent.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett You have to learn to utilise every character for hard mode and also find clever materia combos as well. Using magic on characters like Barret becomes almost impossible so Aerith becomes especially crucial with her abilities to regain MP and also double magic usage.

It honestly feels like a different game.



Just finished eliminating the order in AC Valhalla and got the last goodbye ending

Xbox Gamer Tag: RipperKnight


Still playing DeS. Working on my build before diving into the game properly. Got Vit & Mag up to 50, End up to 25, now just need to level Int up to 18 before I can start acquiring the items for my Curse Weapon build. Got the DBS already, now just need the spell and a couple of health-drain mitigating items, after leveling Int up to 18 of course.

"I think the best art doesn’t preach the truth, but encourages viewers to discover what truth is on their own." - Shinique Smith

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@Th3solution @colonelkilgore @Jimmer-jammer Planning to start Lotf as a side-piece once on Friday to mitigate the wearing nature of soul farming on a mass scale, before going back to DeS properly once the farm is over. I'll be sure to let you know my impressions of Lotf if you want, once I've started it.

"I think the best art doesn’t preach the truth, but encourages viewers to discover what truth is on their own." - Shinique Smith

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@TheBrandedSwordsman I’m very curious to hear your impressions! I’ve had an eye on it for some time but haven’t seen or heard enough to take the plunge yet. The dual world mechanic sounds intriguing. I’ve got Lies of P waiting in the wings but will likely be looking for another similar game in the near future. I look forward to hearing back from you on this one.

[Edited by Jimmer-jammer]

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


@TheBrandedSwordsman Indeed, I’m interested in your thoughts on it.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Been having a grand time trucking through Spider-Man 2 with my son. Gaming comfort food of the highest quality. Narratively, things are starting to get quite interesting as the various arcs come together.

After wrapping up Alan Wake Remastered, I fired up The Talos Principle 2 and after quite a few hours, I really couldn’t be happier. It’s everything I could have imagined a sequel to be, and more. Croteam have outdone themselves here, smartly building on the first game in every way. New Jerusalem was a joy to explore and brilliantly sets the philosophical framework for the impending expedition. It’s quite funny at times as well. Cannot wait to see where it all goes, and can’t recommend this enough to anyone who enjoys puzzle games and philosophy.

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


@Jimmer-jammer It would be cool with a few more thoughts on Alan Wake now that you have beaten the game. Iam personallay quite interested in Spider-Man 2 but it feels unfortunately a little bit to expensive for me right now (so Iam focusing on ohter games in my backlog).

[Edited by oliverp]



@Jimmer-jammer That sounds great man, I hope your son is enjoying Spider Man 2 as well. I have 5 more levels of leveling up to go before I'm more or less done with my build in DeS, and Lotf has just finished downloading so I'll keep you posted on the first hours of that once I start it today or tomorrow.

Will you play Alan Wake 2? ,I hear it's said to be much better than the first game. And with an easy difficulty setting option, where, according to the description - combat will pose no challenge, even I should be able to play it, as I really suck at shooter games! 🤣

[Edited by BlAcK_Sw0rDsMaN]

"I think the best art doesn’t preach the truth, but encourages viewers to discover what truth is on their own." - Shinique Smith

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@TheBrandedSwordsman I'd be keen also to hear your thoughts on LotF....

I played through Lies of P, and loved it, but was a little concerned about buying LotF - reviews didn't seem to land to well, and player consensus seems to be a massive pendulum of people who adored it and others who hated it!



@TheBrandedSwordsman Yeah, Spider-Man 2 has been great, though its later hours have been pushing the upper limits of what I’m comfortable with our 7 year old son processing. Thankfully, he’s pretty mature for his age, has been engaging with the themes and asking good questions. It’s certainly sparked some healthy discussion at least. Hope I haven’t made a mistake.

Glad to hear you’re reaching that point in Demon’s Souls. How have you felt about the remake overall? I look forward to hearing your impressions of LotF!

I just made it inside of the mega structure in Talos Principle 2 so, in my push to finish up some games before the end of the year, I actually fired up Alan Wake II last night. So far it’s very impressive. Too early to have much of an impression beyond that. Take care!

[Edited by Jimmer-jammer]

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


@Jimmer-jammer @CJD87 I'm definitely, based on my impressions of the first area, loving it so far, I like the dual world mechanic a lot and the "other" world is certainly full of spectacular sights to behold. The game plays a lot like DkS I

"I think the best art doesn’t preach the truth, but encourages viewers to discover what truth is on their own." - Shinique Smith

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@Jimmer-jammer Well if he is mature for his age then it's less likely it will be a problem than otherwise. I'm sure you're a good parent anyway, yeah, got to get my hands on that Alan Wake II myself at some point too - it's in the backlog!

[Edited by BlAcK_Sw0rDsMaN]

"I think the best art doesn’t preach the truth, but encourages viewers to discover what truth is on their own." - Shinique Smith

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


Started FF XVI and with the demo save uploaded I got an awesome weapon

Xbox Gamer Tag: RipperKnight


Persona 5 Tactica! What a great follow up to all the Persona 5 games.

It is much harder to think about doing something than actually doing it!


As I was saying before LotF plays like a leaner, more muscular version of DkS 1, truly one of the best gaming experiences I've had in years. Have to go back to that in a bit. But back to DeS now and farming again, 4 levels of Int to go now.

"I think the best art doesn’t preach the truth, but encourages viewers to discover what truth is on their own." - Shinique Smith

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@Th3solution, thought I'd tag you with regard to the post above as I think I said I'd let you know how I was getting on with Lotf, highly recommend for any fan of Souls or Soulslike games.

"I think the best art doesn’t preach the truth, but encourages viewers to discover what truth is on their own." - Shinique Smith

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic

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