
Topic: You Died. The Dark Souls Series Discussion Thread

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@Th3solution @Yousef- When Miyazaki himself uses them to play the game, I think I'm OK with it. As I said before, I've started to use them less recently, but don't see a problem if people do use them.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


Ultimately just play the game however you want to play it @Th3solution!

Long as you enjoy it and have fun it doesn't and shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks.

There's no need for silly gatekeeping & people not being considered true players because they didn't play it on a dance mat blindfolded taking no hits whilst dancing the macarena

On other news Dark Souls 3 is officially done and dusted.

Well base game. I've not actually played the DLC (mainly cus I don't have it). The final boss was fun as always. I love that fight so much. What an ending to the series.

That stupid bloody secret boss though. The Nameless King is such a nasty piece of work. had to switch back to my cleaver for him as my greathammer was a bit too slow for my taste.

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@HallowMoonshadow @JohnnyShoulder @Yousef- As someone who uses Fextralife, YouTube, and isn’t opposed to taking advantage of cheeses and broken mechanics in the games, I was happy to see that quote from Miyazaki, so much so that I saved it (I’m a collector of quotes anyway):

“I want to preface this by saying I absolutely suck at video games, so my approach or play style was to use everything I have at my disposal, all the assistance, every scrap of aid that the game offers, and also all the knowledge that I have as the architect of the game. The freedom and open world nature of Elden Ring perhaps lowered the barrier to entry, and I might be the one who's benefiting the most from that, as a player, more than anyone else.” —Miyazaki

It validates some of the practices I’ve employed over the years. More power to those who do all the blind-folded speed runs, but I’m just not good enough. 😄

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


JohnnyShoulder wrote:

@Th3solution Let me and @HallowMoonshadow know when you get to the infamous 'questionable' level design of one particular section...

Welp, I’m not sure if this is what you were referring to but I’ve been “enjoying” the wonderful Harvest Valley and Earthen Peak. 😅 I guess each of the Souls games has to have one of these annoying poison swamps that you have to trudge through and accept being poisoned the whole time (and simultaneously get pelted from above by a pyromancer that you can’t even see much less kill); and don’t dare break any jars because you’ll get poisoned; and then if you fall into one of those underground poison caves, good luck seeing anything and you just have to hope that you stumble around and find a ladder before you run out of healing items… Exceedingly annoying, indeed. 😭

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution ha ha yep FromSoftware do sure like their poison sections of games! 😂 You are almost there to what I was referring to...

The poison sections in Elden Ring are made a bit more manageable as when you are on your steed, you don't get poisoned. Which is fine for out in the open world... not so much for dungeons/caves and you are not allowed on Torrent (the aforementioned steed).

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


I don't want to spoil the surprise so... You'll know it when you see it @Th3solution

And yes... Every souls game has a poison swamp. Dark Souls 3 even has two! A normal poison one and a toxic one!!!

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


Th3solution wrote:

@HallowMoonshadow @JohnnyShoulder @Yousef- As someone who uses Fextralife, YouTube, and isn’t opposed to taking advantage of cheeses and broken mechanics in the games, I was happy to see that quote from Miyazaki, so much so that I saved it (I’m a collector of quotes anyway):

“I want to preface this by saying I absolutely suck at video games, so my approach or play style was to use everything I have at my disposal, all the assistance, every scrap of aid that the game offers, and also all the knowledge that I have as the architect of the game. The freedom and open world nature of Elden Ring perhaps lowered the barrier to entry, and I might be the one who's benefiting the most from that, as a player, more than anyone else.” —Miyazaki

It validates some of the practices I’ve employed over the years. More power to those who do all the blind-folded speed runs, but I’m just not good enough. 😄

Sorry it’s been half a week and I haven’t came back to you on that yet but I plan to. I forgot some stuff I wanted to say but I’ve been contemplating this topic for a while and have a pretty firm stance. To avoid the suspense, no there is absolutely nothing wrong with you using a guide at all and I shall explain in excruciating detail why that’s the case, so yes really funny you mention it. You’re giving me a phenomenal opportunity to lay down my stance on this and the arguments I have and how I’d back them up.

We are playing ⚔️ Child of Light. ⚔️


@JohnnyShoulder @HallowMoonshadow If it’s not the poison bog with poison clouds so thick you can’t see where you’re going, I’m scared what this might be!

@Yousef- Excellent! I look forward to your detailed explanation, if you’re up to it. If not, no pressure — I’m happy and satisfied by your brief opinion you gave there. But I am definitely interested to read a deeper dive into your thoughts on the matter.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


HallowMoonshadow wrote:

I don't want to spoil the surprise so... You'll know it when you see it…

Hmmm…. I’m through the Iron Keep now, which had its own annoying aspects, with the fire, collapsing walkways, archers you can’t reach, etc. And those Alonne Knights close in at ridiculously fast speeds. It’s almost humorous how quickly they can close a gap, like they’re The Flash or something. But despite all this, I don’t think it’s necessarily worse than the average Souls area, so I’m not sure that’s it. In fact, this has been a fantastic farming area. I can run a route through and with a boosting ring I can easily get 10,000 souls in 5 minutes or so. And once you learn the patterns and how these Knights attack, I can usually do a one-two attack with Dark Orb followed by a quick lightning rapier stab and they are dead. I’m up to about soul level 120 now.

@HallowMoonshadow @JohnnyShoulder

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


My week late reply will become two weeks late… what’s funny is that I basically jinxed myself with this paragraph in my script. @Th3solution


Yes, Pastsef, that was a very clever thing to write to yourself. How was that weekend by the by? And what you about that sleep deprivation you thought you were gonna recover from? Silly past me…

We are playing ⚔️ Child of Light. ⚔️


Oh you are in the place we were referring to @Th3solution!

It's not so much how difficult the area is, although it has proven to be a stumbling block for many. I'd argue that at your current level, I would be surprised if you struggled! 😂

It is more to do with how you get there and how the geography of the Keep makes no sense for it to be located where it is! 🤣

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder Yeah, from a sheer quantity of aggressive enemies, it’s maybe the toughest so far, but it does have some tricks to deploy to help make navigation easier. Definitely one of the areas where you can’t just rush in or you have 4 Knights on top of you and two shooting great arrows into you all at once… if you don’t get knocked into the lava.

But yeah, the explanation from the NPC (the vendor, I forget his name) as to why the castle is sunken into the middle of a sea of lava was an interesting attempt to create a storyline for its existence. But in short, I’ve discovered that in the Souls worlds most things don’t make sense. I go to a talking cat to abandon my covenants for goodness sake. 😅

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


JohnnyShoulder Yeah, from a sheer quantity of aggressive enemies, it’s maybe the toughest so far, but it does have some tricks to deploy to help make navigation easier. Definitely one of the areas where you can’t just rush in or you have 4 Knights on top of you and two shooting great arrows into you all at once… if you don’t get knocked into the lava.
But yeah, the explanation from the NPC (the vendor, I forget his name) as to why the castle is sunken into the middle of a sea of lava was an interesting attempt to create a storyline for its existence. But in short, I’ve discovered that in the Souls worlds most things don’t make sense. I go to a talking cat to abandon my covenants for goodness sake. 😅

Bizarrely enough, the original DS2 is still on steam. So, whenever the urge arises, I can go and verify how low the enemy count was in that version.
(No ping because I’m a nice individual and never double ping (well that’s an effing lie))

Edit: @Th3solution you know what no never mind I do have to ping you to show you this extremely real image from the Dank Soles Wiki
I think I might’ve leaked Dark Souls IIII final boss

[Edited by Yousef-]

We are playing ⚔️ Child of Light. ⚔️


@Th3solution I think even by video game fantasy standards, it is a far reach lol.

I'm willing to suspend disbelief up to to a certain point, but if you think about it there are mountains. Iron Keep is surrounded by other mountains. Therefore it is an lava area surrounded by mountains.... on mountains. 🤣

And don't get me started on the lift to get there... 🙄 😂

[Edited by JohnnyShoulder]

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder True. And now you’ve got me thinking about some of the narrative and setting issues I have with the Souls games [rant incoming…] —
One of the disbelief moments in the Souls games for me is the NPC locations. Sometime it makes narrative sense, such as when you come across someone trapped in a cell or cowering on a ledge asking for help, but many of these NPCs are stashed away at random places on the map that are fairly nonsensical. Like the merchants especially - why would they just being hanging out and setting up shop in the deep dark recesses of a place surrounded by enemies, traps, and environmental hazards? Gavlan for example, although he looks like a guy who could handle himself in a fight, so far I’ve run into him up in the corner of a room high in a dilapidated building at No Man’s Wharf where I had to get through creepy shadow monsters and multiple ninja enemies to get to, then I run into him underground in a poison cave back in a corner hidden away there at Harvest Valley. The ladder dude is another example (I forget his name), where you have to literally break through some wooden railing (which apparently NPCs can step over waist high railings but I, the player, can’t 😅) to walk across a high narrow ledge in the building at Earthen Peak to get to him, where for some reason he’s just hanging out there.

Although I really dislike the stone NPCs that you have to use those frustratingly rare Fragrant Branches of Yore to reanimate, but at least they make more narrative sense to have been frozen in stone where they’re located. These other NPCs have no business just chillin’ out in a poison swamp or a lava field. 😂

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Yousef- A Donut Drake crossover seems like a perfect idea. Especially since “drake” is a type of dragon. We need to get Naughty Dog and FromSoft collaborating on this asap. 😄

Referring the OG DS2, I am curious how much easier it could be. The enemy count is supposed much less and often the sheer gang crowding is the difficulty issue in Scholar.

Of course I’m way overleveled, but most of the bosses have been reasonably easy so far. Old Iron King was really a joke once you knows 3 or 4 main moves and you learn to steer clear of the edges because of the one-shot death into the lava. I died to him once due to that. Probably the hardest boss I’ve encountered so far is Ruin Sentinel. Although Belfry Gargoyles were tough too.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

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