
Topic: Help me choose my next home console

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I was thinking of getting a ps4 or a ps3 I have the vita a 3ds,Wii,ps2,and n64 and I am moving away from Nintendo for awhile.




PS3 is nice cause it has a huge library right now plus it's cheaper then a PS4. PS4 is nice it all depending on what games you are looking for. Most of the PS3'S best games have remasters on the PS4 so there's that to consider.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


I go with the older consoles due to price and more games that are out




Well personally I would go with the PS4 because of the games that are coming out as much as the fact it has a growing back catalogue too. If you want to ensure you have a console with a more long term 'shelf life' of new games, releases etc, then the PS4 is the obvious choice. Most of the big exclusive franchises have games on the PS4 now and in October, you can get the complete Uncharted story so far on PS4. If you are interested in PS3 games, a lot are available via PS Now too so you not only have access to all the new games but a lot of the old ones as well.

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@andrew20: I would buy a ps4. Seriously the games are great, the controller is ace and you can get hyped for the upcoming games.

Ps3 has had its day, and you can buy loads of ps3 games in hd.

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I got my ps2 in 2010,the Wii in 2013,and the n64 in 2014.




If price is your consern, you can wait till the holiday season, they usually have good deals for a PS4 then.

I can speak from experience, I didn't own a PS3, but I have a PS4 but because all of the big name games that I wanted to play on the PS3, The Last of Us, Journey, Uncharted series, Tomb Raider GTA V etc. have come out or will come out for PS4 I don't feel the need to have a PS3.

But in the end it's up to you of course you could get the PS3 now and just trade it in for a PS4 later when games stop coming out for it.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


Just looking at your posts in this thread I'd say go with the PS3, it can be brought cheap and has a ton of great games that are also cheap.

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andrew20 wrote:

I got my ps2 in 2010,the Wii in 2013,and the n64 in 2014.

Well it seems you should be considering the SNES or Megadrive this year and its too soon to buy a PS3

In all seriousness - either console (PS3 or PS4) is going to be a good buy. Both have great games and similar features. I personally favour the PS4 - in fact my PS3 hasn't been switched on since I bought gen 8 consoles even though I still have a backlog to get through. The new 'next gen' games though have a lot more appeal - not just visually but in some cases even in terms of performance. Open world games feel more dynamic and alive with no loading. Its amazing to think that better lighting and even things like water effects make such a difference to the way a world feels. Its not just the increase in resolution but these little changes make the older games seem 'flat' and 'lifeless'. That's not to say that the games on PS3 cannot deliver a fantastic experience with some incredible story's but the extra power of new gen consoles do bring a bit more vibrancy and depth to the visual experience too. Not only that, owning a PS4 will give you access to all the new experiences as they become available, a chance to play the current games that are defining the genres and be relevant and supported for a lot longer than a PS3 will give you. As the PS3 is cheaper and If you have the funds to buy a PS4, I would still say get the PS4. It's a lot easier to save for a PS3 at a later date if you still want one...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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PSN: TaimeDowne


On the ps4 is it best to get the 500gb or wait for the 1tb one.




@andrew20: The 500gb model is good for 10-15 AAA games but it can be upgraded to a 2tb hard-drive. The 1tb model obviously doubles the storage and I assume can also be upgraded too. It depends on whether you like to keep you games installed or happy to delete and re-install...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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PSN: TaimeDowne


andrew20 wrote:

On the ps4 is it best to get the 500gb or wait for the 1tb one.

If you don't plan on upgrading the HD yourself I would for sure wait. 500 GB's is nothing this gen...

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@Splat: I do not plan on upgrading the hard drive I do not even know how to do that also can you use USB whatever you call its on the ps4




@andrew20: replacing the HD is a case of sliding the cover off and putting in a new one basically. You cannot (at the moment at least) use an external hard drive yet but I do believe you can do back-ups. To be honest, I only use mine for gaming and the only USB I ever plug into it is the controller charger cable- although I use my laptop for that more often.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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PSN: TaimeDowne


I think you should get a PS3. It's cheaper, and has a fantastic libary of games, a lot of which are super cheap. The PS4 will get a better model with more storage later too. I'd also recommend starting with games released earlier in the PS3's life-span progressing like that to an extent, so you can see games advance as play all the great ones.



PS3 because you know it can play PSX, and PS2 with no problems. Otherwise if the PS4 could run PS3 games I would get that. PS4 is also too expensive and unless there are "MarioKart" and "Smashbrothers" type games on it. There is no point. I mean you could play football and basketball but that is no brainier.

If it was PS4 vs ( whatever Microsoft have ) I would get the PS4.

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@RegalSin: I thought only the the first PS3 could play PSX & PS2 games?? I though the later models didn't have any form of backwards compatibility...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne

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