
Topic: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens discussion thread *SPOILERS*

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Whilst I agree that maybe Kylo seemed a bit weak what we need to remember is that he isn't a Sith Lord - he's force sensitive (very much so) and influenced by the Dark Side. Its the same way that you can have good force sensitive characters that aren't Jedi Knights.

[Edited by japester79]



Watched it this morning!! Great film, the psychopath son of Leia and Han Solo is brilliant. Didn't like the fact a death star like weapon was in it - the bombing run was no where near as exciting. Also that massive cgi leader / king / master thing was ridiculous. But other than those points the characters are all great and the jokes are nice - I laughed a lot through the whole film.

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Watched it on Saturday and enjoyed it a lot. Very good balance of new and old. Camera angles and effects reminded me of the old movies. Also loved to see the remnants of the old Empire in the Jakku backgrounds.

Had no issues with Kylo beyond killing Solo as he was the highlight of the movie. Wonder if they will put his ghost Obi Wan style in the sequels. As @turtlelink says, he is young and in training so he won't be awesome by default. Luke at the end looked great. Rey is a great character and I have a hunch her Force potential hints at she being a Skywalker too, either sister of Kylo or even Luke's daughter, as it is never clear who her family is. Also the vision when holding the legendary lightsaber

[Edited by sinalefa]

I will comment in this thread, never being able to find it again.


I watched it last night, really enjoyed it. I did think they made Kylo out to be quite badarse at first, then he got a bit mopey and also lost to someone who's never held a lightsaber in her life before. However I guess they're are going to do with him what they do with Jedi and build him up. I don't think he'll come good like Vader though, he'll probably go full evil and powerful now. And I guess at the end they were trying to say that you don't need to be trained in the force to use it, hence why she won. I really liked the new characters and Chewy/ Han were good whilst giving us a good laugh. However Captain Phasma seemed a waste, I expected a little more viewing times with the trailers.



Watched the film Saturday night and really enjoyed the film and it's better than the Phantom Menace & Attack of The Clones. I think episode 8 will be similar in tone to Empire Strikes Back with Kylo completing his training and going full badass Sith and also exploring Reys's back story and explaining why she appears to be strong in the force.



@Farmboy74: I would say its a great film up there with the original 2 films but better than Return of the Jedi and all of the prequels which are middling to crap.

I think Lukes gonna come back and realise Hans dead - go mental on the sith guy who's then gonna run Leia through mid battle, while she's dying R2D2 will show the very first holo video sending Luke even crazier. Then that giant weird emperor thing will completely send Luke crazy by being big for absolutely no reason. He will go so mental he will fly off to dagobah and become a sith trained by Yoga who is Yodas evil daughter. From there he will grab the millenium falcon and fly to Jaboo in 12 par secs - and kick the butt of the guy giving out quarter rations for loads of scrap. He will take all the rations and feed them to wamp rats as a way to say sorry for bombing them in his 180 back on Tatooine when he was an evil teenager. Then jar jar will appear and the credits will roll. We got a good basis of a script Abrams make it happen!!!

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Watched it on Friday and absolutely loved it - 3rd best Star Wars in my opinion, with Episodes 4 and 5 just beating it.

A lot of people mentioned that The Force Awakens is pretty much a rehash of the story of A New Hope, but I've got a theory about that - The Force Awakens is all about Finn, Rey, and the others trying to emulate the success of their idols.

Kylo Ren is the most obvious one - he has a mask of Darth Vader and clearly wants to do what he did, plus he kills his father, which almost seems like a rite of passage for a sith. There are more subtle clues, though - when Rey first meets Han Solo, she knows that he's a famous smuggler and talks about his Kessel run, showing that she admires him. Not only that, but she also has the Rebel pilot helmet (possibly Luke's) at her house. The First Order clearly want to be more successful than the empire by creating a bigger and more powerful weapon - Starkiller Base - but because the weak point of the Death Star was probably never mentioned in the empire's history, they failed to see that.

Also, there've been a lot of theories about Rey being Luke's daughter, which I really hope isn't true. I reckon that she's a former apprentice of his, since she knows how to use a lightsaber as well as the Jedi mind trick, and she was placed on Jakku by Luke when he fled in order to protect her from the First Order.




@themcnoisy: Abrams isn't going to direct the episode 8 and 9 unfortunately...

@kyleforrester87: No surprise, it's Andy Serkis after all. My friends and I already joked that Snoke was only a foot tall in real life, that would be a plot twist.



@kyleforrester87: @Octane: Ohhh I thought he was like 80 foot tall....

@Anchorsam_9: That's the same order I have them in. Great minds think alike!!

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@themcnoisy: You know it I'm wondering how this new trilogy is gonna stack up to the older one since JJ Abrams isn't directing 8 or 9, but I looked at the director for Episode 8, Rian Johnson, and he seems to have a good rep - he directed 2 films that were really well received, plus he directed "Fly", that really good Breaking Bad episode. Here's hoping VIII is as good as The Force Awakens!

[Edited by Anchorsam_9]




@themcnoisy, your version of the nest episode sounds absolutely mental!!. But do think Jar Jar would still be alive after all this time and not been hunted down for being annoying?!!

Another rumour doing the rounds is that Supreame Leader Snoke, could actually be Darth Plagus who was susposedly killed by his apprentice Darth Sidious. This might explain why the first order are the Empire cranked upto ten with Starkiller base and that huge star destroyer.

I've seen rumours about Rey being Luke's daughter, but what if she turns out to be Kylo's sister? I base this on the now non cannon universe where Leia and Han had twins (Jacen & Jaina).



@Farmboy74: That's another plausible theory for Rey, but I hope it isn't true - the one thing I'm not of a fan of in Star Wars is how everyone seems to be related, even though it takes place in a galaxy that's absolutely huge.

Also does anyone think that Finn might have the Force? The fact that Ren looks at him suspiciously on Jakku, as well as the fact that he seems to be the only Stormtrooper with empathy, could be a sign that he has it.




@Anchorsam_9: I think there might be something about Finn, after all his stormtrooper training has failed and he is not the mindless soldier the First Order want them to be. Whether he makes it into the next film is 50:50 I'd say after that lightsaber dual with Kylo. As out of all three who had a lightsaber duel it seems he came of the worse.

Personally I don't think Rey will turn out to be Han and Leia's daughter as to me it seems to obvious, ditto with her being Luke's daughter as its the next conclusion you would jump to. But that's the thing with Star Wars though, it's main story so far has focused on the Skywalker family and the effect it's had on the galaxy.



I was going in with not very high expectations for the film. After the last three which were made turned out to be average. The positives of the fim good special effects, good dialogue which was funny at times. There was good chemistry between the Ray and Fin (american accent was good). There were parts that made me smile the director did a good job. But it just felt like they took all the best bits from 4/5/6 and mashed them together and made a new fim. Overall I am glad went to see it but hope the next one does something a bit more.

I also enjoyed the trailer for Warcraft which i have never played but does look like a good movie. The new x-men movie looks finel. Not sure about Captain America Civil War the trailer did not make me want to go see the movie. 1st movie was so so, 2nd movie was good so will wait and see. Independance day loved the first film but again did not wow me.


PSN: noodledreamz


@Farmboy74: Yeah, it'd be interesting to see which character's (if any) make it out of Episode 8. I'd like to see more about Supreme Leader Snoke and Rey's backstory, plus I hope that they elaborate on Poe a little more.

I guess we'll have to wait until 2017 when Ep 8 releases. The good news is that there's a new Star Wars film coming out next year, Rogue One. I don't know much about it, but I know that it's set after the prequels and before A New Hope, and it's about the Rogue One rebel unit stealing the Death Star plans. Should be good




Luke will turn evil and murder a bunch of people, Solo Junior will end up good and Binks will turn up looking like Robocop and shoot some holes in Chewy.


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