
Topic: Which game are you hyped for this year?

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@colonelkilgore It appears your 100th platinum schedule is still solid. Not only was the Ragnarok delay debunked, but now we have the PS5 version of TLoU coming which could make a nice fill-in for that slot. 😃

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution yeah I'm still hopeful for Ragnarok if I'm honest. I've booked the first two weeks of October off from work on a hunch, so we shall see.

The Last of Us-wise... I'll play it (& undoubtedly enjoy it) at some point... but I'm not in any rush. Certainly won't play it in 2022.

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!


@CJD87 Oh, I'm nowhere near experienced enough with the series to be a vet.

The inherent grindiness and PUAP quality of Monster Hunter is why I'll probably never want to play these games on home consoles. I'll play Rise on the TV occasionally if I'm close to it anyway, but I can't imagine playing one of these games and not being able to take the game with me. For better or worse, they're ideal handheld titles.

I'll keep you updated on how tough I find Valstrax to be.

What was your opinion of the true final boss fight with Ibushi/Allmother Narwa?

I've switched to Long Sword since I started the game again, but I played 90% of the game with a Hunting Horn, which enjoyed dramatic improvements in this entry versus older ones, where it was much more of a support weapon. Now it's a hammer that buffs and heals your party!

Have we added eachother as friends on NSO? I'll definitely be online more with Sunbreak coming out.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


You would think it would be God of War: Ragnarok, but I'm one of the few people in the world that didn't adore the previous game. So, with that said, probably either Gotham Knights or The Last of Us Part 1.

I know plenty of people aren't too thrilled with the announcement, but I am since a full remake would have been pointless. This brings the best of both worlds, as in the great story and characters of the first game with the much improved gameplay of the second. I was one of the few people in the world that didn't think the first one was the greatest thing ever at the time either, as I thought the gameplay was a shortcoming. Now with that no longer being an issue, this will likely end up being for me what everybody else thought the first game was back on the PS3, and I couldn't be more thrilled to soon be on the same level as everybody else.

We honestly haven't seen a ton of Gotham Knights gameplay yet, but obviously the game has plenty of potential, and I'm all for another really good comic book game coming off the really good Guardians of the Galaxy from last year (yes, I know this is DC and that's Marvel, but still).

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


well calisto protocol just shot up a few pegs on my radar



The Devolver Digital stream is absolutely amazing, lol



Stweet Fightah 6



@Voltan Yeah, why isn't the devolver event being streamed on PushSquare or any of the sister sites? The Plucky Squire is a better reveal than anything in the SGF Live stream.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


@Ralizah Yup. The other games looked great too - unfortunately Anger Foot seems to be PC only and I'm not sure about Skate Story (edit: also just PC, I think).
Cult Of The Lamb looked great too but we already knew that.

Edited on by Voltan



Having never played the original TLOU, I'll probably wind up buying the remake... but I can appreciate this announcement is probably more of a 'fizzle' for those who played the orignal/remaster.

I think Game Fest would have hit much harder if it hadn't followed such an awesome State-of-Play!

S-o-P announcing/showing RE4, Street Fighter, Callisto & FFXVI was an incredible show.... I'm not sure how Game Fest could really have competed! I'm more excited for the Capcom showcase now, especially if they have some surprises up their sleeve (#DragonsDogma2 ha!)



@Ralizah OK well modesty aside, you have far more 'veteran' credentials with this series that I do... by far! I very nearly gave up in the early stages, just due to the sheer volume of mechanics etc (Thank God for fextralife...!)

I had mixed feelings on Ibushi/Allmother.... I thought it was an excellent 'spectacle' fight, and definitely a challenge. But it didn't 'feel' like Monster Hunter Rise, if you get where I'm coming from? It was a cool fight, but felt a little like it was been imported in from a different game!

In contrast, I fell in love with the Valstrax hunt/fight... irrespective of dying 30+ times before I could solo him. Valstrax felt really souls-esque in all the best ways, with him having a number of tells that leave a really narrow reaction window for the player.

But I agree 100% on your comments regarding handheld application. On occasion I'd rig up to my monitor or TV if convenient. But I would guess 90% of my 200hrs were handheld.

What did you think of Ibushi fight? Also which of the newly introduced monsters did you rate highly? Goss Harag continues to be a standout for me... especially as I had to farm the hell out of him early doors for my starter GS build ha!

My brother uses Hunting Horn mainly, but like you coincidentally switched to LS.

I'm ambitiously hoping to finish Nioh in next week or so, then jumping back into Rise.

I don't think I have you in my friends list - add me? I am SW-6657-2171-6029

Be good to hunt!



@Ralizah Oh wow, that looks cool. The storybook art is very Chicory style and I wasn’t expecting the flip to 3D which then gave me Pupeteer vibes.

Will definitely keep an eye on that one.



@CJD87 I’ll be curious to see if the TLoU remake offers much new to those of us who played it. I consider the original game to be a masterpiece when it was released. The type of game they just sits in your headspace for a long while afterward. But I have not gone back to try to play it again, even the PS4 remaster. With a lot of my older favorites I feel like keeping them pure in my memory. TLoU’s story, characters, and themes are what really stuck with me rather than the gameplay. Although most of the complaints people have about the gameplay are probably overstated. It’s definitely more for those who like stealth action though, so just be aware. The sequel does indeed have more interesting gameplay elements and is better suited for the modern gamer’s tastes as far as flow of combat. Apparently the remake is going to get the gameplay more in line with TLoU2, so perhaps it will have a better chance of resonating with the modern style of play. Personally I don’t think there was anything wrong with the original game though.

Have you played any of the Uncharteds? Naughty Dog are experts on the storytelling part and showcasing a well crafted world and characters. If you’re ever in the mood for something a little more toward a shorter story driven (but also a fun romp akin to a big budget movie) you should try out some of the ND classics.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I must admit that TLOU remake seems quite a strange allocation of resources, time, money investment etc courtesy of Naughty Dog. I can only assume that Sony/ND have large ambitions to coincide this with the HBO-show, and would expect that combination to be a huge revenue driver?

(I will always consider Demon's Souls as one of the most 'deserved' remakes, and this seemed like an entirely justified and deserved project.)

I'll probably buy TLOU Remake, but only because I haven't yet played the original/remaster. However, I can really see this project through the eyes of the huge fanbase who have played the remaster in recent years... and I suppose it must just seem so.. uncessecary?! Also slightly embarrassing for the industry that this remake was the headliner/final act at Game Fest.

I'm not wanting to sh*t on this game, as I'm sure it will be 'objectively' pretty great... but I would just love to see more original IPs and less remakes/sequels/expansions etc. The games that have stayed with me the most in recent years have been Hades, Returnal and Elden Ring. Whilst I appreciate that all of these have their influences, especially Elden Ring essentially being open world-Souls, they all felt 'fresh and new' in their own way.

No I have actually not played the Uncharteds! But I see the legacy collection on PS5 is currently on sale at Amazon. Would it be worth entering at U4? Or would I need to start from the beginning?



Not that it was my most hyped game… but I certainly like the look of it. Sadly it looks like Granblue Fantasy Relink has been delayed again… into 2023.

**** DLC!


@CJD87 Yes, I think your thoughts are in line with my own - in that TLoU PS5 remake feels unnecessary to me. Nevertheless, we haven’t seen much of it yet and there’s a chance it will blow us all away. Perhaps there’s enough to pull me back in. But I think you are probably a good target audience for the remake since you’ve not played the series yet. I just don’t know how many people are out there who would be newcomers. Perhaps there’s millions more like you.

But definitely pick it up when you feel the time and price are right. To me, it was riveting. I should say that the recommendation comes with the caveat that you don’t mind post-apocalyptic zombie style settings. The backdrop of the well-worn zombie-esque themes is actually not the star of the show, but rather the character development and the human story behind it.

As far as the Uncharted series, I have the opinion that you would be well served to start with the first game and play them in order. The narrative threads that link the games aren’t absolutely critical and I know that a lot of people jumped in at Uncharted 4, but the first 3 games do help to create a little better picture of the characters involved, which like I say is one of the best aspects of the games. Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy are probably ‘funner’ to play in most people’s opinions, since the cover shooting and traversal at the core of the gameplay does evolve over time. However, in addition to the story and characters, the platforming, puzzle elements, and collectible gathering are really enjoyable. I replayed the first game a few months ago and am gradually working my way through them again and I still quite enjoyed Drake’s Fortune. They games aren’t very long either. Each of the first three is around 10-12 hours or so. You can probably find the PS4 remasters of the first 3, The Nathan Drake Collection, for a really cheap price and was actually given away on PS+. I’ve seen the preowned disc at shops for less than $10. These remasters look nice and play at 60fps.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution Thanks for the concerted response - genuinely appreciated mate.

Your depiction of the background/setting for the TLOU's narrative beats sounds really intriguing, and very much something I'd enjoy. In a similar vein, one of my favorite TV shows of all time is 'The Leftovers' - which examines the world/society after 2% of the global population mysteriously vanish into thin air one random day (never to return). This show then chooses to focus on the ramifications of such an event within a small town, instead of putting the event itself under the microscope. It is a really excellent narrative, with tight focus on specific individuals and families - examining how they cope with the inexplicable loss of loved ones. Damon Lindelof was the showrunner I believe, and the first season is based on a popular novel. Seasons 2 and 3 also hold up... I'd highly recommend!

So yeah, your description of TLOU matches nicely with that - focus moreso on the 'human' element within the Zombie apocalypse backdrop. I think I'll definitely go for the remake, considering never played the original.

You've sold me on the Uncharted collection (PS4 remasters) - just ordered from amazon for about 10 £GBP! Currently tackling Nioh 1 (50 hours deep), so I'll be ready for a few short games after as a pallete cleanser. Honestly, I wish more games were 10-15hrs in length!!

Thanks again man



@CJD87 You're so right about "The Leftovers" - it's an absolute masterpiece.



@LN78 one of the rare examples in TV where the show actually gets even better once the source material dries up…..

As I understand it, season 1 is basically in line with the original book/novel. Then seasons 2 and 3 were totally ‘original’ and IMO even stronger!

Carrie Coon is phenomenal, and the side-plot with the cult (Guilty Revenants?) is something I could actually envisage in real life!

With Leftovers and Watchmen under his belt, Damon Lindelof is back on top



@CJD87 Yeah the first season is basically the book with a few superficial changes (Kevin Garvey is the mayor in the novel for example) so I was surprised when I read it was going to continue. Very glad it did, though - it had a few moments that genuinely touched on the profound. I didn't like the "Watchmen" series at all (one episode excepted) but I think that's largely down to the comic series being one of my favourite things that I've read ever since I first picked it up in the early 90's. Every attempt to embellish, adapt or expand upon it has fallen completely flat in my opinion.


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