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@sorteddan Haha! I don’t know, am I in the minority here? I’m not sure how I’ve gone through life and never encountered a reference to a stoat. I guess it’s like when I meet someone who’s never seen a Star Wars movie, or who’s never had a Pierogi, or who doesn’t know what continent Guyana is on. We all have our cultural and information blind spots, I suppose. But I’ll remember it now with that catchy memory hook from your gran! 😄

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


If my PS5’s timekeeper is to be believed, I’m 21 hours along now…

Which surprises me. The game keeps going and going 😅. The fun hasn’t dropped off for me yet. Looks like I’m going to blow away the howlongtobeat time though. I’m a slow gamer, but I didn’t realize I was that slow!

A few comments about this late stage of the game —

I’ve beaten 3 of the bosses in this 3rd act. I’m currently at a 4th part of the map involving a tower.

I’ve enjoyed how the game has had the same basic card game as the core gameplay mechanic, and yet it has gradually evolved with all the new rules and formula tweaks. I’m finding enjoyment in strategizing with my deck build and how I play the cards. Act 3’s Souls-lite mechanic of the risk of losing currency has increased the intensity versus Act 2.

The room puzzles have been quite a bit more difficult. They’re my least favorite part of the game. I like the escape room vibe though.

I can see how this game was probably more impactful on PC. Especially this third act where the meta narrative involves the game pulling out files from your hard drive and stuff like that.

And the live-action videos have been great. The main character does a decent job acting. The girl that shows up at his house from the video game developer however… her performance was abysmal. 😂

A bunch of random thoughts there, but just wanted to share. I’m really starting to think I might like card deck builder games. Kinda wished I had picked up that copy of Midnight Suns I saw at the store last week.

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Played it for the first couple of hours and… It doesn’t quite click yet. Reading your comments makes me want to stick with it just a bit longer. Let’s see how far we get.


PSN: Mr_B021


@Mr_B021 (Edit: On review of my comments, I decided to spoiler tag this, but there’s no story spoilers, and mainly just giving a little advice and information that may help you decide if you have it in you to stick with it, so feel free to click on it but I was trying to be sensitive to a passerby who wants to go in as blind as possible) —

As rogue-likes go, there’s definitely some frustration in the early hours and a steep learning curve. It can feel wearisome to have to go back to repeat sections after losing a battle. I can now see the wisdom in the structure though, because knowing the card game, the sigils, and the general flow of the card system is the basis for the whole game, despite many, many new and quirky things that come along the way. Those early hours are what get you to formulate your personal strategy style and learning what things work and what things don’t. Also, the different ways to power up are key to understanding in order to make your deck stronger. I flubbed several opportunities early on with how I approached the card enhancement spaces.

The other things like the puzzles around you in the room are not as critical, actually and if you enjoy delving into secrets and puzzles like that then you’ll be rewarded with enhancements or cards but only a couple of the activities around the room end up being essential for progress, but a couple of them do help. So if those are putting you off then don’t worry too much about it.

Like many rogue-likes, you’ll eventually get to points that act as firm new reset points where you won’t have to go all the way back to the beginning again, so know that there is an end in sight for you to shoot for where you’ll feel real progress. The latter two thirds of the game aren’t as repetitive in nature.

The talking cards sometimes give you clues about strategies that might work or items that might be hidden in the room. They’ll probably not be prompted to give you hints right away until you’ve died a few times to the same opponent. (Sometimes the cards are just talking nonsense or are there to give comedic relief) My first roadblock was the Angler and once I was given the clue by a talking card, it became easier and overcame big obstacle and then afterwards I made more consistent progress and started to really enjoy it even more.

All this being said, if the actual card game and deck building doesn’t click with you, it may not get better. There’s great variety and creativity to what they’ve done here, but you do need to be able to play the card game. It evolves, but it remains central to the gameplay in various forms. So just fair warning.

As I said above, I have no love or prior attachment for deck building card games. But I may have found a new genre that I like. I like chess and board games, and this scratches that itch.

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution Thanks, that helped a lot. 🙏🏼 I’ll keep at it, at least for this month to see how far I get. A card game normally wouldn’t be my first choice, but more than once I’ve been pleasantly surprised by a Game Club pick.


PSN: Mr_B021


Just had another run, beat the angler for the first time and made it as far as the trapper but that's as far as I got. Just made a fantastic deathcard (I think) if I ever get to use it! Starting to understand the purpose of some sigils and recognise some map symbols which makes planning a route somewhat possible. Do feel like I'm mostly stumbling along ignorantly though.

I have picked up a jar of goo to add to the rooms decorations and it's now my favourite thing!
Will try again tomorrow.

Yes indeed. Just made me remember how much I loved Mayall and Edmondson and how many times they've brought a smile and a laugh to my days. Thanks.

[Edited by sorteddan]

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


Had another bash this afternoon. It's very reminiscent of the way I approached Slay the Spire back when in that I don't really want to play for extended periods but am happy to have one run everyday, hope the RNG goes are favourable and see how far I can get.

Anyway, today I managed to beat the Prospector, Angler and Trapper then proceeded to a spooky cabin and defeated Leshy first time around. Got a couple of trophies in there so happy with that.

Hooray - here's something new, a bunch of video clips to watch - kinda gave me a Blair Witchy vibe when he was wandering and digging in the woods. Then disappointingly put me back to the beginning!

Then the awesome jar of goo gave me a hint regarding the card picture at the back of the room... I was vaguely aware it had been changing between runs but previously paid no attention to it. Now making notes on a scrap of paper and have a vague notion as to what may be behind it.

Looking forward to continuing tomorrow.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan Oh wow, it sounds like you’re getting a slightly different outcome than I did.

I didn’t interact with the canister of goo. So I never really did much with that card picture. Interesting.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”



But why would you not immediately want to interact with the jar of goo? You and I must have very different instincts and priorities.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan 😂 I don’t know…
Didn’t the description pop-up and say something like “Useless bottle of goo. It appears to serve no purpose” or something like that? I wanted to use my backpack for items I could actually use in the card game!

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Th3solution wrote:

…I’m really starting to think I might like card deck builder games. Kinda wished I had picked up that copy of Midnight Suns I saw at the store last week.

I wished it into existence in PS+ Extra. I better go buy a lottery ticket asap!

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


As a friendly notice (I think I’ve mentioned this before) if you receive email notifications for this thread, be wary of spoilers when opening as spoiler tags don’t work seem to work in email.

One love 👍


@Th3solution .... Snap, Inscryption was my gateway drug to Deck games also.

I jumped straight into 'Slay The Spire' - which is probably the best of the best, utterly addictive/compelling with so much replay value.

I'm currently on Balatro, which is like crack for me as I'm a Texas Hold'Em player IRL.

(Midnight Suns in backlog, which I constantly hear praise for but not started)



@CJD87 I tried Slay the Spire a year or two ago (pretty sure it was due to it being the game-of-the-month for Game Club, iirc), and just didn’t stick with it. I only made it through the opening boss/section and was having a decent enough time with it, but something pulled me away. I think the difference with Inscryption that’s kept me engaged is the extra content going on outside of the card game and the meta-narrative with all its shenanigans. I don’t remember Slay the Spire having much of a storyline or supplemental content outside of the card game. Seems there was a loose storyline but not much.

It’s why I think I’ll gel with Midnight Suns. The team building aspects and character side stories seem like will serve to keep me captivated, although it’s been oft reported that those story aspects are the worst part of the game.

I’m unlikely to have much gaming time for the next several days, so I’m unsure when I’ll get to complete Inscryption. I reckon I’m only a few hours away, but it’s hard to tell

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Well today's run was mainly a bust, only made it as far as the angler this time.

But I did manage to pick up the Stunted Wolf talking card and camera film roll with a little help from a magic eye so some slight progress regardless.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


If it's still in the air I would like to vote for Marvels Midnight Suns for next month as many of us will be getting it via PS+ extra and it's been on my wishlist for a while. Might be a bit much having two consecutive deck builder months but I think they'll be different enough. Would Also be nice to discuss a game where not everything would need to have a spoiler tag, could be interesting to hear the team line-up various people were going with etc.

Also not entirely sure if I get to vote as I don't consider myself a game club member... I'm more game club adjacent. I have that Groucho thing with clubs.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan Don't be daft, of course you get to vote and said vote has been added friend. If you would like to be officially sworn in, it's not the end of the world, you'll still be cool 👍

Your pint of blood should be sent by medical courier please...


@sorteddan Ha ha I thought you were already in da club.
I'm up for Midnight Suns, hopefully I fare better than with Inscryption which I haven't even started yet, unfortunately I started Outer Worlds and there are so many missable trophies that I want to finish the game before I forget where I am in the giant flowchart of game progress.



I tend to just do one run of Inscryption a day so it's only around a half hour or so... Still dropping in NfS for collectables and 3-stars but aside from that aren't really playing anything major atm. Looking forward to Midnight Suns, am already strategizing which characters I want to team up - even though I can't remember all of the ones in it!

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”

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