Something exciting is happening on PlayStation VR right now. A couple of years into its life, we’re starting to see developers really get to grips with the hardware. It’s always the way – early titles are often the most experimental, testing the waters to see what can be achieved. With virtual reality, it’s a whole new way of playing, a whole new way of experiencing games. But that doesn’t mean what’s old doesn’t work, we just need to open our minds a little and get out of the slump.
It turns out that VR is a fine way of revisiting classic ideas and making them new again. Tetsuya Mizuguchi saw to that just recently with his dazzling and emotion-inducing affair with Tetris Effect, revitalising the most classic and worn of titles. Now, we have the abrupt amalgamation of Guitar Hero – yes, we know, the world moved on, right? – and, wait for it, Star Wars. Why we didn’t see this one coming is alarming in hindsight because now that it’s here it just works and it’s one hell of a ride.

It’s probably fair to say that most of us have thrown out our plastic guitars by now – and God forbid if you ever went full Rock Band. Thankfully, no such trifles are required here, just a couple of those old PS Move wands, a sense of rhythm, and a healthy appreciation of ‘70s space opera. In fact, you probably don’t even need to care for Star Wars to dig Beat Saber and there’s certainly no official connection here, but if you’ve ever wanted to swing around a couple of lightsabers to the rhythm of your own awesomeness (is that a little dubstep we hear?), this is it.
A basic premise it may be, but Beat Saber is an exhilarating ride down the neon-infused Tron-like corridors of techno heaven. As the luminous lights shoot by, coloured boxes grow larger as they fly towards you. Ignore the mines, dodge the bollards, and hit the angled boxes from the correct axis with the matched saber to the beat of some badass beats, and when you get good, boy do you feel good. Epic, even. The controllers shake satisfyingly with each successful hit. Crank up the difficulty and master the corridor, and you’re as close to being The Last Samurai as Tom Cruise ever was.

You’ll feel a little damp afterwards and perhaps a little daft, if not because of the sweat – this is a hell of a workout on the higher difficulties – then maybe because you got caught unbeknownst on camera in the middle of a marathon session with noise-cancelling headphones by your supposedly better half. Inside it’s a ninja fest, but on the outside you look like a mug. But no matter, it’s what’s on the inside that counts, and time melts away when you hit your stride with Beat Saber. It’s exhilarating at times.
Perhaps if we’re being pedantic we’d point out the potentially limited amount of tracks on offer – there are only ten, although the developer has said more are on the way – and also the lack of variety in style. A custom track creator, perhaps using the system-level integration of Spotify, would undoubtedly take this to the next level. But the assortment on offer is so well catered to the kind of experience on offer we’d be remiss for knocking it too much, especially given the reduced price.
Frankly, any game that gets us to bust-a-move like this is onto a winner – and lest we forget, there may be embarrassing video evidence to support it.
Beat Saber is a thrilling rhythm game that makes ideal use of virtual reality to envelop you in an enthralling tour down the coloured highway, time after time. We suspect it’s the kind of game that will resonate with just about anyone, VR sceptic or not, and it’s an essential addition to any PlayStation VR owner's library.
Comments 25
I need to get this soon.
Custom tracks are needed for this but the devs nor Sony seem to be wanting it.
If i had a PS VR this would be the first game I get
Love this game but I keep yanking the headphone cable out mid session....PSVR’s next version needs to be wireless and support Bluetooth headphones.
This is the only game I can get the sigoth to play, VR or otherwise...and she loves it too! The kids love, family and friends love it, the dog loves it!
Only complaints:
1) Not enough songs. Upping the difficulty helps with this, but more tracks would be nice.
2) No customization. It’s my understanding that the PC version can have songs added. That’s not an option here. Being able to create songs and levels would be awesome!
3) Block spacing for different saber colors on higher difficulties. Maybe I’m whining a bit, but there have been numerous times where the game places the blue/red saber on the opposite side of the screen, immediately followed by the other color. Too many times I register a hit with the wrong saber moving it to the other side while making the appropriate swing. It’s frustrating!
It’s still an amazing game!
I impulse bought this despite thinking it looked relatively unimpressive despite all of the positivity I'd heard about it and I was blown away! It's so fun!
@AdamNovice It's licensing issues. I can't think of a single console rhythm game that allows for custom tracks.
It's a non-issue on PC, but Sony would be hit with law suits I'd imagine.
Perhaps Spotify support with randomly generated levels? Doesn't PlayStation have some sort 'relationship' with them?
I really hope they can sort it. Custom tracks would make this a lifetime game.
Awesome stuff, I'm getting it.
This would be an insta-buy for me if I could add my own tracks, but without that option I'll probably just hold off until it's been discounted a few times.
This and Tetris Effect are my next VR purchases after I've finished Astrobot. Probably gonna get that Marble Madness like game aswell. Arcas Path or something.
Quick question for those who have played this, is it too tricky for a 6 year old or would it be okay for them?
I want to play this real bad.
@Throb I honestly don't know – I don't have a six year old, so I can't say with any real conviction. But if you know your kid is okay with a VR headset and you keep an eye on them, the easiest difficulty level is very easy indeed. By default the level ends if you miss too many of the blocks in succession, but you can turn this off in the settings and just have a bit of fun.
I will die getting the platinum, i mean who doesn't want to be a jedi/Sith conducting a rave, just AWESOME!
@shafedog247 ''PSVR’s next version needs to be wireless''
How are you going to power the thing? Sticking a big heavy battery in it doesn't sound like an ideal solution either. Not to mention worrying about battery life while you're playing. Batteries running dry. And just the thought of a big Li-ion battery strapped to your head. No thank you lol, I'll take the cable.
I've seen footage of this. Really dig the gameplay, but the extremely limited track selection makes me feel like I wouldn't play this much. It'd be a very cool tech demo, but I can't imagine I'd be putting a ton of time into it.
Easily my favorite PSVR game ever. Addictive and insane fun. I only wish it had more songs.....
@Octane have you tried the Vive Pro with the wireless option? It’s still comfortable and gives a good 2-3 hours of gaming per charge. I would suspect that most people max at that time range playing VR in one sitting anyway. I’ve done some VR marathons and it gets really warm after a few hours anyway. I will conced that the PSVR 2.0 has a better cord option that the original model, but having the cord on with version coming out of the side as opposed to the rear has always been a design flaw in my opinion along with the lack of Bluetooth support because the fewer cords the better. Again, I love PSVR and have been enjoying since launch day, I just think there are serveral way to improve on what they’ve started.
@shafedog247 I haven't. The wire doesn't really bother me though. It's just that batteries... You know, they don't last. Everything needs a custom battery these days and tech is useless after five years because the battery died. I'm not a fan of that trend to be honest. And having a Li-ion battery strapped to my head isn't something I'm looking forward to, to be honest.
Only ten tracks? Hmm. I hope they're really good ones then!
I'm new to VR and so far I only have this and AstroBot. To say I've been blown away is an understatement. The future is finally here!!!
Also, get this and you can cancel your gym membership and never go back to that horrible place again.
Just to echo somebody else's thoughts higher up - this is the only game my wife has ever shown any interest in playing. She loves it. It's like that arcade dancemat game on steroids. Christmas Day is gonna be nuts.
@Octane hey what could possibly go wrong with a little radioactive battery strapped to your head? 😂😂😂
It's an awesome game, but for some reason I have 16 songs, was there some kind of bonus for buying early? Even 16 feels like not enough now, I've done the entire campaign (which the review really should have mentioned) and working towards platinum (some trophies require mastery of 15 songs, how could they have launched with 10?). Either way, can't wait for more songs.
@get2sammyb A little off topic but Starchild is canceld https://www.psx-sense.nl/343791/exclusieve-ps4-game-star-child-is-geannuleerd/
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