With the early start to the football season the Fantasy Football site is now up and running to make a squad. This thread will cover the new season and anyone curious about what it is about can find last seasons thread here
Just like last season we're open to anyone joining as long as you have an interest in participating in the thread as well as the competition, even if it's only a few times over the course of the season. As such I won't post the league code here unless someone requests it and will take it down once it has been noted. Any teams that appear without requesting/introducing themselves will be removed. Just to be aware the league does show players real names but no participants last year revealed or mentioned them and we would hope any new players would continue the same curtesy and only communicate through usernames or team names here.
Oh yes after narrowly avoiding relegation last year in hoping the boys can build upon that experience and aim for comfortable mid-table mediocrity this time around.
I think putting the team together is probably my favourite part, the anticipation and predictions of who will shine and which stars will emerge before the inevitable disappointment when it begins.
So a couple of steady keepers, some attacking full backs in defence and two absolute banker superstars up front... Unfortunately this leaves the midfield as one I would best describe as having potential.
However I'm pretty sure I will take it all apart, change my mind and rebuild another time or two before it kicks off.
See you all on the start line.
“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
@JudgeDredd Really? I hadn't noticed 😉. From my understanding of this new season we pretty much get 3 wildcards, the usual first and second half of season ones and an unofficial swap as much as you want during the World Cup break one.
@sorteddan I'm still mostly okay with the squad I threw together but feel my midfield needs strengthening. It's always a struggle early on to know who are the best bargain players which help you get the pricey ones.
@get2sammyb Yeah once you're in the league you gain a permanent spot as I renew it each season instead of creating a new one. Unless I boot you of course 😁
I'm considering swapping out Haaland now. I'm sure he will get goals but I think it could be another Lukaku type situation where the team doesn't really play to his strengths.
@BearsEatBeets I had the same thought about Haaland. I’m not actually convinced that forwards in general will deliver this season compared to midfielders, outside of Kane, so I’m probably just going to funnel my money into midfielders rather than going for an expensive forward like Ronaldo or Haaland.
@nessisonett That certainly was the case last season. I struggled to find a replacement for Antonio when he went off the boil, half the time I just left him in there or just got someone cheaper so I could get a better defender or midfielder.
Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
@nessisonett@JohnnyShoulder Normally I would prefer to have an extra midfielder in the squad than 3 strikers but I currently have most of my money tied into my top 3 for a change. How long that lasts or if it even stays that way for the start, we'll see. I've noticed Jota has been reclassified as a striker this season, sometimes the classification of what makes a player a striker seems very ambiguous.
@LiamCroft Fair enough. There's always an automatic spot there if you change your mind.
@JohnnyShoulder that comment Is against my religion he probably wnt even be there start if the season. Its has been an interesting pre season in fairness been some impressive performances my family would never forgive me if I put ronaldo in there tho
Just under 24hours until the deadline for the start of the new season.
I've just made what I think will be my last alterations. I took out my more risky picks Chilwell and Eriksen. I think they could both do well but I'm not convinced they are going to start.
I see they have finally moderated your team name @nessisonett 😄
Topic: Push Square Premier League Fantasy Football (soccer) 22/23 season
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