There's so much to like about the cheerful, colourful RPG that is Dodgeball Academia. You play as Otto, a determined young man who enrols in a prestigious dodgeball institution, with ambitions of becoming the best of the best. Everything at the academy revolves around the cartoonishly violent sport, and over the course of the game, you'll build a team, go on crazy campus-based adventures, and compete in big tournament matches.
It's a straightforward story but it's told with charm. The plot itself is spread across a number of 'episodes' — each of which introduce new characters and gameplay elements, particularly early on. It takes around 12 hours to complete Dodgeball Academia, but a fun cast and snappy writing give the game an enjoyably brisk pace.
Climbing the school's ranks isn't easy, though. While Dodgeball Academia might look like an all-ages anime on the surface, it's actually very challenging at times. Its dodgeball battle system demands quick reflexes and, every so often, some degree of trial and error. That said, there are difficulty modifiers that you can tweak to your liking, adjusting both outgoing and incoming damage values. It's a thoughtful inclusion, and ensures that anyone can get in on the action (and avoid potential frustration courtesy of some wicked difficulty spikes).
In any case, battles are a huge part of the experience. You take to small dodgeball courts with your chosen team, each member boasting their own perks and special moves. Otto, for example, can hurl fiery dodgeballs that burn his opponents, causing consecutive damage. As characters level up, they unlock more and more impressive abilities, and by the end of the story, you'll have some seriously stacked party members.
Victory hinges on both attack and defence. Basically, timing is everything — whether you're throwing a ball at an especially agile opponent, or you're catching a sphere that's speeding towards your face. Battles are easy to understand, but hard to master, and the title is constantly dropping new gameplay quirks into the mix. Be it opposing players who can throw balls in spiral arcs, or courts that are covered in slippery ice, there's almost always something new to watch out for, and this variety keep matches feeling fresh until the credits roll.

In terms of RPG mechanics, Dodgeball Academia is fairly straightforward. Your teammates are defined by how much health they have, alongside three core stats in strength, agility, and technique. Equipment also plays a part, with accessories that can bolster different attributes, allowing you to lean further into a character's specific style of play. Still, beefing up your party is pretty addictive, and when combined with the game's rewarding learning curve, actually putting the controller down can take some discipline.
As alluded, Dodgeball Academia is a lovely looking game. The 2D character designs are top notch, and overall, the art style really holds everything together — even in the menus, which are immaculate. The infectiously upbeat soundtrack is also deserving of a special mention.
It takes obvious cues from Pokémon and other genre classics, but Dodgeball Academia is a great little RPG in its own right. Packed with charm and boasting a unique dodgeball-based battle system, it makes for a thoroughly enjoyable journey to the top.
Comments 58
If anyone's got any questions about the game or the review, let me know and I'll try to answer them.
Enjoyed playing this one quite a bit!
This one really caught my attention when I saw it. Apparently it’s now on Game Pass so I’ll play it there!
@nessisonett yeah, if we could stop bringing up GP in every other post for no reason, that'd be great.
@naruball It’s about the game. The game’s on Game Pass. Therefore I’ll play it there. Because it looks good. It’s no different from saying I’ll buy something on Switch because the game would work well with portability.
Starting playing this on GamePass today and it’s a blast!
And FWIW, many people have both systems and having the knowledge that you can play it on GP is a good thing. It’s completely relevant and not being said for “no reason”.
@nessisonett it makes no sense to keep bringing up on pushsquare of all places. Ign or Gamespot would actually make sense.
@naruball Nah.
@naruball Posters are free to mention Game Pass, especially when the game in question is part of the service.
@LiamCroft of course they're free to mention it. Never said the opposite. You may wanna read my post again.
How's the plat for this? If it's easy or fun I will get it on PS, if not I will play on the Gamepass.
By placing additional emphasis on it, we're now straying further and further from the topic at hand: which is Rob's great review of Dodgeball Academia.
The site doesn't exist in a vacuum, so we understand and appreciate that multiformat games will be enjoyed on various different platforms.
Let's just try to make the conversation about the game if possible, because Rob's spent a lot of time putting together this review and it'd be a shame to go off on an unnecessary tangent in the comments.
@LiamCroft Have to agree with @naruball here. GP subscribers are free to mention it, and the rest of us are free to respond with the light derision they deserve for being mildly obnoxious.
@Amnesiac Thanks for your comment, but please see above. Let's stay on the topic of Dodgeball Academia now.
@Gamer_Girl_ How are we mentioning GamePass for the sake of mentioning GamePass? This game is on GamePass. It’s relevant as many here have both systems and aren’t just “fanboys”.
If this game wasn’t on GP, THEN we’d be mentioning it for the sake of mentioning it. But information relevant to this game is nice to know.
@get2sammyb Is THIS game on GamePass? Yes. So it’s on the topic of Dodgeball Academia.
Ashame fanboys have to get into a tizzy about relevant information.
I have a PS5 and a Series X so I’d like to save money when I can.
In any case, I agree with the review and this game is fantastic. Play it on any console you can!
As a outgoing subscriber of gamepass because I don't find much that I want to play on there. I really do wish people would stop mentioning gamepass for no reason.
Sounds like a great game. Thanks for this excellent review. Got my eye on this one.
@ShogunRok Looks like fun and i like the style is it digital only?
@Kidfried Hmmm, I think there is a decent amount of depth. Different characters have different kinds of abilities, and you can switch between them at will.
But like the review says, it's simple on a fundamental level. You time your throws, you time your catches, and that's the basis of the entire system. The depth comes in the form of opponents who have differently timed throws and are only susceptible to being hit at certain times.
It's probably best to think of it as an actual sports game, but with RPG bits and bobs bolted on. HP, status effects, super meters — all that kind of stuff.
@Flaming_Kaiser I think it might have a limited physical release, but you'll have to go through specific companies in order to get a copy.
Didn't know anything about this game but I love Kunio games and those dodgeball ones were classics. This looks right up my alley and super grateful it's on Game Pass for me to try out while I'm playing a lot of other games.
EDIT: Tried it out and its quite fun. I didn't have much time so I appreciated that I could skip the story very quickly and just get to the action. Going to be interesting when I get into the RPG and Team elements.
@naruball I for one am glad he brought up GP, this looks cute and I didn't know it was on there so it's saved me a few quid!
@ShogunRok Ill check it out thanks nice detailed review.
The subtitle of the article worried me that the review was going to be negative. Glad to see it's a great game cause the trailer I've seen for it definitely made me interested on this unique concept. Look forward to trying it out on...(reads the room and doesn't finish his sentence).
@get2sammyb You're on to a looser there, Sammy, but good effort all the same! 🤣
Does anyone know if this game is on Gamepass?
Also, does the ability to use modifiers completely trivialise getting the plat? (that bit is a serious question).
@PossibLeigh Story of my life.
Hahaha man people fight about the weirdest things. This game looks unique and interesting! Will definitely consider checking out depending on the price tag
It's only £17.99 right now if your a plus member. Not really a big deal that it's on GP considering you need to either spend more cash to either subscribe to play it on PC or buy an X or S with a subscription to enjoy it that way.
Looks like a sports game I can get behind!
@naruball hard disagree. Discussion isn’t exclusive to PlayStation.
@nessisonett people who comment just to say they'll play something on Switch are equally annoying. "Hey, look at me visiting a PlayStation centric site, reading a review tested on PlayStation and saying I'm play it on another system. I'm so cool!"
Sorry for mentioning the Gamepass before, I'll stop doing that on the next games cause I see some people don't like it. But still, if the plat is good, I prefer to support the devs with 20 euros and get it on PS, of course
@thefourfoldroot Yeah using the difficulty sliders doesn't impact Trophies at all, so you can make yourself invincible and still go for the Platinum, if you like.
@AFCC Platinum is doable, but there are a few tricky Trophies, and one that can actually be missed (in the first chapter). So if you are going for the Platinum in one playthrough, then it's probably best to use a guide.
@ShogunRok Sweet! Played 11 minutes on Xbox and it's definitely a game I want to experience on PS5. And since the price is low, I'll gladly do it!
This looks great, man. Indies carrying the industry, well for those of us not into esports or uh, sports games.
Wow, this game looks awesome . I’ll wait for the Nintendo life review and probably get it on switch if it’s as good..
Thanks for the response.
Removed - trolling/baiting
@ShogunRok Good review! I know it's probably combat focused, but you didn't mention much outside of the combat? Is there a good story and lots of people to talk to, things to find or is it mostly a few shops and a little area to explore?
Played around 90 minutes on Xbox. Lots of fun and great art style. Now I want a golf and tennis version!
Good review, I had no idea about this game but it seems to be reviewing well in most places, might be worth checking out on Gamepass. Some great titles on there lately, been really enjoying Omno too which also reviewed well here.
@MetalGear_Yoshi there’s Golf Story which is meant to be good. That’s a golf RPG my friend! Not sure which systems it’s on apart from Switch.
@Fenbops Yes! I've got that one on Switch. It's a lot of fun. It's not really straight golf though but still really good. I'm pretty sure they're currently working on a sequel which is actually tennis based.
I just want more of this kind of rpg sport games and from different creators. I love those classic GBC/GBA Mario golf/tennis games. Everybody's Golf on playstation as well. The modern Mario sports games on Switch all seem very disappointing unfortunately. Thankfully there's a couple of indies that clearly share my love for this style of game.
Removed - trolling/baiting
@ShogunRok looks pretty cool! Not usually into sports games, but the added rpg elements entice me... do you know if it has any local coop or competitive features? Playing with or against friends in exhibition matches, etc.?
I will probably buy this game and then never play it.
Love the look of this! The art is top notch! Probably going to get it for Switch though.
Removed - unconstructive
@Jayofmaya Yeah so the whole game takes place on the academy campus. There are a few shops where you can spend you prize money, as well as dungeon-like areas that open up as the story progresses.
There are NPCs to talk to as well, and the campus changes with each new episode, with new NPCs and battles scattered around. There isn't a huge amount of exploration, but there are still secrets to find and side quests to undertake.
@J2theEzzo Yep, there's a local versus mode for two players. And as you progress through the game, you unlock new characters to play as in versus mode.
No co-op or anything, though.
@ShogunRok cool! Would have thought as much. Does seem like a pretty fun one to blast through, and i can imagine some frantic, multiplayer matches.
Gamepass has ruined any pushsquate comments section.
*****, just for the record, I have gamepass, it's still ***** annoying though. Especially regular posters posting first in every comment section saying ' oh I'll play it on gamepass' boring bampot stuff mate
Looks a lovely game, going on the wish list for sure! Great review.
@ShogunRok Thanks! Was hoping it would be quite big outside the battles, but tbh that still sounds good so will keep an eye on it
@Kidfried There's a slightly more in depth review on thesixthaxis.com.
Edit: I feel it's okay to suggest what is technically a competitor as the sixth axis doesn't seem to have, or want a community, so no one's gonna chose it over PS, but if it's a problem just let me know.
I heard a rumour that this game was on Game Pass
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