
Topic: PS Plus Question

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Hi y’all,

I’m completely new here.
I have both a PS3 Slim and a standard size PS4.
I was wondering if I got a PS Plus subscription today, would both my PS3 and PS4 games be backed up? Or just the PS4 ones? FWIW, the PS4 is registered as my main console.



@antdickens. No, this is not what I’m asking. What I want to know is if, for exemple, my PS3 dies and I get a new one, will my games data still be available. Or, if I login on another PS3 at a friends’, will I still have my data available for my games. Or does this feature only concerns the PS4?

Is that clear?

[Edited by Kidon]



@antdickens Hopefully someone can and will answer. I hope backups work for both consoles, otherwise I’m not gonna bother with subscribing.

Thank you anyhow for your input.

[Edited by Kidon]



@antdickens @Kidon your game saves will be backed up but as for your actual games well they are linked to your PS account BUT if your PS3/PS4 died you would have to redownload the entire game to your new system but it wont cost anything more

of course IF the game has been pulled from digital stores say like TMNT Turtles in Time Reshelled was pulled from PSN & XBL (licensing issues) then it will be gone for good, you wont be able to download it again

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Yes, I mean the saved data. The game advancement. I have the games on dvd or digitally.
All I care is my hard earned data, etc...

So the answer is yes, right?


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