
Topic: Metal Gear Solid

Posts 21 to 24 of 24


MGS3? HD? PS3? 60fps? trophy support? completely remade menus? Subsistence version with MG 1 & 2? lots of questions?

SIGN ME UP! and it even releases on my birthday! This is so perfect xD

...and yes, MGS3 is all I care about o____o

[15:36] Corbs: Vita rules - 3DS drools!

zezloggery | i haz youtube | PSN ID: zezhyrule

[23:11] Phoen...


I will probably pick this up. I have never played a MGS game and I look forward to doing so.


It's like, I just love a cowboy
You know
I'm just like, I just, I know, it's bad
But I'm just like
Can I just like, hang off the back of your horse
And can you go a little faster?!


I can't believe I bought the MGS4 PS3 bundle in 2008 and still haven't played the actual game yet.  I mainly bought the bundle for the backwards compatible console.  The only reason I haven't played the game is because I haven't played any of the previous games and didn't want to ruin the story for myself.  I definitely can't wait to play the MGS collection so I can catch up before playing part 4.

PSN ID : MrPink78


@Mickey... you know this is the 3rd time Ive tried playing MSG4. Mainly I was hooked on trophies at one point and didnt give it a shot really the first two times, but crap this game is amazing. It kinda starts off slow for about 3 hours, or really its all a intro to things to come, once you meet Drebin and can start upgrading weapons to you liking and buying all kinds of guns it gets incredible. Not to mention the story is amazing in itself with the tremendously long but fantastic cutscenes. I HIGHLY recommend giving it another shot, open-minded of course, once you get into it a few hours you will be hooked.

Upgrading weapons is incredible in a shooter that has incredible gameplay. Killing is supposed to be the last resort in a stealth-action game. Sadly, Kojima forgot that while hoe was working on MGS4. Oh no wait, he didn't, since he made sure the combat was screwy enough so you'd actually want to avoid why am I forced into firefights so G-ddamn often?! They've made the stealth part harder, but they also made running away harder, too. Now it seems like every time I get caught I have to fight it out, and every time I do, I'm reminded how horrid the combat is. I mean, the combat has always sucked in MGS, it was supposed to make you try harder to avoid getting caught, and to make you run back to the previous room when you screwed up. Now it seems like they're trying to make it a shooter, yet they couldn't even make it fun in _that_ respect.

It's a shame, because I do like the story, but I can get that all on Youtube. The game itself is too much of a mess to put up with.

Wait so your not supposed to run and gun.  The point is to hide and be stealthy...  WHAT A LOAD OF GARBAGE!

This is my new account my old one is salty1264. I joined in juin 2010 on my other account so im not a new member. Steam: se' salty1264

PSN: Salty1264

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