@Th3solution It's well worth £15. I don't know any of the players lol. The gameplay is really adjustable. So there are 4 types of hitting, fielding and pitching - you can choose which you are more comfortable with.
I won't venture online so will run the road to the show and franchise modes over the next 2 weeks. The commentary repeats a lot so far which is the only negative.
Forum Best Game of All Time Awards
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
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@Frigate I didn’t really have a lot of interest in the NBA this year, but I do find it surprising how Kawhi has become basically the best player in the league. Props to him and Toronto. I guess Popovich over in San Antonio blew that one by letting him go. Maybe he’s losing his touch.
Since the Raptors won the championship, I expect Leonard will stay; just a guess. And I expect KD will leave Golden State and go sit somewhere for a year healing his Achilles, probably New York. Thompson will probably stay in GS though, would be my guess.
As far as the future, I doubt Toronto becomes a dynasty or anything, even if Kawhi stays. It was a perfect storm of events to get them the championship this year. Not saying they don’t deserve it, but a lot of dominos fell their way.
Predictions for the Super Bowl? NFL season has now started so it would be an interesting time to predict before we really see where this is headed.
My predictions — Kansas City vs. Seattle, with KC taking it all.
Just a wild guess, based on nothing but uninformed gut instinct.
Prediction #2 - Tom Brady finally retires. What is he, like 45? Good grief.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@Th3solution I'm going to wild guess Saints vs Cleveland in Super Bowl. Saints win. However, maybe just maybe my Packers defense can carry the team all the way.
@Elodin Wow, the city of Cleveland would have a collective aneurysm if that happened. What a story that would be. I’ve heard they are going to be a lot better this year.
Packers defense appeared to show up big last night, based on the score anyways.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@Frigate yeah, I hear the Jets are going to have a really improved team.
Hope springs eternal in the pre-season, but Super Bowl 3 was a looong time ago.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
I went to see the Phillies at the Mets last night. Good fun! The Yanks certainly know how to make the game into an event. It’s amazing how every sport other than football (soccer) can manage to have fans sitting together too..
I think I even got the wife to enjoy the experience too!
@playstation1995 did u see where the ncaa voted that players will be able to profit off their names and likeness? Do u think we could get a new ncaa football game from this? I really hope so.
@ellsworth004 EA can't do NCAA game. They had to give it up a few years ago because they it was ruled that they held a monopoly on American Football ball video games, due to their exclusive deal with the NFL. It was either give up the NFL deal or NCAA.
Now if 2K could make a NCAA Football game like the NFL 2K series I would be all over that. However after seeing how bad WWE 2K20 came out.......
@Genrou remember that espn nfl game back in the day? Did that go on to become nfl 2k or was it a completely different thing? I had that game on dreamcast and loved it. I would live to see someone do a ncaa football games and concentrate on single player, but that will never happen.
@ellsworth004 Yeah 2K became ESPN 2K5 which by many is regarded as the best football game ever. In fact that that game was the reason EA signed an exclusive deal with the NFL as it out sold Madden 05 by a huge margin.
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