
Topic: Nintendo Switch --OT--

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She lost me the moment she started criticizing Jennifer Hale for taking over the role. Hard to sympathize with somebody who criticizes another for happily taking on a role she vacated by choice.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@KilloWertz That was a misquote. It’s been reported that she said ‘betrayal’ when talking about Jennifer Hale but she said the word ‘portrayal’.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@Kidfried It looks like Kamiya’s just deleted his Twitter account too. Baffling that this of all things was enough to make him throw the toys out the pram when he’s been a genuine tw*t on Twitter for years.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


When someone rejects a job and calls the pay inadequate it’s natural to assume they have a better offer. I can totally understand why platinum thought she was busy rather than understanding the situation.



Good video here by YongYea about the situation so far.

He's been doing VA the past 3 years and knows a thing or two about this kinda thing...

[Edited by HallowMoonshadow]

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@nessisonett She said that she had no right to step in and other things, so she still criticized her for taking on the role. To be mad that she stepped in to the role she passed on is just ridiculous. I get her reasoning for passing on the role, but that's when she lost me, and I can't feel sorry for her thinking that nobody else should voice the character either. She did the voice, but Bayonetta isn't her's.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


Finally finished XC3 up this afternoon (nearly 150 hours)! The finale was absolutely epic, but these game companies need to get together and agree on some sort of cap for how many phases a JRPG final boss should have, lol. I was so overleveled it wasn't hard, but it took me nearly 2 hours because it was so long (granted, a ton of that was cutscenes, but still).

I find it absolutely hilarious that it confirmed that Rex got with Pyra, Mythra, AND Nia. He's been absolutely busy, lol.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


@RR529 After beating XC3, it's impossible to watch the "I love you... and all you guys!" scene in the same way. He wasn't being dense or friendzoning Nia. Rather, Harem King Rex was telling her exactly what was going to happen in the future.

My main issue with the final boss is that it doesn't have mid-fight checkpoints. Wouldn't be as problematic if most of that fight wasn't story content you're being forced to rewatch if you lose.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah


Lol seeing the spoilers made me hate Rex even more. Seriously I hated this guy from the first time I saw him, he is one of the most unlikable MC in jrpg history. Fortunately, XC2 is interesting enough to play, until you arrive to the huge area that looks like pixelated mess. If you stomach this the game picks up afterwards. The final battle and the prequel dlc are very well executed.

TBH I want to buy and play XC3 and maybe Live A Live, but after I got my Steam Deck I can't go back to the Switch. It looks like a cheap toy, gives me cramps (due mostly to the shoulder buttons) when I play and feels way underpowered.

[Edited by belmont]




To add to this, in the Bloomberg article, it is alleged that after negotiations broke down, Platinum still offered HT a cameo for the price of one session, which she turned down. I'm guessing this is where the $4000 figure came up.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah


So, they both lied? The original VA said she was not paid enough and sometime ago the developers said they changed the VA due to scheduling?

TBH before this I never knew how voiced Bayonetta, who voices her now (not that I remember the names without looking), who developed the game (I thought it was developed by Nintendo)...

[Edited by belmont]



@belmont To be fair, Platinum's lie is far classier. It sounds like Taylor asked for a wildly high offer, leading to negotiations to break down, and Platinum still respected her and told everyone it was due to scheduling conflicts, saving her face. No one would have known about this money debate if Taylor hadn't posted a video of herself on twitter, leading to everyone calling out her lie!



@BranJ0 @Kidfried I don't get why the OG VA would lie publicly about this though. Seems like a way to destroy your career but I am not an actor so who am I to judge...

As far as what actually matters it seems like the game gained free publicity. I am not sure if Nintendo or Sega owns the Bayonetta IP but I didn't see any ads anywhere and almost nobody talked about the game. Hey, even I would love to check it but after I got the Steam Deck I can't really go back easily to my Switch Lite. First two games were fun though, even though I preferred the first one.

[Edited by belmont]



""Significant increase" over her pay for B2". Yikes, how much did she get for voicing Bayonetta 2 back then? Must be pretty low.

Also, would be interesting to know how much Hale got for Bayonetta 3.

Huntin' monsters erryday.


@Kairu Not sure if we have each other on Switch Online... but I play a lot of MHR/Sunbreak, and more than happy to co-op if you need a hunting partner mate

I'm 6657-2171-6029



@Kairu Yeh I feel you mate, only so many minutes a day to spare/committ! In fairness though, I actually find that MHRise lends itself to really short bursts of play .... and if the Switch is nearby I'll often just plough 15 mins spare into a hunt or so. If you catch the bug with this game let me know!



Started playing AI: The Somnium Files and it's such a great game to play on the Switch. I haven't played a visual novel in a long time so it feels nice to be playing one now. This game has made me miss visual novels in general actually. Luckily for me, The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles is on sale now for €25 so I might actually pick it up. I haven't played an Ace Attorney game since Spirit of Justice came out in 2016. It's crazy that we haven't seen a new entry in the franchise since then.

On a side note if anyone's interested, I saw that Death's Door and Ender Lilies are on sale now on Switch. I've heard great things about those two titles so I might pick them up along with Ace Attorney.



Since Mario Party 1 and 2 were added to Switch Online Expansion this week, my friends and I decided to finally upgrade to the expansion pack. We're actually planning to play them tomorrow, but me and my friend decided to test out some other games online today. We played Mario Kart 64, Dr Mario 64 and Mario Tennis. All fun games but we really enjoyed Mario Tennis. It still holds up really well today and the rounds could get really intense.

I'm definitely impressed by the selection of games and I feel that it's been absolutely worth upgrading to the expansion pack so far. Not to mention being able to play the N64 titles online. So much good stuff to be had here! I also want to play Earthbound and Paper Mario at some point.

It's in general just so incredible how much there is to play on the Switch right now. There are so many first-party and third-party games, and then we have all the retro titles as well. The Switch is such an amazing device!

[Edited by LtSarge]



@Kairu Yeah this was an excellent year for Nintendo. I wasn't expecting that going into 2022, but man did they release so many games this year!

On a side note, I have been contemplating about learning things that I've missed out on doing during my life. One of those things is learning how to play chess, which I feel is an important game to know how to play. Then I remembered that chess is actually included as one of the games in 51 Worldwide Games on Switch and I decided to finally learn how to play it. It wasn't actually as bad as I thought, it took me maybe about an hour including the game's lessons and practice but I know now how to play it! Obviously I'm far from being good at it, but at least I know what the goal of the game is and how you move each chess piece. It's actually a fun game with so much depth, so I understand now why it's such a popular game. Might actually keep playing it from here on out.


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