
Topic: ๐ŸŽƒ PUSH SQUARE GAME CLUB ๐ŸŽƒ | ๐Ÿ’€ Halloween Double Feature ๐Ÿ’€

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Spooktober has now begun so I made a start on Little Nightmares 2 AKA The Amazing Adventures of Billy Boxhead (technically a paper bag but I prefer the sound of Boxhead to Baghead and I already found some new hats to wear but refuse to on the basis that he would no longer be Billy Boxhead).

Anyways. Nice first impressions. The visuals are good being similar to a Burtonesque Stop Motion thingy and the sound and music nicely contribute to a feeling of unease and tension. Gameplay seems pretty much as I'd expected having played the first game - get to the right side of the screen to move to the next screen. If you can't then find something to use, grab or manipulate so that you can.

I've enjoyed randomly throwing discarded boots and bottles for no real reason. Have made a new friend and held hands for no discernable purpose and have probably died 20 or more times so far. 3 times I got crushed by a rolling log, 1 time from jump falling from a high ledge and the rest of the deaths can be attributed to a character I have named as overzealous shotgun prick.

Played for about an hour and made it to the end of the first chapter, will probably continue tomorrow.

[Edited by sorteddan]

โ€œWe are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.โ€


@Yousef- Thank you and already have both Little Nightmares 2 and Little Hope downloaded! Hope everyone has fun!



Downloading Little Hope now. It's a busy month for me in gaming but I hope I'll enjoy Little Hope in between


PSN: Khwarezm_89 | Twitter:


Another hour or so of LN2...
Found a new hat I was prepared to wear. I am become Bobby Buckethead!
Lost my friend along the way. Still throwing all the shoes I see along the way just because.
Died a bunch more times...
Fell down a big pit. Got brained by some booby traps which made me chuckle and some more frustrating ones I won't mention here for spoilery reasons.
Suffice it to say the teacher lady should wind her neck in!

So in the school section of Chapter 2 I have to start dispatching the porcelain children. Feel a bit conflicted about this coz I know I'm just trying to survive to the next screen but I didn't particularly want to have to cave in the skulls of the little ones.
Got a bit annoyed trying to sneak back through the classroom and died a few times before I just decided to leg it an run to the lift. Also frustrated by the bit where I had to jump from stacks of books while avoiding the teacher and died a few more times here.
Actually got a bit stuck on the chess puzzle for a few moments before the puzzle revealed itself when I used my eye(s).

Still enjoying the atmosphere and aesthetics of this creepy world.

[Edited by sorteddan]

โ€œWe are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.โ€


So I just finished Little Hope. Fantastic game! I definitely enjoyed it way more than Man of Medan. It throws you right into the main event without hours of build-up and the pacing was just great overall. I found the story interesting and the mixing of time periods was really cool. It was fun trying to unravel the mystery and I actually managed to reach the truth, which felt satisfying.

There are a couple of things about the game that I didn't like. For starters, and this is also something that I noticed in Until Dawn, is that sometimes there will be choices where you have no idea what the outcome will be. For example, I remember in Until Dawn one moment where you had to choose to either run or hide. This is fine until you realise that you have no idea which option is better and if you choose incorrectly, the character will die. I saw so many choices like that in Little Hope. For example, one situation had you choosing whether to go left or right. How the hell should I know? It's so dumb.

Another thing is that there are a tad bit too many jump scares. Like every ten minutes there's one. After a while, you get used to them and their effect wears off. I feel like Until Dawn had more evenly placed jump scares that were way more effective.

Finally, I didn't like the underlying mechanic of character traits. Apparently, if you don't choose certain options for a character and unlock all their locked traits, then that character will die at the end. I had no idea about this. At the end, all but one of the characters had left the area and the remaining one just stood still for no reason. Afterwards, they were killed and it showed which traits I didn't unlock. That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Firstly, there was no reason at all for the character to just remain while everyone else left. That felt incredibly forced by the developer. Secondly, shouldn't this be explained to the player beforehand? I mean, I get that the developer is trying its hardest to make you replay their game, but it's still an annoying aspect of the game. I chose the easiest difficulty setting for a reason, it even said that survival is assured. I nailed all the QTEs and still one character died because of an underlying mechanic that I had no idea would affect the ending. It just sucks.

But all in all, I enjoyed the game a lot despite a few annoyances. Really glad that I played this and I'm looking forward to playing House of Ashes in the future.

I think I'll start up Little Nightmares 2 later on as October's game for Pure Xbox Game Club is The Evil Within 2 and I'm in the mood for some more action as well as a lengthy title.



@LtSarge wow already? Thatโ€™s pretty fast!
I suppose Iโ€™ll check out a playthrough of it. Itโ€™s surprisingly hard to understand some commentary here without playing the game though technically shouldnโ€™t surprise me since thatโ€™s normal.

Yes I really dislike that feature!! Itโ€™s why I was never really onboard with Until Dawn or most telltale-inspired games. Doesnโ€™t it feel like a bait??? Itโ€™s such an unnatural gameplay mechanic in my honest opinion.
I should add how contradictory UDโ€™s game design is. It asks you play perfectly, which is fine, but itโ€™s such a chore to replay because you canโ€™t skip cutscenes so you feel obligated to use a guide not cuz you need help, but because you donโ€™t wanna run the risk of rewatching the same stuff. Too punishing!

The example you highlighted in LH is the bane of my existence! Go rightโ€ฆ go leftโ€ฆ no Iโ€™ll just go to the bathroom cuz this is already taking the piss!

Yup, jumpscares, canโ€™t handle em :c

That final feature seems bizarre xD.
Awesome you had fun though!

We are playing ๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿ‘ปLittle Hope and Little Nightmares 2๐Ÿ‘ป๐ŸŽƒ


You should go left. ALWAYS go left.

โ€œWe are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.โ€


Didn't have much time of LN2 today so only managed half hour or so. Completed chapter 2 and, after getting a new costume for my tag-along friend, realised she was the cat from the first game. At least I think she is. Can't remember how the first game ended but assuming she somehow escaped to freedom or safety, I'm wondering why she's now following me as i attempt to do the same. Maybe that's just how she rolls. Escapes to a safe place, gets bored of the humdrum so gets to a new scary place to escape from. Who knows.

โ€œWe are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.โ€


Made it to the end of Chapter 3 - Hospital today. It was easily the most unsettling and the most frustrating one so far.

Shining by the torch on enemies wouldn't be so bad if it controlled a bit better but keeping the beam focussed when also moving caused me more than a couple of problems. It could maybe use a lock-on feature or something. Still I thought the patients and the hall of hands were pretty good and the chase parts got my pulse rate up so a good chapter design in that regard.

Onwards and rightwards. More tomorrow.

[Edited by sorteddan]

โ€œWe are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.โ€


Yeah as I've said previously if you played the first then you kinda know what to expect but it's a nice game to play in small bursts - do an hour a day and you'll probably be done in a week. Also doesn't go much for jump scares so you maybe alright with it. It's more about creating an unsettling and eirie world. And the autosave is relatively generous so even when you fail a bit you never have to go too far back.

[Edited by sorteddan]

โ€œWe are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.โ€


@Yousef- Yeah I don't really understand why the developers think it's a good idea to have arbitrary choices like that in their games. What I did like about the choices however is that I felt I could make more informed ones in this game. If I for example gave a character a weapon and then two characters are being attacked, then I know I should help the character who doesn't have a weapon and the other one will use its weapon so that both will survive. That is if you remember giving that character a weapon, lol.



@LtSarge devs are surprisingly incapable of finding a satisfactory middle ground. Either it insults your intelligence by being OBVIOUSLY inconsequential or deliberately acts too vague to create forced replay value. Or itโ€™s just an ending selector lol. Iโ€™m just personally content with flavor dialogue or dialogue that gives optional rewards (that are negligible or arenโ€™t crucial for progression). The last option I suggested makes dialogue way more engaging and feel like, Yโ€™know, a game xD. gameplay mechanics feeling like a game? What a concept!

[Edited by Yousef-]

We are playing ๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿ‘ปLittle Hope and Little Nightmares 2๐Ÿ‘ป๐ŸŽƒ

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