Project CARS is not your average Sunday drive. Rather than attempt to tune the release to a common ideal, developer Slightly Mad Studios has instead served up a racing simulation that requires real effort if you intend to get the most out of it. Everything about the game – from the controls to the heads-up display – is malleable, enabling you to mould the experience to your own exacting tastes. This means that you have to be willing to tweak and tinker until you find your own personal sweet spot – and it's only then that the title tends to hit top gear.
It's a bold approach from a British developer clearly not afraid of taking risks. Those that have followed the industry closely for the past few years will know that the title started life as a crowd-funded affair for motorsport aficionados; it's only since the, er, project has picked up speed that publisher Bandai Namco has waltzed onto the scene. And you do get the sense that this has been built with workshop dwelling enthusiasts in mind: any sense of progression has been left at the pitstop – your reward for competing may merely be crossing the finish line intact.

Perhaps the biggest problem with the game is that it doesn't really explain itself – it leaves you to experiment instead. The default DualShock 4 controls, for example, are twitchy out of the box, and attempting to manoeuvre a Formula A vehicle – the game's not-so subtle nod to a particularly popular motoring pastime – will have you chasing your own tail if you don't delve in and adapt the sensitivity. Fortunately, the game gives you almost unlimited scope to do this – but with no explanation on settings such as Control Filtering Sensitivity, it can feel like guesswork at times.
And yet that tinkering mentality is arguably part of the appeal: tweaking tire pressure and analysing the impact on your lap times is where you'll be spending chunks of your time; the game wants you to explore all of its options – even if it's not especially forthcoming at discussing what many of them actually mean. It's for that reason that it demands a dedicated mindset: rock up on race day expecting to blitz the competition in your lazily assembled hot hatch, and you can expect the kind of schooling that will have you digging your old copy of Ridge Racer Type 4 out of the attic.

Alternatively, you can suck it up and attempt to determine exactly where you went wrong. The campaign mode – which allows you to start in any discipline that you desire – augments you with ample opportunity to practice, with each lap and adjustment steering you one step closer to that all-important podium place. But it's also cunning in its execution: a sudden downpour, for example, can throw a spanner into the works of even the best laid plans. It's true simulation: unexpected and unfair – just like real life.
Of course, this won't be everyone's cup of high-performance oil – and nor will the single player structure, which shuns the role-playing fantasy ride of its contemporaries for something a little more straight. As already alluded, you can start with whichever racing class you like – from frenetic superkarts all the way up to sports cars – and even set your own targets. There are historic goals mapped out for you to achieve – along with various awards and accolades for you to unlock along the way – but this is all guff ladled on top of the core white knuckle experience.

As you progress through the game and make a name, you'll be invited to one-shot events which will allow you to get a taste for different types of cars. You're never building up a garage of virtual automotive memorabilia here: you'll join an event, race the vehicle that you're told to, and hopefully finish somewhere towards the front of the pack. Robotically written email messages as well as a Milestone-inspired social media wall attempts to add some personality to proceedings – but any real satisfaction stems from practicing, perfecting your strategy, and finishing on the podium.
To be fair, the game does feel good when you're out on the road: the undulation of the many courses – ranging from British staples such as Brand's Hatch and Silverstone all the way through to foreign favourites like Bathurst and the ubiquitous Nordschleife – causes your car to bob and bounce; hitting top speed in, say, an Audi R18 conveys that all-important sensation of downforce. And, of course, weather plays its part: rain-slicked roads will lead to a loss of grip, forcing you to approach hairpins with a degree of caution lest you find yourself slipping onto a lap invalidating grass verge.

It's not necessarily a looker, though: the quest for 60 frames-per-second means that environments outside of the fictional coastal roads of California and France can seem a little flat – regardless of the many bloom and heat haze effects layered on top. This isn't a problem per se – your focus will always be on the tarmac directly ahead regardless – but it can feel like a bit of a letdown if you've already been spoiled by the visual thrills of rival DriveClub. More problematic is that the title's susceptible to framerate dips and tearing on regular occasions.
These fluctuations are forgivable if only because they mostly tend to occur when you're competing against a very busy starting grid; less acceptable are the interface issues which are a common thorn in the title's rear bumper. For a game that demands you tweak so much, we found ourselves infuriated with the way in which it would cancel settings that we'd just adjusted for no real rhyme or reason – or, on a couple of occasions, list us as the loser in a race that we'd just won. There are some real irritating bugs here, which, while mostly minor, take the gloss off things a bit.

It's not that the game's subject to Assassin's Creed Unity-esque flaws – but the little things do add up. A core pillar of the experience, for example, sees you competing in developer curated events in order to set the best times. However, after several hours achieving reasonable – if unspectacular – laps, we're still yet to see our best times register in the game's online scoreboard. Downloading ghosts for Time Trials, meanwhile, seems to require an engineering degree to understand – after many minutes head scratching, we couldn't download any of the runs that we wanted to race against.
Multiplayer is more streamlined, but to its disadvantage. The curious lack of curation here is a real oversight, essentially allowing you to set up any kind of race weekend that you like, and allow others to join. The problem is that you can never be entirely sure of what you're going to get: a two-lap sprint against a group of hot-headed teens or a four-hour leisurely drive with a couple of studious 40-somethings. The netcode's rock solid once you find a race that works for you, but it's all a bit free-form.
But then that's Project CARS in a nutshell: it's unfocused from the offset, and it's up to you to locate the parts that you find appealing. Think of this as a motoring playset – a production line of components that you need to order and assemble for yourself. Once you get the controls where you want them, your car exactly how you like it, and your race day tactics tightened up, it delivers an exhilarating ride, but few will have the patience – or, indeed, the willpower – to reach that point, and thus it's hard to imagine this outing achieving the mainstream success of other competing motoring series.
Comments 28
I've been actually looking forward to this game, but now may wait until the price goes down. Still looks fun though, but I'm not into racing sims that are going to have me going off track more than racing smooth.
To be fair all I do is put opponents on 40 skill and it's easy you don't have to bother with tweaking I will prob up opponent skill though
@tjames84 I think that's maybe defeating the point a bit, though! XD
Will stick with Driveclub for the time being ,glad I didn't break habit of a lifetime and preorder but will pick up one day when it's around the £25 mark as it sounds good but not £42 good.
hhmm it seems Sammy hates all the games i love, ride was an absolute blast and this,, is the GREATEST car game to ever waltz onto consoles,,
There are a few bugs in this game but overall I think it's fantastic. The game is very realistic and at times the game punishes you if your driving is anything less than perfect but that's what makes it such a great game. Modern games (especially racing) can be far to easy with unlimited restarts, gameplay rewinds and various other options to help you get through, but this doesn't, it's old skool, it makes you become good at the game to win. If you love racing games and you want a challenge then this is the game for you, if you want an easy game that your children can play then stick with need for speed.
I agree this game is top notch.
@supergurr @sradmatt I gave it a 7/10... I like the game a lot!
@tjames84 my point is you don't need to spend hours tweaking I stopped playing driveclub ages ago I found it harder than project cars I love touring cars and such so having those tracks is a big plus for me it's a great game
"A seven is not average in our eyes. This game will sport a few areas where the game is blatantly let down to the detriment of its overall quality and enjoyment, but it is NOT average. A seven is still a recommendation, but you might want to consider what we thought let the game down and decide for yourself if it would bother you before buying."
@get2sammyb I just meant I didn't need to spend hours tweaking I will make it harder as I get more and more into it but glad you finally reviewed it lol
I think I'll probably trade this in for The Witcher and pick it up again once I buy a Thrustmaster wheel. I did eventually find a sweetspot with the pad setup but it just isn't the same as using a racing wheel. Maybe I just lack patience.
@tjames84 Don't worry - I know exactly what you mean. I do think you can jump in and play it reasonably fine, but I think when you start turning some of the assists off and stuff, you do need to tweak it a bit.
To be clear, though: I don't think this is a bad thing in the slightest. I just think it makes it more of an acquired taste - which is fine!
While I think a 7/10 is a tad low, good review. I personally never saw the screen tearing or ghosting until last night doing the eastbound and down trophy. I have also noticed that some trophies are very vague, or trying to set one up to go after the trophy and having it not work. For instance me and 5 others last night tried the I am the 5% run, turned off everything, locked cockpit view, yet no one got the trophy. We did it 3 times, changing every setting we thought would have an effect, and nothing. Also, tried to set up a real time 24hr le mans, first off, there's no real length option, then supposedly your supposed to race in teams, and allow a friend to be your other driver, so say I take the overnight, he takes the day, and we split the evening. Could not find it anywhere. I absolutely love this game, and the online is really well done, but simple things feel like a different language a lot of times. Also, one last tidbit, if anyone figures out how to make pit manager audio come through headphones and not controller I owe you.
@iDangerMouse_ OK thank you.
My pit audio comes through my headphones plugged into controller but if not using headphones it doesn't play through TV. I guess any problems with this game can always be sorted through firmware updates
Absolutely love it and while I value Sammy's opinion a lot I see myself more d'accord with IGN's review!
Love it!
It doesn't seem like there's an option to switch the pit team audio from DualShock 4 to TV. I imagine they'll patch it in.
Apart from adjusting the controller settings at the beginning, which was actually slightly easier than I first thought, I think the game is fantastic.
Don't get me wrong, it's fairly frustrating at times, when getting things wrong, but that just makes the reward for doing well all the greater. There is definitely a learning curve, but I'm pleased that there is a game like this, and not as easy as some other games out there.
All in all, I'd say it's definitely worth it for those who love racing games. Definitely a must buy.
I'll give it an 8/10 for the simple fact that it's hard to master but easy to play. My only problem is the connection issues and the force-stop blue screen errors. I bet some players thought they're just gonna jump in and go...nope. Precision is key here.
What's the best non sim style racing game on PS4? I'm not a huge racing fan but would like to have at least one.
@Splat NON-sim, it's Driveclub then I suppose.
@Scollurio @Splat There aren't really many to choose from. I'd definitely go with DriveClub, though.
@Scollurio @get2sammyb - I guess I could just knock the dust off my N64 and play some San Francisco Rush.
Looks like I'll still get Drive club...whenever I see a price cut...
@get2sammyb just out of interest Sammy, and for comparison, what would you score Driveclub at this point in time? I love it and would say 8/10...even though I suck!
Been playing this game for a week straight and I absolutely love it. Clearly its a sim and as such requires some effort to adjust the many many options, learn the cars, the tracks etc. But when you do, and you can finally consistently do quick lap times its awesome. There is so much you have to take into account when driving, every little bump in the road has a impact on your laptimes. And its especially fun if you find a bunch of guys you can race online with it.
And personally I really appreciate not having to unlock everything like in Gran Turismo. I remember I completed GT4 at 100% and STILL didnt have acces to all the cars..if you want a sense of prgression there is still a carreer mode to delve into here.
I can somewhat understand the 7, its tough as nails and definitely not for everyone, but neither was Bloodborne. If you view this as a sim racer I think it deserves an 8. Fantastic handling, incredible track list (!!), many options, 35 car grids, graphically very good (are you high sammy?? I mean its no Driveclub but still..I suggest looking up some pictures from photomode..), online works beautifully even on launch, best AI I have ever raced, etc etc. There are a lot of minor bugs I have to admit, and I was a little disappointed about the level of polish after so many delays, but so far nothing gamebreaking and I am sure therell be patches down the line..
@john81 A definite 8, yeah.
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