
Topic: Valkyria Chronicles 3

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I read back in Sept 2012 that it might be getting a America release. I have not heard anything since. Does anyone have any updates.

I love the first one on my PS3.
I play the second on the PS Vita.

Now I want the third.


CanisWolfred … pe-6339405

Also, it's more than a little late to release a PSP game in the west. Shame, since it's very good. If I were you, I'd grab a PSP and wait for the fan translation to come out. You can buy the game for a little over $50 USD on Play-Asia with free shipping.

Ironically, I did some further reading and it sounds like Sega Pulled a capcom and wanted people to petition for it. I'm guessing not enough people did. … till-hope/

[Edited by CanisWolfred]

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