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PlayStation Store
29th May 2019
29th May 2019
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- bohemia.net
Review DayZ - Far Too Little Far Too Late for the PS4's Worst Performing Game
DayZ was a cultural phenomenon when it launched as a mod for ARMA 2 in mid-2012. As one of the first games to successfully implement survival elements and mechanics into its gameplay loop, it paved the way for an entirely new genre that is still just as popular today. That original experience was seven years ago though, and the world of video...
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Accessibility data by Family Gaming Database
DayZ News
News Why Is DayZ Charging Money For a Second Map When the Game Is Still Broken on PS4?
Even the PC players are angry
Stop us if you've heard this one before, but the PlayStation 4 port of DayZ is really, really bad. It's one of the worst console ports we've ever had the displeasure of reviewing, and the experience hasn't gotten much better since its launch back in May. It's a bit confusing then that the game is already rolling out a...
News DayZ Is Getting a Physical Release Next Month on PS4, for Some Reason
It's still a rip-off
DayZ has been available digitally on PlayStation 4 for a couple of months now, and every so often we remind ourselves that it exists and have a good chuckle about the whole ordeal. It popped up on the PlayStation Store out of nowhere more than four years after its initial announcement, and it turned out to be one of the worst...
News Don't Waste Your Money on DayZ in the EU PSN's Latest Deal of the Week
You have been warned
DayZ might have been somewhat of a decent experience half a decade ago, but fast-forward to 2019 and its PS4 port is one of the worst games we've played this generation. Somehow, it has become the European PlayStation Network's deal of the week, but we implore you not to pick it up out of sheer curiosity. Until 11th July, you...
News DayZ PS4 Trophy List Finally Surfaces Online Without a Platinum
13 Trophies to unlock
DayZ is an awful game on PS4, full to the brim with bugs, glitches, and a framerate that dips more often than a Six Flags rollercoaster. Nevertheless, the title's Trophy list has just popped up on Exophase, meaning it has finally reached PSN servers after four days on the market. There isn't a Platinum Trophy to unlock,...
News DayZ Explains Its Mechanics with Four Minutes of Gameplay Footage
Rockstar style
DayZ has just sort of been dropped on the PlayStation Store all of a sudden, priced at £39.99/$49.99. It's a high price for a game that was all the rage about half a decade ago, so what can developer Bohemia Interactive do to convince you this is a survival experience still worth playing? For a start, here are four minutes of...
News DayZ Is Coming to PS4 Next Week, Over Four Years After the Original Announcement
What's that we spy in the latest PlayStation Blog update for the PlayStation Store? DayZ is coming to PS4 next week all of a sudden, arriving with absolutely no fanfare whatsoever. Originally announced all the way back at the start of the generation during
Gamescom 2014 Zombie Infested Survival MMO DayZ Lumbers onto the PS4
In one of the more unexpected announcements at Sony's Gamescom conference today, it was announced that popular survival MMO DayZ will be coming to the PlayStation 4. The shambling shooter sees you and your buddies dropped in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, provided with essentially no resources, and then forced to fight for survival...
About The Game
Stagger into a harsh post-apocalyptic landscape where you only have one goal - survive. Fight for your life in an infected nation where zombies are just one of the many things that can kill you.
Starvation, infection, blood loss and other players are all out to make each day your last, whether you go solo or team up with friends.
Comments 2
You're just bad lol. Couldn't even find a single person? Probably were playing on low population servers. DayZ is very fun on PS4. It does have it's issues like framerate, stuttering, rendering issues, etc. I believe it should have better Occulsion rendering techniques which will render less geometry when not in view to enhance performance. But the code gameplay is really fun, from meeting other survivors on the coast, teaming up, and going on adventures inland. You can go to dangerous towns like Gorka, Stary, or even high-end military compounds like the Airfield and those places get your heart beating and make you tense from other hostile survivors, and groups of zombies swarming you. There's also the basebuilding aspect that I thoroughly enjoy despite its flaws. Theres somethubg just serene about setting up a camp in the middle of the woods that you can just call home. Overall, I think DayZ is an enjoyable game and think you were too harsh about its shortcomings.
Have to say that having ignored all the negative comments over the years aimed at DayZ I still avoided the game. That was until last month when I decided to give it a whirl on PS4 and PC. I have to say I'm glad I did. It's hands down one of the most addictive, immersive experiences I've ever had in my 30+ years of gaming. That feeling of being on the brink of starvation only to find food and weapons and then in turn more food and maybe an animal or two - its exhilarating. Ignore the naysayers - they are just butt hurt because they can't figure out the incredibly deep crafting and survival mechanics. DayZ is a fantastic gaming experience - only made better as a group of friends playing together. I've even rented servers on Nitrado to customize my experience ever more. Wonderful game.
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