
Topic: What PS5 Games Are You Currently Playing?

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@Jimmer-jammer Did you play the original Dead Space on PS3? Just curious how the game lands with people who have played the original vs those who haven’t. Since I never played the original (at least not past a few minutes just to try it out briefly) I don’t have the nostalgia effect. Unlike RE4, which I did try to play the remaster and fell off of, the DS Remake seems to have not changed or updated the gameplay or controls much so I wonder how “modern” it feels for a newcomer to the series.

And I can relate to your feelings on the Yuffie DLC. She’s quite fun to play as and I did really enjoy Intermission. When are you going for Rebirth?

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I did play the original, one of my favourites from that era. I’m only a few hours into it but there have already been some noticeable changes: Isaac is voiced now, some events play out differently, rewritten dialogue, added side missions…sounds like a lot but the developers have done a remarkable job thus far of modernizing yet retaining the core experience. It’s a blast from the past without feeling totally archaic. Graphically, it’s incredibly impressive to boot. For me, it’s up there with Resident Evil 4 Remake as a shining example of what a remake should look like.

Edit: Not sure when I’ll get to Rebirth but I’m very much looking forward to it. I’m one of the few not completely enamoured with VII’s plot so I have no nostalgic force driving me to jump on it. I’ve put all of my eggs in Rise of the Ronin’s basket. Also, Unicorn Overlord has crept up like a dark horse on me. I loved the demo.

[Edited by Jimmer-jammer]

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


@Bentleyma good to hear 😁 that makes it really sound like one destined for my back catalogue of "must plays". I did have a wee eye on Banishers, but the way I play I'm constantly behind new releases, so unless it is an absolute definite day one like Elden Ring, Baldur's Gate 3 etc I have to just try and remember which games are coming out that sound worth a play at some point. I feel like it could be quite a nice cult game that goes under the radar but is deserving of a bit more attention than it's had so far.

Is the world, environment and lore proving good for that immersion, so far? If that's good, then a game around the 7/8 Mark can certainly be enjoyed to it's fullest and punch above its weight 😃

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


Now, I've not exactly fallen off Sea of Stars, but I've definitely decided I must focus most of my play time on The Outer Worlds. Every time I play it I am fully immersed, and it has so many side quests to do in all kinds of ways, and is just so much fun. My last two big play sessions on it I've only slightly advanced the main story, but in a good way.

For what people mostly say is a very short game (crazy people), I'm probably a good 40 hours in, and still exploring Monarch, and my quest log has been packed full of side quests worth doing. I've been playing both sides, and cleared everything up to devil's peak before even thinking about going there, and right after I finally did that, I went to do even more side quests on the way to Cascadia, and beyond, and I'm not even thinking of going off planet to update the main 2 quest givers on my progress, yet. And there's planets to visit on the way back too, to clear some more requests 😁

I think my favourite sequence so far is sneaking into Cascadia from the south side, heavily overencumbered, and getting to a locked gate that I then had to find a way to get beyond without alerting the marauders (found a ladder and a place I could parkour over) then heading across a bridge, fighting through a bunch of beasties and getting to the landing pad to call my ship down. All for RP reasons, as I knew I had a quest in the area that would require my ship being called, and I wanted to be able to fly off and sell my goods, so I got to take my ship to Stellar Bay to sell thousands of bits of weapons, armour and loot before heading back to the quest, and at some point next time i'll probably wipe out all the marauders 😁

The Boarst factory was a nice little sequence too, with a limited disguise hologram, but a desire to explore the whole factory and solve a certain problem in multiple ways for skill XP without getting caught, before then also solving it in a murdery way, because the dude was a real cystipig psycho 🐖💪🦵🍴

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix Obviously not to take anything away from your playthrough of The Outer Worlds, but I wish I was able to immersed in it when I played it on Xbox back when it first came out. I'm not sure why it didn't full click with me like expected, but it wasn't like I didn't enjoy it either. I do remember it being a technical mess, where you could walk through a door, have a long loading screen, only to have to walk through another door 30 seconds later and wait all over again. That probably didn't help.

I would have probably tried to give it a second chance if the PS5 version wasn't so horrible at release, especially since I never played the DLC for the game either.

[Edited by KilloWertz]

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@KilloWertz PS5 version seems to be all good now. I don't think I've had a single actual bug or major performance issue. There's some texture loading sometimes, but it is an open world RPG with hundreds of items, so thats always the case tbh. Load screens are maybe 3 or 4 seconds so barely a thing.

One thing I did right away was set the Field of View to 95/100 because the standard seemed way too tight an angle, and I did mess around with my settings to disable the PS5 auto HDR setting, or something like that (can't really remember what I did) but something wasn't feeling right, initially.

The best thing is the approach to missions, player freedom and the satire overload, so it's definitely worth another go. I think one of the DLC's is supposed to be pretty good too, but it does have a level requirement. I kind of wish it was as short a game as people said, because I don't know whether I dare start a DLC mid story as I'm already procrastinating in the world so much as it is. I might have to "remove" a couple of the faction leaders to speed up my playthrough 😂😂😂

I think some of those reasons you mentioned are why it is sometimes good to miss out on games at release though, especially slightly smaller budget games with as big a scope as AAAAAAA games

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix That's good to know since it was such a mess at launch, and it being on the PS5 would help remedy one of my biggest issues then. It'd still be poor design to have so many loading screens, but since they'd be short, it would make it more enjoyable.

Other than an Assassin's Creed game where it's such a large game with so many missions it's hard to keep track, I don't think I've ever started DLC until after I've finished the main game.

There's been so much coming out that I'm not sure when I'd ever get around to it (Rebirth is up next finally), but thanks for letting me know that the PS5 version isn't worse than the previous gen version anymore. Maybe someday.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@Ravix Yeah the world is pretty well realised. You can talk to every character you meet and they all have several dialogue choices that update to reflect your progress. There's also lots of journals and documents to read. Just don't go into it expecting an open world RPG full of side quests.


It's very similar to God of War. There's a fairly large interconnected map with areas that you can come back to for collectables, but mostly the game requires you to keep moving forward. What side quests you'll find are called "Haunting Cases". They're pretty interesting and remind me of the type of quests you'd find in The Witcher 3.

@KilloWertz I envy you about to start Rebirth. I absolutely loved it. Probably in my top 5 favourite games.

[Edited by Bentleyma]


PSN: Bentleyma-


Finished Lies of P and I needed more souls-like action so I'm starting Lord of the fallen today.



@Qu1n0n3z That sounds like an excellent choice for a follow-up game. I have only played through the first area of LotF so far but I loved what I've played of the game, I am endeavouring to return to it after clearing some more of my backlog. Be great to hear about some of your adventures in the game. Will you go for the plat?

"I think the best art doesn’t preach the truth, but encourages viewers to discover what truth is on their own." - Shinique Smith

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


Got the urge to play Iki Island in Ghost of Tsushima. Feels like the kind of DLC that can be played post-main-story, and actually lure me back in to the world.

I could not remember any of the buttons when i first loaded up so the first fight was a mess, but I think I worked it out by the end of it. And the little scene to start it had way more character investment than I thought it would, so I'm going to get on that properly later on 😁

Hoping there's some nice duels included (something I hope they double down and expand on for GoTII)

Anyone know the size of Iki in terms of how much there is to do etc?

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Black_Swordsman So far so good BUT I'm scared as sh*t, the environment is spooky as hell for me and I'm always nervous and tbh I'm not sure if I'm gonna make it through the end but I'll do my best since I need to put my 100% on it and play during the day not night lol



I've been playing Gran Turismo 7, WRC 9 and Tetris Connected this evening on the PlayStation Portal which is quite nice I gotta say. My PlayStation was gathering dust for a long time but the portal has that pick up and play factor so I'll likely play more now.



@Ravix I completed that game via Xbox Gamepass last year. It was my GoTY 2023. Enjoy it!

Titles currently going through on PS5
Marvel's Spiderman Remastered
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade



@Bentleyma I never got a notification about your post, so this is only a week late... Glad to see that you loved Rebirth as much as you did. I'm only roughly 10 hours in so far (still on Chapter 2), but I'm highly enjoying it so far. Given how much I loved Remake, I fully expect to love Rebirth quite a bit too.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


After wrapping up Persona 3 Reload, I've now started playing The Last of Us: Part II. I can't express how happy I am to be playing a different game after 1.5 months of playing the same title. I played it for two hours straight and had no idea that much time had passed, that's how much I was craving a different game lol. It's really fun and I'm liking the story so far. I'm glad that I recently watched the first season of the show before playing the second game as the story so far is fresher in my mind now. Looking forward to playing more soon.



@Qu1n0n3z Sorry for the delayed response. To me it seems like a more streamlined, muscular version of Dark Souls, how do you feel about that? Lol, yeah, just play during the day if that's the kinda atmosphere it has in general. Anyway, please feel free to keep me updated about your activities in the game, spoiler-tagging all the parts that you think you shouldn't give away of course!

"I think the best art doesn’t preach the truth, but encourages viewers to discover what truth is on their own." - Shinique Smith

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


I am temporarily halting my playthrough of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth to play Jak & Daxter: The Lost Frontier. Dunno what to make of it, on the one hand it's nice to be playing a new (to me) Jak game, but it's lacking the magic that made the trilogy so great. I think the main offender is that it's no longer a seamless open world, which I get considering it was made primarily for the PSP, but it's still massively disappointing.


PSN: Bentleyma-


In kind of a weird position as I finished Banishers yesterday and Dragons Dogman and Rise of the Ronin I believe are both this weekend, two games that I absolutely expect to take over my life, so I sorta don't know what to fill the space with in between. I forgot I had the FF7 remake downloaded to my console from Plus, and I appreciate it is probably stupid to pick that up now as I'll get absolutely nowhere between now and the weekend, but it is just something to do.

I finished basically the opening tutorial part up until the Red Scorpion fight. Really mixed first impressions, it looks absolutely incredible even on performance mode (and man am I glad it includes one) but outside of the visuals, that battle through the reactor could have been a PS3 game from a design perspective. Just lots of small, narrow, corridors and the same handful of enemies.

I am also not usually a massive fan of these hybrid battle systems, and even with just two characters to control it already felt kind of messy. Especially as seemingly when you aren't controlling someone directly they only use their square attack, they won't heal or use any abilities. As such, I am already dreading it a little the idea of having to constantly cycle through four people, making sure they are using their abilities and are kept healed up. It is so weird to me so many JRPGs design their games like this, as I feel like we already solved these problems in the 90s with CRPGs that allowed you to set instructions for your party members when you weren't actively controlling them.

The Red Scorpion fight didn't help, I don't think. While it was visually spectacular, it was also just pure sensory overload too. If the boss had mechanics, or stages, I was not able to intuit what they were from the information the game was giving me. Sometimes it would go on the wall, or sometimes a part of it would become highlighted but it was so unrelentingly spamming attacks without a moments pause, so I was never able to take a moment, get my bearings and work out what I was meant to be doing or what the game was trying to tell me.

I beat it first time, but just by doing a lot of brute forcing and ability dumping, going through about 15 potions in one fight. It all looked very spectacular, but it was hiding the fact that I was a headless chicken with no clue what they were doing. 😂

Life to the living, death to the dead.

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