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Only just noticed the spelling mistake in the title of this thread lol.

I may have unwittingly already started one of the games for next month in Nobody Saves the World. Knowing my usual pace I get through games, I will most likely still be playing it next month.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


colonelkilgore wrote:

CaptD wrote:

@Bundersvessel (if that is your real name. )
My votes for March are Outer Worlds or Nobody Saves The World.

PS. Is your avatar that bloke from Aha?

Nah thatā€™s the man who sold the world surely šŸ˜‰

šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤Œ



@JohnnyShoulder Haha I was wondering how long it would take someone to spot it. No prizes unfortunately, recession init.



Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@CaptD Are you changing your vote from earlier in the month then?



@Bundersvessel I forgot all about my previous vote, ignore today's comment then...I will stick with Inscryption.



@Bundersvessel @JohnnyShoulder Wow, nearly the whole month went by and I hadnā€™t noticed that. šŸ¤Æ

Now I want to play this Stea of Sars game though. There havenā€™t been enough games about severe acute respiratory syndromes.

ā€œWe cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.ā€


A very Good Morning to one and all, I hope you are all enjoying life the only way you know how. I don't think anyone played Sea of Stars last month but what are you going to do? From what I've heard it is one to definitely keep in mind for the future. Alas time stops for no one and here we are with our game for March, which is Inscryption. This one feels like it has been in contention since the beginning so feels nice for it to finally to be chosen, and by some margin too. Find some details below and most of all enjoy yourselves.


As always, play the game on your platform of choice and in your own time. Please be wary of spoilers and use tags where appropriate.

As with last month Iā€™ll ask for your suggestions and votes for April right off the bat, and in turn might give more of you chance to log in and make a contribution. Votes were on the lean side last month but seemed to work relatively well regardless.

These are the titles suggested previously for your convenience.

Eiyuden Chronicle Rising
Life is Strange True Colors
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Spider-Man: Miles Morales


One love šŸ‘

@Pizzamorg @Mr_B021 @QualityGeezer @KilloWertz @Th3solution @Ryne-Gaia @crimsontadpoles @RogerRoger @Hallowmoonshadow @R1spam @CaptD @Th3solution @ralphdibny @LobsterJohnson @SillyBoyJudas @kidfried @Fight_Teza_Fight



@Bundersvessel Don't shout dude.
Thanks for your effort despite the poor participation last month, I get the feeling that there are too many games to play and some new/upcoming releases have pushed people to play other stuff before the sequels/dlc arrive.
Anyway I will be playing Inscryption
Next month my vote goes to Tinykin which I've already played, great little game, not too long, not too short, just right. Easy platinum as well if that is your bag.



@Bundersvessel The only game on the list that I had plans to play is Life is Strange: True Colors, so Iā€™ll vote for that.
Brothers is a great game though and with the remake just releasing, itā€™s a good one to consider for those that havenā€™t played it. The PS4 version is still on PS Extra, for those that donā€™t want to buy the remake.

ā€œWe cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.ā€


As for the game at hand, I have started Inscryption today and have played for about an hour or two.

First impressions areā€¦ improving. The first 30 minutes is kind of weird, and to be honest, itā€™s getting a little weirder šŸ˜…, but I think I at least am getting the hang of things. The card game is fairly tough to digest at first, but after a few rounds Iā€™m beginning to feel like I understand some of the strategy.

Overall, itā€™s a breath of fresh air after the action rpg epics Iā€™ve been playing a lot lately.

ā€œWe cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.ā€


I urge anybody that starts Inscryption but it doesn't click with them to stick with it. You will not regret it.
@Th3solution Oh, it gets a whole lot wierder.

Edit: Also try to stay away from guides and walkthroughs, as you want to go in blind as much as possible.

[Edited by JohnnyShoulder]

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@CaptD Haha right you are. It does seem we were up against it last month, although I wonder if there is a way to drive more engagement? Regardless I will persevere even in those lean months. Thank you also for your continued engagement friend šŸ‘



Appreciate the input, thanks John šŸ‘

All votes added, by the way.



@Bundersvessel I played inscryption on PC the year it came out so I won't be jumping in for this one. It's a cracking game for gameclub though! I hope everyone who is playing enjoys it and looking forward to reading folks thoughts on this one. One that's definitely going to need the spoiler tags!

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82


@JohnnyShoulder Yeah, I was already tempted to look up what the heck that puzzle is in the locked cabinet - the one where you can slide tiles up and down. It looks like a mini version of the card game with a 0/5 score on the left of each of the two panelsā€¦ but I really donā€™t get how to solve it. Nevertheless, I resisted the temptation to do so.
I also was already feeling an urge to look up strategies for the card game, since I have already feel like I made some poor choices on which cards to upgrade and what skills to focus on for building my deck. But after a few more rounds I began to formulate my own approach that seems to be keeping me somewhat competitive, so I really donā€™t need help now.

I love Stoat. Iā€™d never heard of a stoat before, to be honest. Iā€™ll admit that I did look up the word to see if it was just a made up animal, since it seems to serve as a central tutor/navigator for the game. Sure enough, itā€™s a weasel type of species. But Stoat is pretty funny, and it does appear that more of the cards are going to be talking to me and maybe giving some guidance when Iā€™m stuck, so Iā€™ll trust the game to help me when I need it. But Iā€™m not sure how much of Stoatā€™s advice is actually good advice or just humor, because I see him as a pretty powerful early card since he costs only 1 blood and so Iā€™ve been upgrading him and he keeps being snarky to me and telling me that I shouldnā€™t use him. šŸ˜… But I think itā€™s meta-humor maybe because he gets sacrificed most of the time eventually.

I could be wrong, but it does appear that thereā€™s not a true ā€˜game overā€™ scenario where one the player loses progress. I could be wrong about that though. I feel comfortable that I can experiment around and not worry about winning every card game or solving every puzzle because I feel like the game is designed for you to lose matches and do a lot of the other interactions through trial-and-error as part of the experience. Is that correct?

(Iā€™m probably being too liberal with my spoiler tagging, but I donā€™t want to ruin anything for people coming in blind)

ā€œWe cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.ā€


Inscryption got voted?

Now I can finally play it AND bust out the gifs of the only other card related property I know!


Inscryption clearly was inspired by Yu-Gi-Oh alongside Magic The Gathering but that doesn't have a memeable anime so... prepare yourselves

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@HallowMoonshadow You were minutes away from getting a tag from me encouraging you to jump on board! šŸ˜„

I have some early impressions above, most are spoiler taggedā€¦ šŸ˜…, but after getting through the opening 1-2 hrs you can freely read them. Iā€™m not very far along.

The only thing Iā€™ll add is that I do think the game can be played alongside another bigger and more traditional game, like Persona 3 or whatever, because it is so different and thereā€™s not a muscle memory to really take into account (although the controls are a little weird and take some getting used to). Itā€™s mainly an issue of getting your brain in the right headspace for the card game and remembering what the rules of the game are. But it does seem to give you good prompts to quickly reacquaint yourself to certain aspects of the card game, even though tutorial for the overall game is all but vacant. Itā€™s part of the vibe, I think, to just throw you into the fray and figure a lot of it on your own. But I am having trouble with learning and remembering iconography. Thereā€™s very simple mechanics to look up what the symbols on the cards mean, but Iā€™m unclear about the board.

But if youā€™ve got a history with Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic then youā€™re a step ahead of me! šŸ˜„
I played Slay the Spire foe a few hours and have played various card mini-games in RPGs, but am by no means an expert.

I actually came close to buying a copy of Marvelā€™s Midnight Suns for $15 this weekend when I was at the store buying Crisis Core FF7 Reunion. It was a price I figured was probably a low point but I didnā€™t know how I was going to get along with card games since Slay the Spire didnā€™t quite keep my interest. So far so good with Inscryption though ā€” I have to work today and itā€™s all I can think about and canā€™t wait to get home to start playing again.

ā€œWe cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.ā€


Th3solution wrote:

I have some early impressions above, most are spoiler taggedā€¦ šŸ˜…, but after getting through the opening 1-2 hrs you can freely read them. Iā€™m not very far along.

Yeah I took a look and well what you seem to be saying is...


Kidding! I wouldn't say that all as you seem to be doing very well so far Sol. It was just the only Yu-Gi-Oh reaction I could get relating to deck building. I'm sorry!

Th3solution wrote:

But if youā€™ve got a history with Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic then youā€™re a step ahead of me! šŸ˜„

Yeah. Yu-Gi-Oh was a BIG deal when it came out. I am a teacher after all (and was back then too). I had to deal with so many problems involving the cards back in the day on the playground.

Plus both my son & daughter got into the card game, having to get them decks and boosters and they loved show too so... I was exposed to it a LOT. And It rubbed off on me too.

Magic not so much though due to it being aimed more for teens/adults but I am familiar enough.

Th3solution wrote:

So far so good with Inscryption though ā€” I have to work today and itā€™s all I can think about and canā€™t wait to get home to start playing again.

That's a very good sign! I've seen some of Slay the Spire and obviously it and Inscryption are VERY different in terms of... Well just about everything really.

Inscryption oozes atmosphere though for the teensy bit I played when I bought it. Really looking forward to dive in properly tonight!

[Edited by HallowMoonshadow]

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"

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