

Posts 521 to 540 of 825


Inscryption isn't incredibly long from what I know. Only about 8~10 hours @Th3solution I think so it's not that huge of an investment to pry myself away from P3R next month.

Not that I feel like playing anything at the moment thanks to this throat infection I came down with over the weekend. Feels like hot glass has been raked across the inside of my throat.

Had to call in sick for work even. Can't really teach if you can't speak and cough your lungs up every few minutes.

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@HallowMoonshadow Oh, yikes - another Push Square-ite with an illness! Get some needed rest and recovery!

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Voltan Ah nay bother, understandable. Glad to have you around though friend 👍

@Th3solution Thank you kindly. I seem to be over the worst of it (I think) really took the wind out of my sails. Unfortunately I haven’t had the opportunity to capitalise on it as far as gaming goes as parents still gotta parent 🤷

@HallowMoonshadow Thank you very much, and likewise I wish you a speedy recovery, sounds very similar to what I’ve just been through.

All votes added too 👍

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


Oh forum lords, any chance of a little bump this month, akin to the PXBGC articles? @antdickens @liamcroft be wonderful to drive some more engagement. Thanks anyway

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


I've had a game called Sea of Solitude installed for donkeys, I almost started playing it until I double checked the title of this thread 😂. Maybe I should have and started giving what appeared to be totally random and unrelated commentary on Sea of Stars lol

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


@ralphdibny You most definitely should have friend would have added some spice to proceedings. Sea of Solitude is brilliant by the way, say what you will of EA, there’s some wee gems to be found in their catalogue.

[Edited by AgentCooper]

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


Not usually a fan of JRPG's but having played the first hour of SoS, I am quietly impressed. Still not a guarantee I will finish it but the visuals look really slick.



Unfortunately I haven't started Sea of Stars, managed to get side tracked by being loaned a game and having to reschedule things around it.



@AgentCooper Sorry dude, not got any further into it. Life has just got in the way, hopefully get some time this weekend.



Doesn’t look like I’ll get to Sea of Stars by end of month. It sounds like a great little game, but I’ve been distracted by the real world, like others have been.

Still curious to read anyone’s impressions of the game, if they have any.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@AgentCooper I'm struggling this month and likely March too, lots of real life things going on too. I've also ended up playing Yakuza 7 like a dragon and loving it, though it's not exactly small. I'm going to try and get round to it later in the month but there's just not enough time in the day!!

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82


Sorry for not posting in a while. Got busy with other things. I tried to catch up and finished/platinumed Artful Escape. What a musical and visual experience that was! I did not want to rush Requiem, so I plan to give that some more time later this year. I downloaded Sea of Stars to check it out. I don't think I'm going to finish it, as Hell Divers 2 is seriously eating into my game time, but I'll try to post some thoughts before we move on to the next game. If only there were 28 hours in a day...


PSN: Mr_B021


@R1spam @Mr_B021 No worries gang, just seems like one of those months, they can’t all be winners especially with stiff competition from new releases

Take care 👍

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


One more week to get your votes in gang 👍

It is currently very clear cut, which is nice.

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


@Bundersvessel (if that is your real name. )
My votes for March are Outer Worlds or Nobody Saves The World.

PS. Is your avatar that bloke from Aha?

[Edited by CaptD]



CaptD wrote:

@Bundersvessel (if that is your real name. )
My votes for March are Outer Worlds or Nobody Saves The World.

PS. Is your avatar that bloke from Aha?

Nah that’s the man who sold the world surely 😉

**** DLC!

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