
Topic: What PS5 Games Are You Currently Playing?

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@sorteddan I think they got rid of the time limits for those thankfully. Makes sense as I’ve found three of those guys now and often haven’t come across the fish they want yet.



I am currently making my way through The Walking Dead: Destinies. It has some good ideas and killing walkers can be satisfying, but it’s so janky.

I mean look at that crouching animation!


PSN: Bentleyma-


Rift Apart is very very good. Plays so much better than the PS3 games, it’s as close as you can get to the smoothness of the original games while being insanely good looking. Playing it with VRR on the 40FPS option and I’m finding it almost as smooth as a native 60. Do have to say that the humour is diabolical though. I mean, it’s not great in the Spider-Man games either. Insomniac back in the day was like a Nickelodeon cartoon at the time, quick-witted and zany all at once. After Deadlocked/Gladiator it went into full on cringe mode. Like a 50 year old dude thinking he’s writing for Gen Z. The emotional beats hit though which is good.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Just started Final Fantasy XVI (having completed the demo months ago), and overall I’d say, as an cinematic action game, it’s been pretty solid so far(currently about 3-4 hours in, not counting the demo). The story and presentation have been great, gameplay, though a bit easy, has been good, and while I’d like more companions, the characters I’ve seen so far have been pretty decent.

One thing I do want to ask those who’ve finished it is: does the game ever open up? I’m assuming I can re-visit locations (mostly) whenever I want, but are there optional areas at all? Or areas that aren’t completely linear? Any towns/cities with supplies to get? Stuff like that.



@FullMetalWesker It does open up, both in terms of square footage of explorable area and breadth of combat. I really can’t stress enough how much of a slow burn the game is in this regard. I personally didn’t feel it really hit its stride till about 30 hours in but this of course greatly depends on an individual’s play style. Structurally, you will be returning to previously visited areas while maps slowly flower out into larger spaces. There are towns and settlements, side quests and a few other surprises but I found it best not to view this as an RPG but, as you’ve identified, a cinematic action game. Hope you enjoy. Most enjoyable gaming experience I’ve had this year.

[Edited by Jimmer-jammer]

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


Playing the FF 16 demo

Xbox Gamer Tag: RipperKnight


Yakuza Like a Dragon Gaiden The Man Who Erased His Name and Whatever Else They Felt They Had to Put in the Title of this Game so You Know What It Is.

[Edited by Thrillho]



@Thrillho So is that a Yakuza or Like A Dragon game?

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


I’m currently playing Lies of P. I think I’m halfway through? The game is so good. It might be an “all-timer” for me personally.



Playing RE Village for the first time. Just got to the Stronghold. I think it may be better than re4, which i first played when the remake released.



Non I'm playing Persona 5 tactica funny game.



I’ve decided to give FF7 Remake another go, this time the PS5 version. I played it on release before so it was a shock seeing textures actually load and Cloud’s door not look like an odd blurry mess. Remains to be seen whether that one NPC’s lip sync will be fixed yet too. I’m still a bit mixed about the combat, it’s an odd middle ground that makes me want to just play Kingdom Hearts instead. The story’s a car crash but I’m trying to ignore it this time round and focus on the positives. I’m still rolling my eyes whenever the stupid ghosts turn up.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Blasting through my NG++ run of Lies of P and it's too much damn fun. At this point it's weirdly relaxing for me to just sit down after work and play this for an hour. Just about to hit the third to last boss (if you include the "secret" one) and I'll probably have cleared all trophies by Tuesday or Wednesday.

Cannot recommend the game enough. Even to people who don't like FromSoft games, coming from someone who seriously dislikes Dark Souls and Elden Ring..

..but loves demon's souls and bloodborne, I can't tell you what I don't enjoy about Er or DS combat. I 100%'ed Elden Ring because..i don't know, but something about the game feel always put me off dark souls and I assume that's strange for someone who's played DeS up to NG+5 or 6 🤡

[Edited by Dom_31]



@Dom_31 Seriously though, how good is Lies of P right? I had low-ish expectations, expecting another 'FromSoftware knockoff' game..... which it actually turned out to be, but in the best possible way. It seems to play like a FromSoft 'greatest hits' and take elements from all of their games, whilst adding new mechanics of its own (I like mixing/matching the weapons and handles for instance).

It is no slouch either, I managed to 100% it the other week... scummed the endings so only needed 2 playthroughs. NG+ started out a breeze, and then descended into a living nightmare! Nameless Puppet didn't test me too much in NG+, but the boss before (Simon?) was horrendous!!

Really excited what the devs do next, DLC and/or sequel? Rumoured to be Wizard of Oz themed, sounds so good.

On a separate note, that is really interesting DeS is your favorite From game - as it falls as the bottom of my pile! Granted, I only played the remake on PS5, but my ranking would go:
Sekiro>Elden Ring>Bloodborne>DS3>DS>DS2>DeS
Lies of P is now absolutely my favorite 3D non-From game, with Salt&Sanctuary being my best 2D Souls-game (non-From).



@nessisonett I absolutely love the combat in FF7R. Pretty much the perfect way to have action combat in a game while also allowing for a controllable party and menu-based commands.

The fate ghosts are stupid, and I fear deeply for the plot of FF7 Rebirth, but the game was 95% all I could have wanted from a remake of the game's Midgar arc.

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition NG+ (PS4); Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition (NS)

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah


@Ralizah The combat just needs a few more actiony elements. Timed attacks maybe, to dissuade mashing square. Blocking’s sort of insanely overpowered too, the way that you can switch between attacking and blocking within a couple of frames. The more I get into the story, the more that it frustrates me that they had to go down the sequel route. That entire chapter with Jessie obviously wasn’t in the original but is great because it fleshes out characters and the city and Shinra as an actual corporation rather than shady baddies. It’s pretty much exactly what I would have wanted them to add in order to bulk up the game. Part of me wonders if they just insisted on having Sephiroth as the final boss of each part and created a convoluted way to make that happen.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Finishing up Spider-man 2 and just got the Platinum for Spider-man 2, last trophy was a pain to get but happy to finally get it

[Edited by BeyondKnight]

Xbox Gamer Tag: RipperKnight


@nessisonett It’s insane how fast the PS5 version of FF7R loads. It was one of the first games I played on my PS5 and I thought all games were going to load that fast, and unfortunately it’s not the case. It’s so quick.

I was one who liked the gameplay too, but was more lukewarm on the story.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

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