
Topic: The Movie Thread

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@Jimmer-jammer Did you ever see Excalibur? Basically Dark Souls the movie right? And Patrick Stewart is even in it as well!

"I think the best art doesn’t preach the truth, but encourages viewers to discover what truth is on their own." - Shinique Smith

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@nessisonett Are you referring to The Mask Of Zorro? Highlander?

"I think the best art doesn’t preach the truth, but encourages viewers to discover what truth is on their own." - Shinique Smith

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@TheBrandedSwordsman Highlander of course! I honestly don’t remember Sean Connery being in Zorro although I don’t remember much of that movie at all.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@TheBrandedSwordsman man, I actually haven’t seen Excalibur. It’s right up my alley though, Patrick Stewart included, I really should watch it. The last movie I watched was How To Train Your Dragon 3. Wasn’t as good as the second one for me but still highly enjoyable, and a good cap to one of the best animated trilogies around.

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


@TheBrandedSwordsman I sure did, last Sunday (movie night). Though for me they stand on their own as great films. Before that I watched High Life, which looked awesome but I did not enjoy at all, and I generally like really weird films.

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


Movies I've seen recently.

BlacKKKlansman (FX) - A film set in the 70's about a pair of Black & Jewish police officers who infiltrate the klan, in an effort to uncover whether or not they're simply hateful, or actually dangerous. It was a really good watch, though the actor who played David Duke (the klan's president at the time) was Eric from that 70's Show, & I just saw him as Eric pretending to be really racist for some reason, lol. Being a more recent Spike Lee production, it also drew some parallels to "Trumpism", with Duke leading an "America First" chant (not sure if that specific phrase is something they used), and later transitioned from a Cross burning to footage of the 2017 Charlottesville riot & Trump's response to there being "fine people on both sides", as to point to the movement "changing guises" rather than going away.

Ghostbusters 2 (Blu-Ray) - I intended to watch this around Halloween, but just never got around to it at the time (made time for the first though, of course). It's never too late for a bit of ghost busting fun though, so I watched it more recently. Yeah, it's not as good as the first, but it's still a pretty fun time. I actually got a kick out of some of the deleted scenes, such as the one where Rick Moranis' character tries out the ghost busting gear by trying to hunt down Slimer in their office.

One Night in Miami (Amazon Prime Video) - Film covering the night Cassius Clay took on the name Mohammed Ali, with Ali/Clay, Malcom X, Jim Brown, & Sam Cooke spending the night in a motel room discussing & debating the issues affecting Black Americans at the time. Really interesting watch.

Otaku no Video (Retro Crush) - Anime film (really, two OVA's bundled together as one) that's kinda a parody of Japanese Otaku culture of the time. It follows a young sociable university student who reconnects with an old friend from high school who drags him into the world of Otaku, and after being immersed in the culture & "rejected from society", decides to transform the world into an "Otaku paradise". The narrative is regularly interrupted with mock documentary style live action segments, with interviews with "real world" Otaku, covering various aspects of the culture (themes usually tied to events happening in the story proper) & their integration into wider society. It was a pretty fun watch, with lots of blatant references to series such as Macross, Lupin the 3rd, Gundam, Urusei Yatsura, & more. An aspect of the culture regularly touched upon that doesn't seem to be a big part of anime/Otaku culture these days is a fixation on realism (the characters would fawn over how the designs of the fighters in Macross are inspired by real world military designs & advancements of the time, such as them featuring Liquid Crystal Displays, "Which is What NASA is currently using!", as well as the realism displayed in special effects & weapon models), which I thought was interesting (simply because when I was young, it was the more serious, real world connections of a lot of anime which drew me to the medium over traditional cartoons, and that doesn't seem to be a big appeal for the fandom/medium anymore).

Space Adventure Cobra (Amazon Prime Video) - 90's sci-fi anime flick, that I think is an adaptation of an even older manga (based on the art style I had assumed it was from the 80's). It follows a legendary space pirate known as Cobra, who gets involved with a female bounty hunter who is at odds with the galaxy's biggest crime syndicate. It's pretty decent. Not that I have much experience with it, but it comes across as a more graphic take on something like Buck Rodgers.

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Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


@RR529 Yeah, regarding Topher Grace in Blackkklansman, it's a little weird any time you see someone who is really well known for one thing show up as someone very different but that's usually just in the first few moments for me. Recently watched Penguin Bloom for example which had Andrew Clutterbuck Lincoln and it was hard to unsee Rick Grimes but he sold his part fairly well and then I forgot about Rick.

Anyway as far as Eric from That 70s Show, It probably helps that I wasn't a huge fan of the show and I've seen him in other films but I thought he was pretty good considering what they were going for.

And One Night in Miami is entertaining in the same way as 12 Angry Men in that it doesn't sound like much of a premise but really worthwhile and engaging.

[Edited by zupertramp]

PSN: frownonfun
Switch: SW-5109-6573-1900 (Pops)

"One of the unloveliest and least enlightening aspects of contemporary discourse is the tendency to presume that whatever one disagrees with must be very simple—not only simple, but also simply wrong." - Elizabeth Bruenig


Snyder's Justice League is such a weird thing

Like it looks a million times better than whatever the hell the theatrical cut was supposed to be, but I'm also still wary about getting super hyped for it because I felt really duped by Batman v. Superman even after giving Ultimate Edition a chance


PSN: phantom_sees


@TheFrenchiestFry I’m hyped just because it’s something different. I like a lot of what Snyder does but he’s always had trouble sticking to what the studio wants. This medium allows him to actually deliver what he wants for once. The director’s cuts are always at least better so if this is like a director’s cut on crack then it could be great.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett It does actually look really solid

I do think giving him the permission to do the full 4 hour cut he probably wanted will give him enough legroom to tell his entire story with the film. If they even tried to squeeze half the stuff I'm seeing in that new trailer into that original theatrical cut they were going to do before Snyder left the film I could've seen it being probably even messier than BvS in terms of pacing and how many characters it had to introduce.

We know it's probably not to going to be followed up on considering WB seems extremely adamant on steering clear of his direction for DC's films but if that is the case I at least am glad we're getting some resolution on some front like seeing Leto's Joker not act like a guy who just dowsed a Monster Energy after snorting crack


PSN: phantom_sees


@RogerRoger Oh yeah 4 freaking hours of this

I'll probably have to watch it in hour-chunks. The film is going to have to be super engaging if it's prompting me to sit straight through all 4 hours. This is honestly an instance where I'm glad it's not getting a theatrical release and went straight to streaming. That format works a lot better for a film like this imo

[Edited by TheFrenchiestFry]


PSN: phantom_sees


@RogerRoger @TheFrenchiestFry I dunno, some super long films are still engaging like the extended cuts of The Lord of the Rings. Although I’m the person who can sit down and watch an 8 hour long Holocaust documentary so clearly I’m not the person to judge 😅

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett I mean

I also like LotR way more than any Snyder film so it might just be that as well

I couldn't sit through a film like BvS Ultimate Edition if I tried in theaters. I know it made some people look at that film more positively in retrospect but outside filling the gaps in regards to Clark investigating Batman in Gotham and interviewing the city's residents as well as that sick Lex Luthor/Batman scene at the end it just didn't do much for me

Probably a similar story here. I know my dad would probably get super achy with a film this length as well


PSN: phantom_sees


4 hours in the comfort of my home isn't too bad. 4 hours in the cinema though, no thanks.

PSN: frownonfun
Switch: SW-5109-6573-1900 (Pops)

"One of the unloveliest and least enlightening aspects of contemporary discourse is the tendency to presume that whatever one disagrees with must be very simple—not only simple, but also simply wrong." - Elizabeth Bruenig


@RogerRoger Michael Bay's Transformers movies were like the one group of films that needed like 5 intermissions and I've never gotten even one through watching them in theaters

They're like the kind of films where you think you're at the start of the third act but apparently it's actually the midway point of the second


PSN: phantom_sees


I’m just glad we might finally get a CGI-less Superman


Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@RogerRoger I literally haven't seen Revenge of the Fallen since the theaters back in 2009

The only things I remember were Devestator's wrecking ball tits, Shia LeBoeuf going into cardiac arrest mixed with a seizure during a college lecture, and Optimus Prime with a jetpack

In fact I think the only Transformers film I've actually rewatched is Bumblebee, like the one that's actually good


PSN: phantom_sees


@nessisonett Honestly the sacrifice of the facial hair wasn't in vain given Cavill killed it in Mission Impossible Fallout

The way they massacred Superman's face does not even compare to how they massacred Batman's...everything


PSN: phantom_sees

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