
Topic: Which game are you hyped for this year?

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For me, it's the new Suicide Squad game. The trailer was extremely hilarious and had me laughing so hard.

"Dwight You Ignorant Slut!"

PSN: VivianXD2464


Not so much for this year left... but honestly I feel spoilt already with Elden Ring!

My most hyped game/expansion, for remainder 2022, is probably Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak - which is released this month.

Otherwise I'm so pumped for 2023 - Resi 4 remake and BOTW 2 (hopefully) before summer. Both then followed by FFXVI, can't wait!



Probably forgetting loads but,

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder's Revenge
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Cowabunga Collection
God of War Ragnarok
Saints Row
Gotham Knights

I'm sure plenty will be added to this over the next couple of weeks.

I'm expecting Goldeneye very soon.

@VivianXD2464 Suicide Squad got delayed to next year.

Edited on by SoulChimera



My answer to this previously was Forspoken, but recent trailers and the large delay have me concerned.

Of course GoW Ragnarok will be exciting. Not sure if I’ll jump on it day 1 but will likely play it sooner rather than later. I have no doubt it will be fantastic.

Edit: Forgot Gotham Knights which looks good, but I need to see more.

And the game that came out of nowhere and is now possibly a day 1 purchase is Hogwarts Legacy. Trailer looked great and it’s moved up the list from “thinking about it” to “I really want to play that!”

Of course whether any of those 4 will come out this calendar year is up for speculation.

Edited on by Th3solution

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Hogwarts legacy and God of war Ragnarok (if they release this year). I'm not a fan of Harry Potter at all, but the game seems to have everything i love in games, so i'll definitely gonna get that day 1. God of War is also as good as certain going to be a banger (even though i still need to play the first one yet), i am almost surely getting that day 1 as well.

There are a few other maybe games. Saints Row i absolutely loved the absurdness of the humor in part 3 and 4, but im afraid they dumbed it down to much and it will be to much like GTA again, which isnt my favorite franchise. Forspoken, Gotham Knights and Gollume are maybes as well, waiting for reviews on those ones.

PSNid: Lavalera


God of War:Ragnarok definitely. I do no buy games day 1 I haven't for a very very long time, usually because my backlog is so big and I have enough to keep me busy it seems pointless to buy games full price when I'll normally get to them a year or 2 later when they are £10 or so but this I will get day 1 and will play straight away because God Of War was my favourite game of the last gen consoles. Yes I said it my favourite game of the last generation sue me lol.

I'm looking forward to Forspoken but you never know with Sqaure Enix they do have a tenancy to muck games up. (I'm not talking about FFVII remake either I'm a fan of that game)

Hogwarts Legacy is one I'll be keeping an eye on although I feel it will be pushed to 2023 or late 22 release

The others like Gotham Knights and Suicide Sqaud I'll get to them eventually.

Still haven't played Elden Ring yet so I guess I'm looking forward to this(still technically a new 22 release for me)



Kao the Kangaroo PS5



@RogerRoger I doubt it will come to playstation. The biggest chances will be on Xbox and Switch.Xbox is almost certain with all the leaks and switch is also probably high because of licensing rights. Haven't seen any rumors of it also coming to playstation so prolly not going to happen

PSNid: Lavalera


@RogerRoger @Lavalera Yeah, I’m 100% certain it won’t. I would guess Xbox (probably an updated version of the unreleased 360 remake) with the N64 version being added to Switch online.



@MaulTsir yeah GoW: Ragnarok for me too… the recent rumour of its delay until 2023 is like a chaos blade to the heart. I was pretty sure it’d release by the start of October and have planned my schedule so that it (will/would’ve)/(be/been) my 100th platinum.

If it is actually delayed, I have no idea what to slot in for the century 😔

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore How about Platinum #100 — My Name is Mayo 3? 😆

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.

Playing Rise again after a long break has reminded me much fun the game was.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


@Ralizah I concur!

Really hyped for this, and I have been meaning to boot up the baseline game in coming weeks to just re-familiarise myself with all the mechanics and gameplay.

It was my first MH game ever, and I recall I was pretty terrible to begin with.... quite overwhelming for newcomers, albeit I understand that Rise is deemed to be the most accessible entry in recent years.

Hopefully I'll remember how I eventually 'got gud'!

Is there anything specific you're doing to prepare for Sunbreak? And considering I've not played since Valstrax, are there any additional meta armors and/or weapons to consider farming?



@CJD87 I took a year off from Rise, but it only took a few missions to get back into the groove.

I actually stopped playing before the last update dropped (I'm the sort of person who plays a game, and then moves on from it completely when I'm done, so those weeks where there was basically no new content killed my interest in the content updates that dropped later on), so I'm working my way up to HR100 and Crimson Glow Valstrax now. Once I've hit that goal, I'll officially be ready for Sunbreak, although I'll probably still do a hunt here or there to keep myself invested until the end of the month.

I haven't heard anything about new gear, but they have supported the game with a ton of event quests. Were the Apex Emergency monsters in the game when you quit? They're basically superpowered Apex monsters. I got a sense for how much more powerful they were when I first killed an Apex Arzuros, found the quest to be a little on the easy side, proceeded to take on the Emergency variant thinking it wouldn't be that much harder and discovered that, even wearing maxed out endgame armor, he'd frequently oneshot me if I wasn't buffing my defense with passive items, using potions like armorskin, and finding all of the health spiribirds to buff my HP. It felt like I was fighting a late-game G-rank monster with only high rank gear (since G-rank equipment won't be available in this title until Sunbreak releases, of course).

MH4U on 3DS was actually my first entry in the series. It was the main team's primary game before they got busy developing World for the power consoles. The game featured a lot of new elements that were built on in this title, though, like much more aerial-based gameplay with more vertical maps, a mounting mechanic, insect glaives, and so on. The game also retained a lot of the planning/sim elements of the older titles, though. Item preparation and resource collecting were more of a focus. You had to actually hunt around the map for the monster and hit it with a paintball in order to track it. Using items brought your character to a complete standstill. There were no wirebugs or friendly dog mounts to save your butt when you were in a bad situation. At the time it was 100% the most accessible entry to date, but compared to Rise, it's positively unforgiving.

Also, I believe MH4U was one of the last games that didn't scale monster difficulty to the number of players, so solo'ing G-rank guild quests usually ended up being a race against the clock, since the game expected you to tackle them with a full crew.

There are elements I miss in the older games. Rise feels less like a hunting game and more like an arcade action game with a complex crafting system, frankly. All the same, though, I'm not sure I really want to go back to scouring maps for monsters, not having fast mounts to tear through environments with, not being able to go full Spider-Man when fighting against tough monsters, etc.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


@Ralizah Thanks for the thorough response, it is genuinely really interesting for me to hear a veteran (!) opinion on Rise - especially considering you seem very well versed with the series.

As a newcomer to MH, I suppose I am quite fortunate in that I don't know what I'm missing out on (vs other entries) and can appreciate this as an insular experience.

I agree 100% Rise has a very 'arcade'-esque feel, but this doesn't necessarily bother me. I seem to gravitate back-and-forth between large sweeping open-world games + smaller pick-up-and-play titles. For me, MH: Rise is an ideal P-U-A-P game.... and I love that I can sink in hours at a time or just smash a quick hunt or 2.

Yes I played a few of the event quests, but I must admit I found Valstrax to be the hardest hunt/challenge of them all! It honestly took me about 50ish tries to solo him...! And then followed about another 30 hunts to farm all the items I needed for his armor.

I play GS, and love the switch skill for Rage Slash... and the Valstrax armor really lends itself to this playstyle!

Let me know if you ever play online, and want any backup ha!!



@colonelkilgore yeah seeing the rumours circulate last night about a delay is definitely a bit gut wrenching but in all honesty I think i kind of always expected it to be delayed to at least 2023, and as disappointed as I would be I always prefer games to be released when they are ready, I'm not really one to throw my doll out the pram because of a delay because there is always something else to play in the mean time.

When ever it comes it will be Epic that's for sure.



@Th3solution but would I have missed any essential narrative points or necessary skill-checks by having not played My Name is Mayo and My Name is Mayo 2? 😉

@MaulTsir yeah I totally agree about not wanting a rushed release… was just hoping it’d release this year and in a complete state tbh. More disappointed that it probably won’t be my 100th plat now if I’m being totally honest… not that it really means anything in the greater scheme of things.

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore yeah I would of been a great one to have as your 100th!! Mabye if its delayed to can fit enough plats in to make it your 200th 🤣



@MaulTsir fair play that made me chuckle! 😂

After much soul-searching I’ve come up with a substitute for my 100th plat should the rumoured delay be genuine. While it’s definitely nowhere near the gaming experience that I’m confident that GoW: Ragnarok will be… and probably ‘still’ buggier than GoW: Ragnarok if it had actually released back in 2021 😉… GTA3 will always hold a very special place in my heart, so I reckoned that it would make for a decent replacement.

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!


If anyone's hyped for Last of Us Remake, it comes out September 2.


Edited on by Milktastrophe


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