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And that’s a wrap. Inscryption credits rolled.

So, it turns out that I was a lot nearer to the end than I realized. Final time ended up around 22 hrs.

What a crazy game this is. In a good way.

I was a little underwhelmed by the final boss, as far as difficulty, but I enjoyed the whole schtick of taking over your computer and digging into your database and pulling out prior played games and deleting files.

As I mentioned, I can definitely see how this was more impactful on PC, as I never felt any legitimate fear that the game was actually affecting my PS5’s files. In fact, I do wonder if the cards that it pulled out were actually from the games in my database, and if so is it looking at my save files or at my trophy list? I’d be curious to hear from other people what cards PO3 made for them in that final boss fight. For me there was an Assassin’s Creed Ezio card and a card with Raven from Gravity Rush 2, and then several that I couldn’t quite make out. One I think was either Astrobot or Clank.

That section gave me Psycho Mantis vibes from MGS1 with the reading your memory card trick.

Also, I wonder about the part for PO3’s second phase where you make a card that is then sent online to another player and if that player wins then you win — is that real? The fact you sit there waiting makes it feel legit, but it could all be smoke and mirrors. I’ll have to search online now that I’m done and don’t have to worry about spoilers.

I did think the ending was great overall though, and for as cheesy as some of the video footage was, that final murder scene was really well shot.

Anyways, big win for Game Club and was a joy to play and experience. Lots of interesting and creative design choices with this game.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Huge congrats @Th3solution - your persistence has been a shining beacon for us all. Well for me anyhow 👍

After a couple of days getting trashed by the angler, today's adventures..

Stumbled into a winning combination with including some decent deathcards in my deck and a squirrel statue that let me pick a card from the deck every time I used one and a couple of sacrifices so I always started with 2 free bones. Bested Leshy, took his picture and awoke in old school Zelda type world. Is that act 1 done? Am guessing so. Will have an proper explore of this new section either later on or tomorrow.

Oh yeah I also managed to open the card picture at the back of the cabin so I now know what you get for doing so. Didn't have too much opportunity to use it though and an guessing it doesn't carry along to the new bit.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan Thanks, buddy! Inscryption has been a really nice breath of fresh air. I was worried I was babbling too much about it in this thread so I’m glad it was a positive inspiration.

I tempted to replay it and mop up all the secrets. After looking at guides online I see a lot of things I missed. Some of the secrets are very cryptic but quite clever. There’s some hidden things that I’m not sure how one is supposed to be able to find on their own. 😄

Yes, if you’ve reached the 2D world, you’re in Act 2 now. This is where an understanding of the fundamentals of the card game are important because you start to see quite a bit of new cards and approaches to the card game. At first I didn’t like having to adjust styles, but you’ll get used to it and probably will gravitate to one of the base styles. What did you think of the video footage?

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”



I didn't get any more vids this time, so you mean the ones you get first time you beat Leshy with the card pack openings and exploring the woods? If so, yeah I quite enjoyed the unexpected nature of them popping up. As I mentioned in another post the woods part for some reason reminded me of the Blair Witch films. I did then get that guy doing some commentary when I re-encountered bosses in the card game, nothing major just things like "on no, not this boss again" which kind of gets you thinking am I playing this or am I playing the guy who is playing this?
Glad I went into the game with no knowledge of what was to come, as most reviews suggested was best to do.

And as to babbling too much... Yeah me too but I think that was the point of the game club and if no one else is playing or talking about it then I'll just continue to blab about it on my own.

[Edited by sorteddan]

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan Yes, definitely a good Game Club game to babble about, but the spoilers do make it hard 😄
So, interestingly I only had to beat Leshy once, and I went straight to the 2D part after that. I think you had to go back and redo the cabin run again because you hadn’t yet done something critical to proceeding. Maybe the eyeball sacrifice and getting the mechanical eye? I think you said you did that part afterward and so I guess that’s essential to be able to proceed to Act 2. Some of the cabin stuff was unessential, like I never got the card picture puzzle like you did.

Be sure to leave more updates as to what you encounter and how you get along with the upcoming sections.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Paging @HallowMoonshadow … 😄
Just wondering how you’re getting along with the game. Had a chance to play any further?

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Well I can no longer continue with my plan to just try one run each day...

As the structure of the second act is no longer roguelike so a run no longer has meaning.

I quite like the fact that you only have to beat each of the characters once and then they're done. I also like the old school video game puzzle type parts.

I don't like the fact that I now have to shape my own deck from the cards available, hoping that the auto-complete function is semi capable of sorting it for me!

So I've beaten the three in the starting area and the scribe of beasts, have been wiped a few times in the crypt and now, with the bridge complete am attempting to triumph in the wizardy tower.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan I do think that

You might have to delve into creating your deck with the cards you want. I tried the auto-complete for a while but it seemed to still put too many useless cards in there for my taste. I found limiting the deck served helpful since it can make a big difference if your draw gets you a card you can actually use versus something that doesn’t help or is so overpowered you can’t afford the cost to play it.

At first it’s not likely to be a problem, but as you get further along the 2D world, you’ll probably need to adjust your deck.

You’re making nice progress though! Very nice!

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Well surprisingly I just seen to have bungled through most of that section... This morning I completed the magician tower, went back and beat the crypt last then vanquished all the robots on the first try! Either my subconscious understands the game better than I do or the RNG gods are really smiling on me today. Now woken up in some 3D robot part that I'll get back to later.

Have to admit I did resort to an internet search to solve a puzzle in the wizard tower involving some hidden sigils, and pretty glad I did because I'm not sure I'd have found any/all of them without it.

Got to see some more video clips along the way which I'm quite enjoying the story of that.

About 10 hours in according to my PS5.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


...and credits rolled on Inscryption this evening, have to say that the ending was suitably weird for what was a suitably weird game! I can honestly say I've never played a game like it!

Had a bit of trouble with the painter in robotworld but none of the other bosses in that area really posed a problem.

Not entirely sure I fully understood the meta-narrative going on but enjoyed it nonetheless. Felt the douchey Youtuber dude was really believable and well cast.

Glad I had the opportunity to play it through PS+ extra and thankful to @Th3solution for responding to my posts on here... This gameclub can feel a bit like throwing messages in a bottle out to the sea in that your not sure if anybody will ever find them or get to read them.

Not sure if I'll go back for trophy purposes but probably will attempt to clean some up in the coming days... And may have to explore what the new option that's just appeared on the title screen. Spent around 14 hours on it so far according to my profile.

Thanks for having me once again gameclub.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan Aw mate, sorry to hear that’s your experience. I’m really glad you got involved and also enjoyed Inscyrption so much. Engagement has been tough these last few months, possibly because of new releases or just straight up apathy, who knows? If we could get some fresh blood in it might liven up proceedings and believe me I’ve tried, it just seems my calls fall on deaf ears 🤷

Yourself, @CaptD and @th3solution always make an effort so I’m thankful for that.

[Edited by Bob_Salat]


@sorteddan Glad you and @Th3solution enjoyed Inscryption also. It really does subvert expectations and there are not too many games I've experienced quite like it.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


Oh no worries, it's not like I'm disheartened or anything. Thanks for your continued efforts.

Yeah it's definitely something I won't soon forget.

Thinking about it whenever I moved in to a new section I kind of wanted to return to the safety of the previous one which I had gotten used to and was fairly comfortable with. But also wanted to keep pushing on to see how it ended up. A really difficult game to discuss on here as well as pretty much anything that happens after the first act, and even some parts in the first act, would definitely be spoilers for anyone who hadn't yet reached that part.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan Great to hear you finished Inscryption and enjoyed it. As for club participation, it is tricky and I wonder whether it might be that people don't have PS Plus Extra but it might simply be time which is the case for me this month. However card games aren't for everyone plus if the genre was for them then they probably would have played it by now.

@Bundersvessel I do try although this months game escapes me. Keep up the good work as I do enjoy reading all the comments (the unredacted ones). I certainly think if the discussion was pinned at the top of the recent discussions list then that would help.



@sorteddan Congrats on making it to the end! And I am glad you ended up enjoying it and I didn’t lead you astray by encouraging you. 😄

I was curious about the

Kaycee’s Mod which unlocks after completion. I looked it up and apparently it’s a DLC type of latter add-on which is essentially a rogue-like mode with the card game. It apparently has some added background about Kaycee (the former owner of the disc and employee of GameFuna, also appearing in Act 2 as the deceased who died from falling ice onto her head).

I haven’t played Kaycee’s Mod yet, but I might later on.

I’m not sure if you had time to go back and read some of my spoiler tagged posts, but I was wondering about the parts in the third act which appear to get into your hard drive and make cards with pictures of previous game files you have. What cards did P03 make for you? I wonder if it really looks at all old save files on your PS5 or if it looks at the trophy list or if it just has stock images for those cards and randomizes them. I also wonder if the part where you make a card that is supposedly then sent online into another person’s game actually happens or if it’s smoke-and-mirrors like a lot of the tricks of the game messing with your computer/console. What did you think about that and the other crazy occurrences of the ending? I thought the YouTubers murder was quite well done, for as low budget as those videos were. 😅

But it has been fun for me to read your experience, and even to see where our playthroughs may have been slightly different in a lot of ways.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@JohnnyShoulder Agreed. It’s a different style of game than anything I’ve ever played either, the card game mechanics notwithstanding.

It’s a good recommendation for anyone who feels like they’re in a gaming rut or in need of something truly unique and different from the standard fare.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”



Well I don't recall what pictures were on the cards it made for me sorry! I had a feeling I was getting to the end so just kind of head down went for it. As for accessing my hard drive, well that bit was clearly made up. I don't tend to keep many save files on the system except for what I'm currently playing. So it gave me the option to choose files from two drives including C:Windows - if I was playing on a PC I may have been worried it was actually my system but I'm fairly sure my PS5 doesn't have a Windows hard drive so I just picked the biggest files I could find on it.

I also didn't believe that it was actually sending the card I made to anyone like it says it is - but I may be wrong. I think it's more scripted trickery. Should be fairly easy to check as if it is real then some people must have failed and lost the battle as a result... Guessing the internet will know! Or you could see if you can do that bit while playing offline!?

Perhaps worth mentioning that I'm always this cynical - possibly why I picked up and used the bottle of goo despite the game telling me not to and that it had no purpose. To me that's the equivalent of the game having a big red button with a sign saying "Do not press" ... You know I'm gonna.

Yeah I might also have a play with Kaycees mod, I had a thought earlier that there may be some more video clips to unlock on that part, and if there is I wanna see them.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


Thanks for the page @Th3solution!

I'm so sorry everyone I've been absent on the only bloody month I was actually taking part!

To cut a long atory short I had a dental emergency and was in quite a lot of pain over the past 11 days.

I'll try my best to catch up now that I'm in a good enough headspace!

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@HallowMoonshadow So sorry to hear about your predicament! Although I am wondering if you’re being sly about a “dental emergency” when speaking about Inscryption… it’s either morbidly ironic, or a clever meta-joke on your part! 😂

Either way, hope all is well for you and no worries about being a week or two late to the party. I finished the game within two weeks or less (and we all know how slow I tend to play games) and @sorteddan also made fairly quick progress. I’m not sure if @CaptD or @Mr_B021 ever were able to get any momentum with the game, but there’s plenty of others who played it in the past who are likely to chime in with discussion, should you get back into it.

If you haven’t seen, I ended up thoroughly enjoying the game and it was a real treat to try something new like this. It’s opened my mind to card games now, although I realize this is not a traditional card game. Either way, it was a creative and novel game and I’m curious how you get along with it. 😄

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


So I've been dipping back in to the game for various trophies..

I paid a bit more attention on the Golly uberbot battle. At the part where they ask "Are these your friends?" I can confirm that the next cards they played had the names and profile pictures of the first two people alphabetically on my friends list, when I beat those two it went on with the next from the friends list. .. If I had let the battle last a few more rounds I would have got to vanquish Bundersvessel! So yeah it was definitely accessing my profile to do that.

Then when I had to send my created card to someone else it waited a while and said it couldn't find anyone so I got to keep it instead. So If that part is fake then it's got more than one outcome at least.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”

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