There's not much more we can really add to the conversation surrounding Cuphead. It's been out for nearly three years on other platforms, and arrives on PlayStation 4 with everyone in the know. While we'll probably just be echoing others, it would be remiss of us to not voice our thoughts, so here goes. Cuphead is gorgeous, clever, but tough as old boots.
This is a 2D, run and gun action game heavily inspired by cartoons from the 1930s. It apes the rubber hose animation style (look it up) of early Fleischer and Disney, and it does so in spectacular fashion. The first thing that strikes you about this game is how it looks and sounds, and StudioMDHR has absolutely nailed the aesthetic. It feels inexplicably authentic; the hand painted backgrounds, exaggerated expressions, and nightmarish characters are all present and correct. The amazing visuals are accompanied by a fantastic jazz soundtrack to deliver the full presentational package — it's brilliant.
In terms of gameplay, this is a very straightforward experience. You can run, jump, dash, and shoot — that's about it. There are some more complex wrinkles, like being able to parry pink objects, and building up a special meter by shooting enemies, but mechanically speaking, this is pretty simple stuff. Simple doesn't mean easy, though, and this game does everything it can to test you on these basic elements.
The game puts most of its energy into boss battles, which are definitely the stars of the show. Like all the villains from that era of cartoons, the bosses here are big personalities, and there are some seriously creative designs. They are also extremely difficult to defeat. Each boss goes through multiple stages, ramping up the challenge as you constantly blast them with bullets. You're rarely given a moment to breathe in the few minutes it'll take to bring one of these baddies down — this is a relentlessly hard game.
Sometimes it can feel unfair — and occasionally, it is — but almost every death is on you. There might be a lot happening onscreen, but attacks are clearly telegraphed and you have everything you need to survive. It all comes down to memorising attack patterns and skilfully weaving your way through an onslaught of obstacles. Upon death, you're shown how close you came to finishing a fight, and it stings when you're a hair's breadth from victory, but infinite, instantaneous restarts lead to an addictive cycle of fighting, losing, and learning. The quality in boss battles varies, but most of them are great tests of your dexterity. Practice makes perfect.

While bosses are largely successful, the Run and Gun stages are less entertaining. These are more traditional platforming stages, but we found them to fall a little flat. They're quite creative in places, with some neat environments and interesting gimmicks. Hidden coins in each level can be spent on new weapon types and other perks, and these can be a huge help, so these stages are worth playing. However, they lack the impact of the bosses, and often feel like a slog to get through.
Boss fights can feel the same way on occasion, but the constant shifting into new stages helps them tick along at a decent pace. Even though the various phases give you a rough idea how far through a fight you are, there's a general lack of feedback to your shots, and sometimes it feels as though you're not making a dent. It's hard to put our finger on what's missing — perhaps more sound or controller vibration would help — but your attacks feel soft. Hits are conveyed by enemies briefly flashing white, but there's no oomph. It's like firing a water pistol at a house fire. Perhaps it makes the payoff when you do conquer a boss all the sweeter.

Cuphead can be played solo or with a buddy in local co-op, but this is a double-edged sword. It can be helpful to have an ally, as they can revive your ghost if you die, but the chaos onscreen makes it very hard to keep track of what's going on. Though you'll likely have an easier time alone, it's a fun alternative way to play.
Cuphead might be a tough cookie, but it charms with superlative art and music. For every time you might be frustrated by a tough section, you'll be delighted by some wonderful animation or new attack. It isn't perfect; the Run and Gun levels don't live up to the bosses, and a lack of feedback can make fights feel futile. Overall, though, the game succeeds in what it sets out to do — just be prepared for a real challenge.
Comments 74
Cuphead is an excellent but tricky game. Clearly the developers have poured a lot of passion into it.
@Kidfried Whether it's purposeful or not, I don't much care for it
@Kidfried I don't even agree with it, I thought the feedback was more than enough and that coupled with distinct stages of the boss fight and the progress bar showing you exactly where you died was plenty of information.
Then again I really enjoyed the run and gun stages as well with its Contra style gameplay and excellent parry mechanic mixing things up. This is easily one of the best games I've played this generation, with amazing visuals and excellent gameplay
@RogerRoger I do think its difficulty is overstated, there's nothing unfair about it and everything is telegraphed. Its one of those games that if it released in the 80's or early 90's I don't think its difficulty would ever be talked about
Never did fancy this. The old art style just doesn't do it for me.
@carlos82. This game is easily a 9 to me.word up son
I really enjoyed this game when I played it on Xbox One, but the difficulty did eventually get the better of me.
This game is great. It's really hard sometimes, but if you put in the time to learn how to play, and experiment with all of the different shots and abilities you can find something that works for you.
Don't get me wrong, the game stays pretty hard, but I think it works in this game's favor. The difficulty keeps things at a pace where you can appreciate the game and its art.
It's not everyone's cup of tea, as a lot of people don't like struggling, most if not all, but it's worth it in the end when you finally reach your goal.
It's really very good, and there's a dry spell on games right now, so if you are willing to practice the skill it takes to beat this game I'd really recommend it.
If you're not willing to practice, and just want to chill out after a long day of work then I don't recommend it.
I'm honestly very surprised it's on PSN. I'm gonna pick it up sometime soon. It deserves support.
Oh hell naw...this is a top game of the gen...7 is not it.
@carlos82 @constable_what I’ve always been interested in this game because of the amazing visuals, but tend not to play shooter games like this anymore. Y’all have convinced me!
This and Ori are the best games to ever come out of Xbox! 7/10 is a steal, cuphead is a masterpiece ! I played it on switch and it’s worth every cent
Eesh, this was harsher than I expected. It might be difficult compared to games these days but it’s still 100x easier than most run and gun games like Contra and Metal Slug.
@Kidfried I get what you're saying. Thanks for your thoughtful comments
Ouch, the "late port" factor hit this game pretty hard.
When I played the game when it released on PC a few years ago, I really hated the run 'n gun sections but the bosses were fun cause they didn't last forever.
@Kidfried I 100% agree with what you have said, but here's the thing, a review is subjective, I happen to think on the feedback thing they are wrong as well, enemies when hit do flash red, which is a very old school thing from the likes on Contra etc. and it has that sort of mechanical vibe, although as @nessisonett said, Cuphead is not in the same difficulty leagues as a Contra and Metal Slug. I think there's some weird criticism in the review, but the "feedback" one was the most bizarre, sounds to me like the reviewer didn't really "feel" the game and were probably grasping for legitimate reasons as to why. Sometimes you just don't "feel" a game and it rubs you the wrong way and that's OK too.
amazing game, it isnot a console seller but every one needs to try it. good to see ps fans get to play this little gem of a game.
I got the platinum in Bloodborne, have completed all the From Software games multiple times and am currently hunting down my Sekiro platinum trophy, none of these games were as difficult as Cuphead in my opinion and none of them were anywhere near as frustrating.
Just my 2 cents, if you find difficult games frustrating and you need to be selective about where you spend your money, I would exercise caution.
I've always wanted this, but my response time isn't what it was 30 years ago in my 8 and 16-bit gaming days. I've tried going back and playing some of these old games I used to slaughter as a kid and they seem impossible now. So I'm afraid I just couldn't cut it with Cuphead.
Disagree with the rating this time. The game is a masterpiece, of the most well crafted games ever, simply amazing and mind-boggling visuals! Sure it is frustrating but Dark Souls is frustrating, etc etc...it's not a negative imo
Fantastic game. Comfortably one of the standout games this generation imo.
Yes, it's a relatively simple concept but there's also nothing else really like it. Then you have the incredible art style and excellent soundtrack to really polish it all off.
The frustrating moments only make the success all the more sweet.
Just out of interest how much of the game did you play @Quintumply?
@Ear_wiG Once you get into the swing of things and get into a nice rhythm it becomes muscle memory. It's easily one of the most fun and satisfying platformers I've played, and of course the visual style is very unique, and had a lot of hard work, effort, and love put into it.
The animations are all hand drawn for heck's sake.
Had my eye on Cuphead for a while, love the animation and music. Curious to hear if it has multiple difficulty modes?
@SegaBlueSky It has a "Simple" mode for bosses (which essentially makes those encounters shorter), and run and guns are optional (although you miss out on upgrades).
The trade off is that it makes the game easier, but you miss out on some of the depth and a lot of the cool boss animation work.
@SegaBlueSky Beating a boss on 'Simple' doesn't allow you to fully progress though. It'll only allow you to move onto the 2nd Isle (there are 3 in total) so you don't get to experience a lot of the later bosses, some of which are standouts.
Once the game is beaten in 'Regular' difficulty, the option to go through the bosses on 'Expert' becomes available, where the game's difficulty ramps up to an even higher level!
@Constable_What The visuals are truly incredible! I love the whacky style of old, hand-drawn cartoons, so when I first saw this game my jaw dropped. So glad it’s available on PlayStation now. Thanks for your comments. Might have to wait for a sale, but definitely will get this.
@SegaBlueSky it has easy and normal, but if you want to get those contracts and advance you have to beat the boss battles on normal.
A lot of people should’ve played it on PC (game can run on any computer) instead of waiting, and 7/10 because it’s difficult? The reviewer needs to git gud lol
@roe About half way. I wanted to play much more before I put pen to paper of course but a) this game released suddenly so I wanted to get my thoughts out in a timely fashion and b) I'm pretty bad at Cuphead haha.
@Akurusu It's our policy to only review PlayStation versions of games. There may be significant differences between platforms, and we're a PlayStation focused site.
And to say the score is simply down to the fact it's difficult is extremely reductive. If you read my review and you don't understand how I came to award the game a 7, then that's on me, but I didn't mark it down because it's hard.
I decided to punish the dev for making this an Xbox exclusive...so I waited 2 hours after releasing on PlayStation to purchase. I showed them!
100% agreed, great review!
Edit: and I agree on the lack of feedback when hitting bosses: it's not a dealbreaker by any means, but it's there.
And for those who mention Dark Souls, that game has HP bars for bosses, while in Cuphead you can inly see the equivalent after you've died, so there's no way to keep track of your current progress.
@Constable_What @roe @Akurusu
Thanks for the answers folks!
@Quintumply it's cool. I completely disagree with your view but I think a lot of people will have a similar thoughts to you.
It's just the ones that persevere and enjoy this kind of challenge will end up loving it.
@Quintumply You literally marked it down for being “frustrating at times”. You just need to git gud.
@SegaBlueSky Enjoy the game yo, and P.S. you’re gonna need your Sharingan for this one.
I think the reviewer needs to Git Gud, I not saying this is a masterpiece but it’s definitely better than 7 maybe the minimum would be 8 and to me it’s a 9
@SegaBlueSky You're welcome!
Imagine using the term "git gud" in a serious manner.
@LiamCroft people that do that unironically need to git gud lol.
Thanks for the review, I feel your comments line up with the score pretty well and, importantly for me, your impressions align pretty well with mine on this game.
I want to love it more than I do because I adore the look and sound of the game, but this is pretty much the main reason for wanting to play the game for me. Having said that, I have double dipped and bought it again so I have it on PS4 and Switch now🤔
I'd buy it if it had more difficulty options. The game is very difficult to me and I'd prefer options on that.
I can't imagine giving this game less than a perfect score. Absolutely one of the best games I've ever played and flawless in so many ways.
7/10? That's an awful rating. 8/10 or 9/10 seems more like it.
Everyone enjoys a little challenge. But when its so frustrating that one a very small 1-2% ever pass it I say no thanks. I love the vintage cartoon art style so I will pick it up a deep sale.
Adding another disagree to the score. I got it on Switch in April and I absolutely loved it. I bought it day 1 on PS4 to get the Platinum as I got every achievement on Switch but it is not the same. And of course to support this talented studio.
Everything from character design to old school animation to music is perfect and a clear labor of love. The difficulty is high but never unfair, as you "get" that you will be retrying a lot until you beat the bosses.
I would easily give it a 9, or even an 8 if you have issues with hard games. But again, the developer completely delivered on what they promised.
If absolutey nothing else, everyone should experience the soundtrack of this game. Amazing.
The rest of the game is awesome too, but soundtrack is the absolute stand out of it.
@Jimmy_G_Buckets. Come on playa.get good.no game is too hard for me.im a veteran like david letterman.been playing video games since pac man.im the best.im not from the west.but from the east .the bally of the beast.word up son
@NikCanPlay. One of the best games ever to me.and one beautiful game.wow.word up son
@sketchturner i agree with you a 9 or 10 is spot on.cuphead is a classic word up son
I don't like it.
Its hard, but not rewarding.
Not my cup(head) of tea.
@LiamCroft Seeing all these people spouting "git gud" and "I'm the best" almost made me double check that I hadn't entered a 2nd grade classroom 🤦🏼♂️
@clvr. Because im the best.and thats what i am dog.aint no game to hard for me dog .so what you saying.word up son
@AFCC i agree with you this game is a masterpiece.word up son
@thiz i agree a 10 is cuphead or a 9 but this game is a masterpiece.the visuals fantastic.word up son
This is why you have WeMod on PC and Game Wizard Save Editor on PS4 😉
I recommend you to try the game at a friend 's house or something. I was hesitant at first since I thought the difficulty was cheap or tacked on and it took a friend bringing his Switch copy and a discount to sell me.
And so glad I did. One of my favorite games this gen, I clocked in 50 hours in the Switch copy and now I am replaying it on PS4. For me the learning curve is perfectly judged.
@Kidfried. Hahaha thanks for the reply.word up son
@AlexSora89 exactly. I don’t understand how that’s not obvious to some people.
I really want this game, but i am afraid of the difficulty. Just because I'm not the best at videogames doesn't mean i shouldnt be able to enjoy them, and i always play on easiest modes. I have so many unfinished games. It sucks for players like me who enjoy games stories or aesthetics but can never see the whole game due to difficulty. Not sure if i should buy this game. I love the style, but i dont like wasting my money on something i will never see. I cant just get good. I do my best and it's just not good enough.
I wish you'd actually beaten this game before you wrote this review so that it could have been more detailed — a desire to release something in a timely manner should not be considered more important than ensuring said something is the best version of itself that it can be.
@Ultimategamer132 In an ideal world, we'd have had a review copy well in advance, and I could've played it all the way through before writing, but here we are.
@Quintumply Does Push Square set strict deadlines?
I feel like you guys should've either just waited to review the game properly or had someone review it that had already played through on another platform.
Just my 2p.
A demo of this would be great - I love the aesthetics, but fear for its difficulty
How has this come to PlayStation??? Didn't the makers once say it will never come out on PlayStation once?!?! Shame they said that because that is the reason I won't buy it even tho it looks good. Oh well.
It's not like "our" side - the Nintendo one ("side" is figurative, natch9 - is completely exempt from the "sour grapes" treatment, either.
@Carl-G You should know the saying, never says never. That was a different time, different era, different moment. Remember when Sega said they will never make a Sonic game for a Nintendo system? Many gens later and Sonic games are on Nintendo GameCube and GBA. Remember when Nintendo says Night Trap will never be released on a Nintendo console ever. There's Night Trap in all it's full glory on the Nintendo Switch. Don't hold onto fanboyism, just enjoy what the game was made for as it may likely be your last.
I never bought this on 360 or PC, so definitely saves me some money. I'll pick it up in a future sale for $10 or cheaper.
This is a 10/10 game for me personally.
a 7 out of 10 ?
This reviewer is not professional.
An instant classic that will always be remembered as one of the best games of all times.
The visuals, the soundtrack, the animations, the humor, the simple but perfected gameplay, the learning curve; it's one of those games you'll keep fond memories once you beat it and many years later. 10/10
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