
Topic: Push Square Premier League Fantasy Football (soccer) ongoing seasons

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@BearsEatBeets I might still have a chance because my opponent captained Nunez (???) but I really just need Bernardo Silva to do something and Newcastle to keep a clean sheet against Spurs which I doubt.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett My opponent has Alverez as Vice going to be Cap so that isn't great. This could end up being one of my lowest scoring gameweeks ever. With 3 players left to play, all my team have scored either 1 or 2 points each. I'm going to need at least 15 points from Son and Dubravka and of course one doing well kind of means the other didn't.


PSN: leejon5


@BearsEatBeets Well seeing I have Udogie second on the bench so that Archer comes on instead for Haaland 😂😂

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett There is something especially frustrating about having a player not play and your first sub is rubbish and the second sits there taunting you with a load of points 😁


PSN: leejon5


@nessisonett mate I have the exact same issue, haaland as captain and Saka as vice. Gutted lol, at least Areola didn't play seen as west ham shipped 5 goals



@QualityGeezer Maybe Areola missing the game was a blessing after all. Suppose it depends how your sub goalie did.

Looks like Son might have actually saved me in the Cup. Two players have picked up their fifth yellow cards though so will be suspended next week. Yet more enforced changes then as there are also doubts over Haaland.


PSN: leejon5


@QualityGeezer @BearsEatBeets Torn between hoping Haaland makes a recovery and also how interesting a sudden windfall would be, there aren’t that many quality options for strikers.

Who the f*** got over 70 points this week 😂

[Edited by nessisonett]

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett Haaland is due to miss a couple of game weeks anyway due to city playing the club World Cup. It's still a risk to take him out though because I'd need to be able to get him back in. Decisions decisions



@QualityGeezer I only just realised about the Club World Cup thing and I have 3 Man City players. I was just going to bench him but it's a tricky one now. I already swapped out Trippier so would have to spend points for more changes this week.


PSN: leejon5


@BearsEatBeets yeah I made a boob as well mate, just transferred Julian alvarez in completely forgetting the club world Cup till it was too late. Luckily being top I have points too play with but with AFCON coming up as well and Salah being gone may have to take a risk and do some surgery on my team and take the hit

[Edited by QualityGeezer]



I really hope pep isn't doing a fergie with his mind games and Haaland is definitely not playing tomorrow. Had to take him out my squad is decimated by injuries or suspensions. I generally agree with the 5 yellows is a suspension just unfortunate it fell that half my squad got them at same time, one or 2 you can bench but typical they all came at the same time

[Edited by QualityGeezer]



So sad what has happened with Tom Lockyer 😢 wish him nothing but the best



@QualityGeezer Yh it sucks & predictably the anti-vacc lot are out in full force it seems. I’m glad that he’s ok, but that might be it for his playing days. It’s the second time & he’s had heart surgery since going down at Wembley earlier in the year.
Hoping for a speedy recovery & fair play to the Bournemouth medical staff & all involved.

Lives, Lived, Will Live.
Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece


@Fight_Teza_Fight yeah it's been confirmed he had a heart attack now. He worked so hard to get back after what happened in the play off final but surely it can't be worth the risk now. Heard he has a young family as well so hope he does what's best for him and his family, he's a person before a player and wish him all the best and a quick recovery



@QualityGeezer Hope he’s alright, those things are just horrible. Watched the Eriksen one live and it stuck with me.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett in the stadium mate or on tv? I remember watching the fabrice muamba one, think it was Monday night football and that shook me up as well mate, just horrible. It's bad enough either way but would traumatise me too see something like that in the stands.My mate is over tonight and he's a swansea season ticket holder and he was there when a fan died of a heart attack in the stands. It's heartbreaking

[Edited by QualityGeezer]



@QualityGeezer Just on the telly but that stuff really gets to me, especially when you see how choked up the pundits are.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett yeah it's shocking mate, I don't wanna say I take it for granted but you almost do watching as much football as I do that these are fit men almost superhuman and when something like this happens its shocking. I understand what you mean about affecting you though. I don't know the guy but it does weirdly shake you up like you know them

[Edited by QualityGeezer]



Wish I'd captained solanke now lol 😆 apologies can't remember who FC BREN is but your flying mate fair play



Happy Christmas all fantasy players! Enjoy your pigs in blankets!


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