
Topic: The Movie Thread

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@RogerRoger @TheFrenchiestFry @nessisonett @zupertramp I saw the extended cuts of the first two LOTR films followed by the tird film when it released in the cinema, back to back to back. They had intervals between each film, but man did I not want set foot in a cinema for awhile after that!

But I've also did that with the Back to the Future, Indiana Jones and original Star War trilogy films. There were probably some others but I forget. I would never dream of doing that now, even if the cinema were open.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@RogerRoger Yeah I'm not going in expecting Snyder's vision to be completely without compromise. Apparently WB were interfering with the production of the film as early as prior to principal photography due to the mixed-negative reception to Batman v. Superman coupled with how it underperformed from the studio's perspective

Apparently Terrio was talking about how they purposely aimed to give Justice League more levity in its writing and presentation as they wanted to step away from the desaturated look of Man of Steel and BvS in an attempt to address the complaints about the grim tone and dour presentation of those prior films, similar to what was happening with Suicide Squad when you look at the Comic Con 2015 trailer and then every piece of promo material afterwards


PSN: phantom_sees


@JohnnyShoulder One thing I really wished I could go to was the Marvel Movie Marathon prior to Endgame's release where they showed all 22 of the MCU films that were released thus far back-to-back before an early showing of Endgame

They sound like massive undertakings but I would've totally been up for that, considering I missed most of Phase One during their initial theatrical runs excluding Iron Man and the first Avengers, before Phase Two was when I really started watching all of them in theaters

[Edited by TheFrenchiestFry]


PSN: phantom_sees


@RogerRoger Honestly Snyder's social media presence defending these films are a sight to behold in of itself

I honestly almost admire how self-indulgent that guy is about how serious and "dark" his takes on the characters are

I do admit I'm actually feeling like ordering some new DC Comics in the wake of all that's coming out as of late. Batman Earth One has especially been on my radar for some time but now that Matt Reeves' film is basically completely inspired by it based on that trailer I'll have to read it for myself now. Same with some of the Superman and New Gods stuff

I feel like for a lot of people Snyder can still be viewed as super divisive and the only people who can really stomach his takes on the characters are hardcore comic book readers. For a lot of the mainstream audience WB wanted to capture who've never read a lick of comics in their life the films basically influence their perception of the characters and given how drastically Snyder tweaked Superman to suit his vision for the DC canon it predictably scared a lot of people off or left people more indifferent while Disney basically has the shared universe of comic characters down pat. I do expect his Justice League to be more in line with BvS but it'll probably retain some of the jokes that we saw in that Comic Con 2016 footage they showed years ago like that exchange with Cyborg and Bruce where he goes "I'm real when it's useful" or when he's recruiting Arthur onto the team. According to Snyder himself he also intended for this film to be the one where Superman is acting a lot more in line with how he's depicted in the comics


PSN: phantom_sees


I watched Blade at the weekend and it's still a great movie after all these years. The effects are a bit iffy particularly the final duel with all that CGI blood but still head and shoulders above anything In the MCU and I don't dislike the MCU just bored of it!

[Edited by MightyDemon82]



@MightyDemon82 Blade is such a gem of a film looking back at it in the post-MCU world. It's interesting seeing that kind of film now considering it came out during a time when comic book films were basically completely shunned thanks to how badly stuff like Batman & Robin, Superman IV and Spawn damaged their rep

It basically completely eschewed being faithful to the source material but it's a fun as hell action film and the line about ice skating up hills is something only Blade could've pulled off


PSN: phantom_sees


@MightyDemon82 I like Blade and Blade 2. They’re really silly but still fun movies. I broadly like the MCU but I do wish we had movies which pushed the boundaries instead of all having the exact same jokes, atmosphere and character archetypes.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett See this right here is why I'm both excited for Moon Knight but also extremely worried about how Disney is going to dumb him down to make him more marketable to the MCU-only crowd

He's such a broadly experimental and obscure character with the ability to be adapted to any genre in terms of his comic stories that I don't just want that show following the MCU status quo


PSN: phantom_sees


@TheFrenchiestFry It should be ok given it’s Disney Plus and WandaVision has proven that they can actually do something interesting in that format. It’s more the movies like The Eternals and Black Widow that I just think look incredibly outdated. Like they’ve funnelled characters into a script generator.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@TheFrenchiestFry @nessisonnet that's the world we live in. Studio's aren't willing to take risks and try something different nowadays.

Maybe once in a while we will get to experience something that dares to be bold and outside the box.



I watched Bill & Ted: Face the Music the other night, I thought it was good but not as good as the first two, a fitting end to the trilogy though, too many short scenes and a lack of time spent on each thread of the multitudinous threads of the plot. Still, the guy doing the guitar for the Jimi Hendrix character was actually a much better guitarist than him!

"I think the best art doesn’t preach the truth, but encourages viewers to discover what truth is on their own." - Shinique Smith

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@TheBrandedSwordsman WOAH!!!!

"Still, the guy doing the guitar for the ***************** was actually a much better guitarist than him!"

WAAAYYYY too soon, its only been like 50 years!

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore Haha, well, in my defence, you should watch the movie and compare and contrast for yourself, I mean, some of those legato licks man, especially when he was doing the neoclassical stuff, I don't think said guitarist was the same as Yngwie Malmsteen somehow, legend though he is. it was probably someone like Steve Vai doing the playing! (He played guitar for Rufus in 1 & 2, I believe)

[Edited by BlAcK_Sw0rDsMaN]

"I think the best art doesn’t preach the truth, but encourages viewers to discover what truth is on their own." - Shinique Smith

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@TheBrandedSwordsman I've seen it, and like you I think it wasn't quite up there with the first two... Still a nice hot of nostalgia all the same.

Talking about Steve Vai, have you seen the epic guitar battle between Ralph Macchio and Vai that concludes the criminally underrated 1986 movie Crossroads? If you haven't, treat yourself and find it on YouTube... frikkin chills!

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore I think I'll just watch the whole movie Also what was that robot all about? when he said that line about "Wen u sed Let's Rock, it made mee feel lyk I wanteed 2 rock" to Death, in the van, when they are escaping from hell, the movie just plummeted in my opinion, the whole character of Dennis the robot just didn't work after they all went to hell and he became "nice" and insecure and strange, that part when he was dancing at the end sucked too, although it was nice to see Bill & Ted playing guitar together again.

Edit: Other Tv and Film robots are available!

[Edited by BlAcK_Sw0rDsMaN]

"I think the best art doesn’t preach the truth, but encourages viewers to discover what truth is on their own." - Shinique Smith

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@TheBrandedSwordsman cool, it's a really good movie... partially inspired by the apparent events of Robert Johnson's life.

I can't remember the bit you blacked out for spoilers... probably did reference something specific in the world of rock but not sure what tbh.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


There is a Tetris movie being filmed up the back of my workplace in Aberdeen at the Haliburton offices. Could be an interesting watch when it's released.



There are rumours abounding that Jennifer Lawrence has been cast as Sue Storm in the MCU Fantastic Four movie. Honestly, she’s a fantastic actress who gets a lot of hate for doing pretty much nothing so I’d be perfectly happy with her in the role. I worry that there are too many people set on Emily Blunt and John Krasinski in the roles when it probably won’t happen. A lot of people would have preferred Joaquin Phoenix as Doctor Strange and that didn’t happen and yet Bendydick Cucumberpatch was really great in the role.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett I actually think she’d be a better fit aesthetically at least. I was a big fan of hers back in her Hunger Games era and think she has a lot of talent. I do feel something went off the boil with her somewhat though as I haven’t actually ‘liked’ her in anything for a while... it probably doesn’t help the situation that I’ve only seen her in a couple of things during that while.

**** DLC!


Marvels is one of the best movie lines
doctor strange is my favorite of them. I advise everyone !

[Edited by ZoeSutherland]


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