
Topic: What PS5 Games Are You Currently Playing?

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@Kidfried Those are some valid FF16 thoughts and I think you have a point. I ended up enjoying the game quite a bit, but it was mostly because of the compelling main character, decent storyline, high end production value, interesting setting, and bombastic boss fights. But the moment to moment exploration was on the tedious side, if I’m honest, and there wasn’t quite the level of excitement and discovery between major story points. Some of this had to do with over half of the side quests and supplemental stories being rote and largely unnecessary. The problem is that some of the side content was quite good though, so it was tough to know which could be skipped so I just did them all. I will say toward the end there is a large dump of side characters story arc expansions that are mostly really good but it ruins the pacing to put it all in one large heap at the end. I would have liked that content to have been better spread out through the earlier parts of the game.

The other thing that would have probably helped would be to have better and more consistent rewards for exploration and random battles. I liked being able to see the little flickering glitters of light scattered throughout the open areas that indicated a collectible, but 90% of them were worthless. Even those that appeared to be guarded by a bigger enemy were often just trash like 5 Gil or 3 sharp fangs, etc. Eventually I learned to ignore the temptation to go after every sparkly icon on the map because it was a waste of time and there were better ways to spend my time and better enemies to battle through the main stories and optional hunts.

Kudos to the game for having so many ways a person could dive into the game and spend time though. My playtime ended around 80 hrs and although I did all side quests and hunts, I didn’t even scratch the surface of the Arete Stone or those other little pillars scattered throughout the world (I forget what they’re called) that had optional combat trials. I also spent very little time in the lore, but Vivian’s map and character charts were fantastic ways to get into it.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Helldivers 2 which is just an absolute great game in terms of gameplay and fun to be had, playing with friends just makes it even more fun, hats of to the developers for this one it feels almost like a 90's game in terms that it's made by gamers for gamers and you can really feel it when playing.

Alongside this I'm playing Assassins Creed Valhalla, I've held off on playing this game for so long for 3 reasons, 1 I completed and Platinumed Oddesy in 2021 and after 150 hours felt like I needed a break from anything AC. 2 I knew this game was similar to Oddesy in size and would be a massive undertaking in time. 3 the "main stream" reviews and comments are largely negative towards this game and I constantly hear its the worst out of Origins, Oddesy and Valhalla. After around 18hours of playing it my self and finally able to form my own opinion so far so good, I can not st all honestly see what is so bad about this game, its a really good game, great combat and exploration. Story so far is ok nothing amazing but just following the rule of most viking sagas, its biggest problem is its pacing lots of slow parts before the next inevitable big encounter. Yes the map is probably too big and there's probably alot of clutter on the map but with recent updates you can turn certain things off the map(like in cyberpunk) to feel less overwhelmed. I get that the biggest bug bear for hard core AC fans would be that it's not stealthy and not really much in terms of an AC game, the Hidden ones is sort of a side line to the main quest which is the viking saga but its there if you want all that stuff. Anyway another 20 or so hours and I might start to feel a little worn out but so far so good a solid 7.5/10 of what I've experienced so far.

I started BG3 and got to the end of act 1 but basically Helldivers took over and I'm yet to return although I definitely will because I was having a great time with it



@Pizzamorg I remember my first impressions of FF7 Remake being very similar to yours. There’s almost too much spectacle and it’s like a migraine headache on display with all the flashing colors and lights. You eventually grow accustomed to the visual overload and settle into a rhythm with the combat. But I can definitely understand your sentiment of the ‘messiness’ of it all. I played on normal but apparently cranking up the difficulty makes the experience better, paradoxically. I guess it forces you to learn how to strategize and balance your materia and party member usage. But for me, I had enough trouble with some of the bosses that I suspect I would have been frustrated by playing on hard. In the end, I liked the game and it was beautiful and fun to play, but the story went a bit sideways for my taste. Still, I’ll tune in to Rebirth at some future point.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@MaulTsir Hey buddy, it’s good to hear about your latest gaming endeavors! Glad you’re enjoying Helldivers. It’s a game I’ve not got a lot of interest in, but have an appreciation for what they’ve accomplished.

I’m curious to try AC Valhalla some day. I need to play Odyssey first, but it still intimidates me with its size. I know you’re still early days with Valhalla, but do you think you still prefer Odyssey overall?

And Baldur’s Gate 3 is on my list to play as well. Interestingly, I had a dream about it last night, kind of out of the blue, and so maybe it’s a sign that I need to start it. I chose to jump into Spider-Man 2 first instead (which I’m really liking so far) but I might try a BG3 concurrent playthrough. It sounds like you’ve been trying the tactic of playing it alongside other games, and it seems like it could be done successfully. I don’t know.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution hey mate! Yeah been a bit busier is real life so haven't made it much to the forum. I'm not a big social media user and much prefer this little forum as it seems a more "calmer" place so like to try get on from time to time!

Yes Helldivers is amazing, it's crazy because it's not amazing but it is amazing if that makes any sense at all, like theres no story, mechanics are simple, game play loop is even simple but it's magic you know like tetras or something because it's just there for fun, not to bog you down with some big story or make you feel like you need to grind to get anywhere you can just turn it on and play, I would recommend it to anyone, it's not like a game you need to set a load of time aside for you can play it as much or as little as you like and that's the beauty of it! Obviously it's much better playing with people you know but I've not had any real issues finding or playing with randoms.

Valhalla is big! Not as big as Oddesy I don't think and there's a few things Valhalla actually does better than Oddesy like side quest for example are world events not and they don't force you to do them it's completely up to you if you engage with them or not, there's not hidden weapons or anything it's only xp. It's a really good strong game though, like it's basically Horizon Forbidden West but your a viking! Like everyone wanted to play as a viking and a game comes along and says here play as a viking and then everyone crys that he's not stealthy enough or a super assassin but like mate your a viking! Lol I would say I preferred Oddesy although at the moment I am only about 20% through the main story so will fully judge when I'm done, I will say the world is awesome and I prefer it to Origins. I played as Kassandra in Oddesy as it seem to fit the story better but I've played as male Eivor as this seems to fit the story better.

Yeah BG3 is a really strange one because it's my first real jump into DnD world and its honestly a really great game but I don't find my self being able to play it in long stints if that makes sense, like sometimes a fight then a long rest and some cut scenes can take over an hour an then I feel that's enough or a run through a dungeon and then levelling up all the characters takes an hour and a half and then I'm like right I need something fast paced for a bit! I never play games side by side either but BG3 obviously feel like playing a board game. That's not knocking it either because the games amazing, the story, the detail very similar to Helldivers 2 you can tell the developers love there game.

How are you getting on with Spiderman 2? I managed to grab the plat over Christmas and really enjoyed my time with it so interested to hear your thoughts mate



@Kidfried I guess I will agree to disagree on the party thing, if a game wants me to micromanage an entire party, I'd rather it just be turn based.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


@Ravix Woah! Pretty scary!

@MaulTsir I haven’t been able to make much progress yet in SM2 but it’s quite good so far. The opening section with Sandman is brilliant. It looks wonderful and feels great to play. I know it doesn’t trailblaze new ground in the genre, but so far it’s great comfort food for the desire to be a superhero and feel like an athletic BA swinging and punching. 😄

@Kidfried Yeah, the crafting supplies are just really poorly implemented. I suppose you can sell most of them for Gil since they’re often useless, but a few of them are essential for an upgrade later on, and came sometimes require large numbers of them for the upgrade, so I personally didn’t sell any supplies. It seems like I had plenty of Gil to spare also. I should have rounded all the merchants and got all the music for the Hideaway’s juke box since I think I might have had enough Gil, but I couldn’t be bothered.

As far as the NPC companions, I did find FF16 to be quite variable in how much good they did for me. They did help some, but I did a lot of the Hunts without a companion and they didn’t feel that much harder. Maybe a little bit. But I tried for a while to control Torgal with the left D-pad, but found it annoying to try to concentrate on my own attacks and also his, so I always wore the accessory that made his actions automated. They meant that often he didn’t heal me when I needed it and he would abandon an enemy and concentrate on another one that I preferred he ignore, but it was worth not having the stress of controlled and queuing up all his actions.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Finished my first playthrough of Alone in the Dark. Had a good time with it, so doing a second playthrough as Emily. I don't usually do second playthrough's, but the game went by so quickly that playing it again doesn't seem like a chore.

[Edited by Bentleyma]


PSN: Bentleyma-


Hi, y'all!

I'm looking for some recommendations. I have some free time coming up where I'd love to get into another proper game, but I'm absolutely overwhelmed by choice and incredibly limited by my pickiness. Nothing I've wishlisted or had my eye on over the last year is really jumping out at me. I think it's because I'm looking for a new, yet familiarly unique experience and have no idea where to get it.

I usually stick to my adventure, narrative-focused titles with some might say minimal gameplay, but over the last year I had much success venturing out slightly into other mechanics/genres with Hades and Midnight Suns. They felt so fresh and interesting to me exactly because I pigeonholed myself into one specific type of game for so long.

That said, story is still a very important part for me in a video game. I love engaging with strong narratives and meeting interesting characters, but I think I need to venture out into looking for a bit more than exclusively that. That's why I'm not feeling like starting yet another RPG, visual novel or adventure game right now, but I'm still craving that kick of a thrilling story.

So, in short terms, I'm asking of anyone has some recommendations for games with great narratives where the focus is still very much on the gameplay as well instead of just being a walking simulator or RPG or the like. The one caveat I would like to add is no open world games, because those I end up never finishing. A ten to twenty hour experience would be the sweet spot probably, but I'm open to shorter and longer. It can be indie or AAA on whatever console. I'll probably be able to play it somewhere!

Thanks all.



Control is pretty cool, and I think fulfils the criteria you've specified.

Or if you're ok with horror I'd recommend giving Resident Evil 7 a shot.

[Edited by sorteddan]

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@Tjuz Hey buddy! Good to see you around!
So let’s see…
A narrative focused, gameplay driven, non-open world, non-rpg, 10-20 hr experience.

Assuming you’ve done the usuals like Uncharteds, TLoU’s, God of Wars, etc.

Control and Returnal are good shouts but the stories in them are great, but quite cryptic. If you’re looking more for Hollywood blockbuster style storytelling, then these might not land. But if you want more gameplay focus with quirky storytelling then they are both fabulous.

The stories in the Resident Evil games are actually quite good too, if you don’t mind horror.

How about Guardians of the Galaxy? Very underrated, good story, fun gameplay, mostly linear. Just a traditional “Sony style” story drive 3rd person action game.

A Plague Tale 1 & 2 are really good too. The story and historical setting is quite interesting.

If you want more story and less gameplay (although a step up from a visual novel or walking sim) then Detroit Become Human is great.

Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice is also a favorite that kind of fits the criteria. Story is fairly basic but it’s a unique story. Gameplay is decent. The whole experience is just very impressive with a set of headphones.

If you want a Japanese flair, 13 Sentinels (has some visual novel type sections but gameplay battles also) or Valkyria Chronicles 1 and 4 (story is ok, gameplay is unique tactical style, addictive).

That’s what comes to mind right now. 😄

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Playing Rise Of The Ronin.

I love it.



@Voltan @sorteddan Thank you both! I haven't played any of those, so with plenty of sales happening right about now I've pulled the trigger on them and they're awaiting me installed on my PC currently. I will let you know how I get on with them once I give them a shot!

@Th3solution Good to see you around still as well! Really appreciate the detailed, thoughtful reply. I actually haven't really played all of the usuals, but at least the ones you've mentioned I can safely say I have... partly. I enjoyed the first The Last of Us back in the day, but I never got to playing the second one yet. I think at this point I'll wait for it to come to PC, though I also have to admit I didn't love the first game quite as much as everyone else. Uncharted I only played the first of, which while I know it's also supposed to be the worst, I don't think that's really my type of game. I like the cinematic nature of it, but I wasn't a fan of the very blockbustery, action-y narrative. I have considered giving The Lost Legacy a shot though since it's removed from the main narrative, so maybe that's a good way to go if I want to give them another shot? God of War I'm sad to say I started and abandoned on two separate occasions. I don't know why, I was enjoying it at the time... but I guess life just got in the way. Now it feels like I can't really go back to that again a third time, haha.

I've actually really enjoyed the Resident Evil campaigns I've seen... which have been from a distance. I've watched my favourite YouTuber play through the entirety of 4 Remake, Village and a big part of 7. I think I should give Resident Evil 2 Remake a shot myself perhaps however, so I've installed that onto my PC as well! Then as for Guardians of the Galaxy, Detroit: Become Human and Plague Tale... I've already played all of those. GotG in particular I absolutely loved. The way they handled the narrative and dialogue as far as I'm concerned should be the benchmark for any action-adventure narrative game going forward. It's sad it's going to be hard to find anything quite like it. I've been thinking maybe Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is somewhat similar?

Hellblade is a great shout! I've always been interested but never committed to giving it a shot. I'll definitely add that to the list. Enslaved, funnily enough, is another one like that from the same studio. I even bought that one as a PS3 used disc ages ago, but never actually booted it up. I still wonder if I should go back for that or if I should just go straight to Hellblade, since it seems to be their more beloved effort.

The most intrigued I am at your suggestions is 13 Sentinels surprisingly! I'd heard of that name before but never really paid it any mind. I think I just wrote it off as a JRPG and called it a day, but having looked further into it after you mentioned it I've actually become very interested. The story seems exactly like something I'd be very much into and the fact that they mix a visual novel style still with combat gameplay sounds very intriguing. I absolutely love sci-fi (side note: making my way through Babylon 5 right now and... whew!), so this seems to be up my alley. It's probably the game I'm gonna give a shot first of all the ones I've been recommended!

Thank you all! I have some more games to give a shot thanks to you.



@Tjuz I can second the "13 Sentinels" recommendation - it's a superbly crafted bit of fiction.

[Edited by LN78]



@Tjuz Glad to be of service, bud. I enjoy comparing notes, giving and receiving recommendations, and thinking back on my own travel log of gaming to remember the highlights. It’s one of the things I love about the trophy system in PSN — it’s easy to look at one’s play history at-a-glance and see what one played over the last 10 years. 😄 So it’s fun to just quickly scroll through my trophy list with the thought in mind of what games might fit your current mood.

Which is why I forgot about Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, as it’s buried pretty deep back in my list, but I have really good memories of it. If you’re still engaged in using your PS3 then it would be a quick recommendation for something to experience on that console. It’s one of many classics locked on the PS3 generation. I do feel like Enslaved is an oft underrated gem that you might enjoy. I haven’t played it since I was a lad and I have no doubt it has aged some, but if you own it already then give it a shot someday. Nevertheless, I do think my favorite of the Ninja Theory holy trinity is Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice. But Enslaved and Heavenly Sword have their fans too. I liked all three. The good thing about these NT games is that they are pretty short. I believe Hellblade can be cleared easily in under 10 hrs, which is a rarity nowadays.

Speaking of… as this prompted me to look back at my PS3 games played, another game came to mind you might consider - Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. I played it on PS3 and it now has a new PS5 remaster, it’s worth a look. The story is quaint but moving, it’s not an open world or rpg, has innovative gameplay, and it’s also not a very large time commitment (a really quick 3-4 hrs). Fair warning - the newly added co-op mode apparently makes the game actually worse, and part of the fun is actually trying to control both brothers at once.

Another one that popped up when I scrolled way, way back on the list is The Order: 1886. A very early (launch?) PS4 title, oft forgotten, much maligned, is something of a cult classic now. I know you’re looking for good stories and I think the alternate historical steampunk Knights of the Round setting is really fascinating and the characters are good. Unfortunately its poor sales and critical reception killed the franchise and so the story is unfinished and so that may dissuade you. But again, quite short (7-8 hrs), linear, story-focused, third person shooter style, which can probably be found dirt-cheap. It ticks most of your boxes and I personally really enjoyed it.

As far as the Sony stable of Naughty Dog and Santa Monica games, I’m surprised they didn’t click with you better, but there’s definitely a large emphasis on the ‘big cinematic blockbuster’ presentation, so it can be off-putting for some. If you didn’t like TLoU much, then the sequel probably won’t redeem the franchise, although it’s quite a shift from the first game in the story department. The gameplay is undeniably better, though similar. Interestingly, I have a replay of the Uncharted series on my ‘To Do’ list, so I’ll let you know how I feel about it after experiencing it through new eyes after several years. I already recently replayed UC1 and enjoyed it, but my nostalgia has UC2 as my favorite and I wonder if it will hold up to my lofty fond memories of it. If the setting and characters didn’t interest you in the first, then yeah, your only hope is to see if Lost Legacy works for you since it’s not about Nathan Drake, Elena, and Sully. But the Indiana Jones style cinematic setting is still present.

Regarding Jedi Survivor, I don’t think the game will work for your current state of preferences. It’s really nothing like GotG, except for being space/science fantasy based thematically. Jedi Survivor revolves around large open world maps and Souls-like combat. I think I sank 70-80 hrs into it. The story is entertaining if you like Star Wars lore, but the gameplay and open world exploration is definitely the focus, so I suspect it might be one of those that you struggle to finish (just a hunch). The first game, Jedi Fallen Order, is actually shorter and a little more focused, and many people (including myself) feel like the story is a better too. And the setup is less open-worldy and more 3D Metroidvania-ish. Not to mention the Jedi Survivor story does really rely on having played the first game. If you have played Fallen Order and liked it and want a bigger more open version, then ignore my advice and jump in. I assumed you hadn’t played Fallen Order but maybe you have. 😅

Lastly, a confession on 13 Sentinels. I actually haven’t finished it. 😂 It’s one of those games that I somehow go distracted from and for no real reason didn’t get back to. I really need to rectify that. And you’re right — it ticks all your boxes — story focused in a very unique way, mixing in some occasional combat (which is RTS based, so fair warning), futuristic Sci-Fi setting, not open world, not an rpg. The only issue is the runtime is closer to 40 hrs so take that into consideration. I think I have about 15-20 hrs invested into it. But I’ll say that I’ve never played a game like it and it sounds like you want something fresh, interesting, and different and 13 Sentinels is absolutely all of that. I’m very curious to hear how you get along with it, if and when! It’s actually motivating me to perhaps get back on it and finish it. 😄 (and even more so from @LN78 strong endorsement)

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


I finished DD2 a couple of days back. I got Spiderman 1 last night in the sale, the combat is so good on hard, after that It's between finishing Armoured Core 6, Aliens:DD, DS1 Remaster or Demon Souls.



@mkr Don't sleep on DS1 Remastered or Demon's Souls. My two cents.

[Edited by BlAcK_Sw0rDsMaN]

"I think the best art doesn’t preach the truth, but encourages viewers to discover what truth is on their own." - Shinique Smith

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@Black_Swordsman I got the PS5 for Demon Souls, been playing since DS1 came out on PC. I'm about halfway through Demon Souls, I got a bit burned out because I did another playthrough of Elden Ring, then Ghost just before. Did you check out Armoured Core? A lot of people said it wasn't anything like a souls game, but in terms of combat and difficulty, in definitely is. It's a tough game, that's for sure.

I had a quick go on DS1 last night and i got to say, the combat in that felt better to me than in Dragons Dogma 2, even that basic DS1 style combat...

[Edited by mkr]


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