Long have the cacophonous cries for a remake of FromSoftware’s PlayStation 3 cult hit Demon’s Souls reverberated through the Internet. Those wishes were undoubtedly amplified after the game’s servers were shut down back in 2018, turning a once-bustling bastion of experimental online interactions into just another single player action RPG – albeit a very good one.
The original Demon’s Souls could no longer be experienced as its creators intended, and many had since lost hope that it ever could. Who better to answer the prayers of Demon’s Souls hopefuls than Bluepoint Games after its pitch-perfect performance with 2018’s Shadow of the Colossus. In collaboration with Sony’s Japan Studio, Bluepoint has carefully recreated Demon’s Souls with a deft hand for detail, and it’s made a Demon’s Souls that’s just as fantastic as the original – and even a bit better.

Changes have been made to the visuals, vocal performances, cutscenes, animations, and user interface – but this is still very much the same Demon’s Souls. You’ll create a character, pick a class, play through a series of stages, and die a bunch. Enemies behave exactly as they used to, useful items still sit in precisely the same locations, and the game’s slightly convoluted Tendency systems remain untouched. There’s no radical reinvention here, and this game is all the better for it.
The lack of systemic changes serves to make this an excellent experience for both newcomers and veterans; fresh eyes will be able to appreciate and witness the raw vision of the original Demon’s Souls brought into the modern age, while veterans will pick up on the tiniest of consistencies that show how committed Bluepoint must’ve been to ensuring that FromSoftware’s original creative vision went unaltered. The attention to detail is staggering.
That meticulousness carries through to the new things, too, most notably in the visuals. You probably don’t need us to tell you, but we will anyway – this game looks fantastic. From the shimmering particle effects around magic attacks to the glossy stones in the game’s murky depths, Demon’s Souls is extraordinarily easy on the eyes and that’s regardless of whether you play in cinematic or performance mode. We preferred the enhanced smoothness that comes with the performance mode, but the full-on 4k resolution of the cinematic alternative is crazy good-looking and makes for a great way to show friends how good the new current gen looks.
Your eyes may be in for a treat here, but it’s worth knowing that your ears are, too. The new soundtrack is so tremendously good. The orchestral score is suitably grand and complements the big boss fights beautifully. It does wonders for the game’s tone and helps to make everything feel far more significant in a way that the original’s more manufactured-sounding score probably wanted to but couldn’t quite pull off with its limited budget. This is the soundtrack that Demon’s Souls deserves.
Whenever there isn’t music playing, the environments in Demon’s Souls utilise soundscapes to establish a tangible atmosphere around the player – and they’re equally excellent. Whether it’s the screeches of flying enemies overhead or eerie rumbles off in the distance, the sound design in Demon’s Souls burrows into your brain and makes it known how oppressive and hostile its world is. The new 3D audio also makes for thrilling near-misses as you dodge an arrow that sounded so close to your ear that you could almost swear you felt it whizz by.

However, there is one area whose sound effects we feel took a step backwards in this remake. The prison in the Tower of Latria was a feast for the ears in the 2009 original with its dimly lit halls being filled with a haunting song coming from a mysterious source and dangerous cthulhu-like guards ringing their bells as a constant reminder that they’re roaming the halls. In this remake, the song will awkwardly cut out immediately as you enter certain doorways, and the bells barely ring let alone echo throughout the halls as a constant reminder of the dangerous enemies wielding them that are lying in wait. Every single one of the game’s other areas sound phenomenal though, we were just a bit disappointed that the stage we felt sounded the best back then didn’t quite deliver on the promise of the original.
Now that we’ve gotten the nitpicking going, we should probably also bring up the fact that we’re not big fans of the new UI. It works and it’s extremely usable, but it’s a bit bare-looking. The original’s menu system was a nightmare that could still prove difficult to navigate after hours of play, but it was form over function. The boxes had small flourishes around their edges and the menu bars and icons had a personality to them that felt unabashedly stylistic. That’s all been tossed to the wayside for straight lines and plain rectangles. Like we said, we’re just nit-picking here, but it’s unfortunate that the developer couldn’t reach a happy medium or at least bring over some of that personality from the original.

Nitpicks aside, Demon’s Souls is still superb. Its variety of ravaged environments, top-notch action RPG combat system, and ridiculous fidelity while running this well make it just as much a marvel in 2020 as the original was in 2009. The small additions like useful new items and the mirrored fractured mode freshen things up for those diving back in for their dozenth playthrough, while quality of life improvements like drastically reduced loading times and better inventory management serve to strip away the annoyances and get back to the good stuff. And Demon’s Souls is stuffed full of really good stuff.
Teensy quibbles aside, it’s difficult to imagine how this Demon’s Souls remake could be any better. It looks great, it sounds amazing, and it’s extremely respectful of the PS3 original, which has aged surprisingly well after all these years. This is an exceptional remake, and it’s exactly what Demon’s Souls deserves.
Comments 134
First game I’ll be playing when I get a PS5. Hats off to Bluepoint for respecting this classic.
What an incredible launch game! Amazing review Christian, and hats off to Bluepoint once more!
Looks good, just wish these games had a higher difficulty
This will be the first game I load up when my console comes. Love the Souls games but never played the original. Cannot wait!
Wow, I really can't wait to ply this on my tv. I saw twitch stream of this game and man, the graphics are amazing
No mention of haptics? How well are they done?
I bought a PS4 with Bloodborne and I'll surely buy a PS5 with Demon's Souls.
Now it's all a matter of "when".
Literally the only game I want on PS5 right now. I’m happy to wait but glad it’s so good, the graphics alone are amazing.
The king of remake meets the king of Souls games. It's a match made in heaven.
Yeah, the UI is dreadful but otherwise it’s the game I’m most excited for on PS5 when I bite the bullet. Looks better every time I see it.
This is the game that is most making me want a PS5 at the moment. I can hold off for now, but as soon as another must-have game comes out on it I won't be able to resist!
So would you say the new score didn't in fact sour the game for you at all then?
Cant wait for Christmas to play this!!
Demon souls is the best PlayStation launch game next to resistance fall of man.2 masterpiece.now sony buy bluepoint already wtf you waiting for.word up son
Bluepoint has practically elevated what it means to be a video game remake. They literally just took the original codebase for the game and redid everything from the ground up, so it's inherently modern in terms of what they change, but at its core it's almost shot for shot respecting the original work. Really hope they get to do more in the future. I'd love to see them tackle a game like MGS1, Ico or Dark Cloud.
Obviously you meant PlayStation's best ever launch game after Knack, right?
@playstation1995 Resistance forever!
I will let this be my first soul game!
Nahh just a remaster. Not worth a purchase in my opinion.
Excellent review. I haven’t gotten to that tower yet (or played the original), but it’s such an amazing remake.
I would add that the haptic feedback is is incredible. Feeling the impact of the tower knight slamming shield, feeling a fire bomb move through the air and the explode, and feeling each turn of the sword as you backstab an enemy, simply feels fantastic.
@stu123 What's the bug?
Played for about 4 hours last night, and WOW. It looks absolutely gorgeous, and it's so, so faithful to the original. I was actually quite amazed how quickly I fell back into my old rhythm, despite not having played the game in 5 - 7 years. I really appreciate how true to the original Bluepoint has gone here. And the combat feels really good, very weighty, and the sound design and Dualsense really help you to feel the impact of your weapons. Overall I'm very very impressed - was hard to put down last night (3:30am bedtime...). I did have the game crash on my a couple times after returning to the Nexus, but the autosave ensured that I didn't lose any progress. Otherwise have run into no bugs.
Anyone who has a PS5 and is even remotely interested in this game, I strongly suggest you go for it - it is just so, so good, and a great demonstration of what Sony's next-gen system can do. And if you're worried about difficulty, just go for the magic build, as you can really spam challenging enemies and bosses, which makes the game much more manageable. Congrats to Bluepoint Games AND Demon's Souls fans! Umbasa!
@JimmyP It's a from the ground up remake like Shadow of the Colossus. Put it next to the PS3 version and its practically a completely different game
@JimmyP It's a remake.
@stu123 "a factory reset" sheeshh how long is that?
How it all began!
Time to shine old Gem,!
I'll probably get around to playing it after Spidey and Sackboy. It's been over 10 years since I've played the original.
@Ear_wiG thanks for your advice. I'm playing Miles Morales right now, but this is on my radar despite never playing a Souls game. I don't find uber difficult games very tempting (as I only have so much time to play and I don't want to punished for it, lol) but knowing there are ways to make it easier on myself pretty much guarantees I'll be asking for this for the holidays.
@JimmyP Yes correct. And on an unrelated note Dark Souls Remastered is a remake
I have the disc sat upstairs along with Miles Morales - can't wait for Thursday!
This launch is incredible though, massive hats off to sony. At the ps4 launch I got killzone (bit meh) and fifa (worse than meh). This year I'm getting the two I've named above, a couple of games on the ps+ collection that I haven't played before, cyberpunk in a few weeks (albeit without knowing exactly how great it'll be on ps5 before the next gen patch launches), and then in the new year ratchet and clank, deathloop, horizon, supposedly even gt7 and god of war. As great value as game pass undoubtedly is, this line up of exclusives within its first year is extraordinary, particularly given the situation with covid.
And astrobot ready installed! Keep forgetting about that one!
One of my favourite games of all time. I remember importing it from Asia when I heard rumours about this mythical game Sony had decided not to release in the US and Europe. Such a special experience for me as I had to play it completely blind with no Wikis or guides whilst being invaded and helped by godlike Asian players who'd had the game for six months already. I don't think I'll ever have such an incredible experience again with a game, but at least I get to play it again with a fresh lick of paint and maybe I'll be the one invading or helping out the new players this time.
So glad it's turned out well as it would have genuinely made me sad if Bluepoint botched it.
Bad music is bad, bad sound design is bad, sounds like Lord of the Rings X Star Trek. Everything else about it looks pretty fantastic, I'm just hoping they at least add an option to use the original OST. I'm surprised they didn't change the dragon encounters! Better bring your 600 arrows for the Blue Dragon!
This will most definitely be the first game I'll be playing when it arrives this week!
I remember getting the original back on PS3 and I loved it. When Dark Souls came out and got so much attention I was seriously confused why people didn't support Demon's Souls more. I thought it was the better game. Glad to see it is getting the attention it deserves now.
@KeldorTheCursed Happy to help friend. Key to the souls games is to be patient and methodical, in your strikes and your progression through the levels. Rushing in is always a recipe for death.
Hope you're enjoying Miles Morales - that will be my holiday game!
💯💯💯 got this and Black Ops ready to go! My PS5 last checked in 7 hours away. Could get to Walmart tonight or tomorrow 😺
Eep im excited. This will be my first souls game so im looking forward to seeing how i get on when my ps5 turns up.
Surely Sony have to be in discussions about acquiring bluepoint now
Hats off to Sony and their first party studios for the fantastic launch line up. Particularly given the real world situation right now
Cant wait till Thursday, Astro, Spidey, Dirt 5, definitely Demons souls now and Sack boy. Oh got Devil may cry preordered as well.
Second 10/10 in a row for Bluepoint. Nice! I guess I’ll play this someday. My first obstacle is getting ahold of a blasted PS5.
I will be playing tomorrow when my ps5 gets here!!!!
Two cons and still 10/10?
@JimmyP wtf?
I've never played the original and even
If I had, it looked OK but ran like a dead dog and this version looks like an incredibly good remake.
@JimmyP - a remaster wouldn't have something like "fractured" mode.
I'm disappointed that the review doesn't mention the haptic feedback! Come on, missing that out sounds like a rushed piece of writing to me.
@Kohaku yes, minor niggles. 10/10 games will still have annoyances. Imo 10/10 doesn't mean that the game is perfect, just that the game is simply incredible. And demon's souls looks like a simply incredible game.
@Kohaku Yep!
@get2sammyb see my reply too, it's pretty obvious why this still gets a 10
Looks like the best Playstation launch game since the PS1! Cannot wait
This is my first time playing it, so everything is new to me. Considering I died for the first time about fifteen minutes in, I assume I’m in for it.
@Kohaku RDR 2 had bad controls. This has a bad UI and a bad song. 😄
I'm not usually into Soulsborne games but I fancy giving this a whirl when I eventually get my hands on a PS5.
@Mpquikster the two games aren't really comparable, but in my opinion Demon's Souls is a far superior game to Ghost of Tsushima. GoT is essentially an Ubisoft-like open world that looks pretty, but only really has five or so enemy types and a lot of the same things over and over until it's finished. Demon's Souls is a tightly designed action RPG that constantly throws different challenges at you. The thought that went into designing it is off the scale.
That's not even going into the revolutionary online multiplayer that basically makes other players act as unpredictable NPCs, so that every time you play the game it's different. Plus there's also an ingenious light dark world system that makes the game easier or more difficult depending on whether the good or evil players are winning. The biggest stumbling block for most with this and other souls games is that the player needs to invest considerably more time and effort to discover all these wonderful little nuances. A long reply I suppose, but you asked.
Bluepoint do such amazing work. I won't pay full price for this though.
Shame it will remain so inaccessible and niche due to the difficulty. Don’t see why an easier difficult could not be implemented. The hardcore fans that hate the idea don’t need to play it.
@Peach64 souls-games aren't hard, per se, just unknown. But once you get attack patterns, etc. down, it's pretty fun. It's more reactionary. Just don't be careless, regardless of person/place/thing.
I’m sort of terrified of playing this, but I can’t wait to give it a shot at the same time!
BluePoint deserve big accolades but I just want to shout out to the original developers - the 2009 From Software team and Miyazaki. The game is excellent largely because the game design is well thought-out and the gameplay is endlessly engaging.
@Peach64 I've watched Aoife from eurogamer nail this on YouTube, patience and practice seems to be the key.
Will this be the first Souls game I will finish? Stick around to find out...
Playstation's best launch game ever? I would find it very hard to argue this over Ridge Racer on PS1 and especially for a game that can effectively be played on the PS3.
Thats not to say that this game isn't great because it undoubtedly is, just not as revolutionary as that game on the PS1. Back to this as it does look amazing and is a great showcase for how little resolution actually matters now with its 1440p performance mode looking basically the same as its 4K mode but with the added benefit of 60fps. I'm not really sure this is the type of game for me so have picked up the PS3 version to try out
Killzone Shadow Fall was a launch game...
I still play Ridge Racer on ps1 also.
It was a 10 back in 2009 and it is still a 10! I am buying a ps5 for this game. Too bad though for the sound in tower of Latria (for me one of the best sound designing ever!)
@Peach64 it would be possible to do this if the game was played offline and I would be happy for that to happen if people just wanted to play the game on an easy mode. However, the online tendency system has the game changing from easier to more difficult depending on whether the good players are more successful or evil players are killing more people by invading. So if you want the game to be easier you have to work with other players by summoning or helping people.
Most of the difficulty also comes from not knowing what's ahead, so you can just use a guide if you want to make the game trivial too.
I knew this game was going to be a big deal as soon as I played their Shadow of the Colossus remake
@Alex_P maybe they'll patch it up?
Phenomenal score for a phenomenal game. Well done to Bluepoint on what they have done with this game. Superb studio & hopefully Sony can get put them onto remaking more Sony classic gems. The scores across the board for PS5 games has been brilliant, has the PS5 launch had the best ever reviewed games for a console launch?
I'm half way thru this masterpiece and loving every second of it. Thank you BluePoint and Playstation for giving us this gem... Its so good and beautiful... Details are amazing as well
@carlos82 Obviously this game isn't nearly as innovative as Ridge Racer was, but that was over 20 years ago and games have changed a lot of the years. That said, this game really is the best launch title in a very long time because it shows off the power of the PS5 and also hints at the possibilities that future games built specifically for the system will achieve. Particle effects, ray tracing, high definition, textures all combine to make a world that feels real. It is very, very impressive.
@Mega-Gazz the haptic feedback is amazing. Imagine a fire bomb being chucked at you... as the flames are roaring past you after the bomb narrowly missed you the haptic feedback kicks in with a subtle rolling rumble accompanied by the sound of flames close by. It gives you a sense of urgency when projectiles or explosions are popping off. Hard to explain the great feeling it gives you
I really want to play it but I just hate games with hard end of level bosses really :-/ I am just even more lazy nowadays to to try. I might get it tho one day because the more I see of it the more I might like it.
No surprise. I see some people nitpicking but this game is phenomenal for a launch game. It's a new game but also a classic. I dont know why some say it's the same game on ps3, it's obviously not the same at all.
Loving this game. With the pulse headset it’s icing on the cake
As usual the pathetic losers on metacritic are flooding the page with 0/10 ‘reviews’...
I’m not at all surprised but seriously what drives these idiots? And where do they find this surplus of time to behave like this?
@JimmyP so you’ve never bought a remaster then?
@JJ2 yep a ten second look shows it’s more than a coat of paint. Bluepoint are known to handle remasters well and FROM games are almost universally excellent.
Most likely the same crowd that buy COD or FIFA every year.
@Carl-G the bosses are probably my least favourite part of these games. The gameplay loops and exploration are king.
@PhhhCough agreed. Too much focus on the difficulty. They can be played in various ways and it’s more about being methodical and having patience and learning from mistakes.
There are a lot of gamers who don’t have patience and want everything handed to them and that’s fine, but those games are pretty dull to a lot of us.
@PorkYoself it was a matter of a limited release and not much publicity. Sony Japan had no faith in Demons Souls and it exceeded expectations in the west but was still a niche title.
When Dark Souls came out it was a much bigger deal in the gaming zeitgeist. Not saying it was better but it was much more accepted in the mainstream.
This should definitely come to PS Plus. I can wait for it.
@Circasurviver what lol, it’s already hard, and that’s before you get to new game plus and beyond 😂
Still gutted they didn’t remake Metal Gear solid. One day... hopefully.
What class is recommended for someone who has never played this type of game before?
@Arnna I remember my first few hours/many deaths in Dark souls. Got to firelink, heard him say "..go ring the bells..one up, one down." I went down. I thought "You Died" was gonna be burned into my tv. After hours of frustration, I went up. Checkers compared to what I was up against. Never looked back.
Anyone know how remake stacks up against the original in terms of play time? Just trying to plan my end of year gaming lol so I don't end up with a backlog like on the PS4 because I bought too many games. Dedicated calendar will help resist new game temptation!
@Digit2021 - Probably a straight-forward melee class like a Knight or something similar.
@Ambassador_Kong it doesn't use ray tracing, I agree its a great launch game and certainly one of the very best and arguably the best for the last few generations. I just don't feel its the best overall
I find the "souls" games a genre into themselves and as such are kind of a niche of the action/adventure genre. With these things in mind I doubt this game can be a perfect 10 unless you fall into said niche, this is why I don't believe in perfect scores. I love action/adventure games...yet I've never enjoyed souls games and I doubt this one will change my mind.
Who was it on here that a few months ago was saying that Demon's Souls wasn't going to be a big time launch title for PS5?
I really don’t get your scoring system... 10/10 should be reserved to new things, not a remake...
And the souls gameplay is still not the most popular out there...
So there we have it:
It's the best console launch lineup ever, then?
@Peach64 All Souls games have an easy mode already. It's called leveling up.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L Unless they changed it (which I doubt) there's no map. This is a feature in souls, not a bug, but it may just not be for you. Personally I hate maps, GPS's, and objective markers because once a game starts telling me where to go it stops being about exploration and starts being a checklist. Edit: Although, Demons Souls is much less open world and more linear than Dark Souls or Bloodborne, so might be worth a shot for you anyway. I think it's hard to get lost in Demons Souls.
@carlos82 Strange. I see torches reflected in water and light sources reflecting off armor. If it isn't ray tracing, I would like to know what effect it is using.
@Ambassador_Kong I'd imagine a combination of screen space reflections and high quality cubemaps. There's an interesting video with the developers on Digital Foundrys YouTube channel going into development of the game
I hate these type of games. Wouldn't even play if it was free, unfortunately
Not buying the PS5 until it is half the price and half the size, and has 100 times the games.
@carlos82 Thanks, I'll check it out. It's a real impressive effect and makes me even more curious to see ray tracing in action.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L @1_W1NG3D_4NG3L No map. But the world is broken up into hubs and it isn't each section s compact enough that a map isn't ncessary.
It's such a good looking game, that someday when it's cheap I'll probably jump in for a good price despite hating the actual gameplay. Just to give it a spin!
It's kind of depressing to me as a Soulsborne hater that this is the "big launch game" though..... If you dislike Souls, the launch is really just Miles and Sackboy.
I'm playing now, and I've already spent over 3 hours in the create a character mode. sigh...
I can never decide! lol...
@Bartig Easily the best Playstation lineup of all time IMO with a nice nod to PS2. There's other notable launches like N64 with Mario 64, original Xbox with Halo, and Switch with BotW. PS5 is right up there with the greats IMHO, it's sooooo good, something for everyone in variety. High quality exclusives that take advantage of PS5 and show off the hardware. Family friendly games to play, and best yet? PS5's first year looks stacked with crazy support from WWS.
"Let stock be granted so the world might be mended...so the world might be mended."
@Kirbyboy92 I specifically remember the travesty of the PS3 launch. High priced console, no launch games looked appealing and the initial DS3 controllers were six-axis without rumble. Crazy times.
Just a shame it's only a remake and not a whole new game.
But i suppose there are loads of people out the who will love to replay and many more that have never played it.
Still waiting for New Vegas PS5, still haven't finished it, the load times are what kills it for me, may get back to it.
Haha. Best PS5 game ... out of what? 5 games at most. I see Sony's doubling down on making the best of a generation be remakes/masters of the previous gens (plural intended). Classic... just follow Hollywood into irrelevance. Garbage to my eyes.
OK, so I bit the bullet and bought it last night. I really suck, LOL. I tried a couple of different classes but finally did settle on Royalty today and I at least feel a little more confident now. When I get the hang of it, maybe for a second play through, I'll try my other characters again. I was disappointed at first (this isn't really my style of game) but I can see myself getting into it. Being a little more successful with my new character type makes me want to try harder. I think when that happens, I'll really get into it.
Sad sign of the times with all these remakes and remasters just like the movie industry running out of ideas.
Publishers are simply too afraid of the financial risk nowadays of investing in original new IP's.
Nostalgia is an easy drug, all you need to do is prey on a consumer’s childhood memories and it’s just content being recycled to make more money.
In the case of Demon's Souls, I've no desire to trundle through a game I played ten years ago with a next-gen lick of paint.
Ditto CoD, Sypro, Crash Bandicoot, Tony Hawks, Mafia, FF7, Resi Evil etc etc
Remakes and remasters succeed because individuals who played classic titles as children have continued to game as adults and have the disposable income to spend on nostalgia. Hence all these little mini consoles releasing too.
The PS1 and N64 era of 3D games have aged terribly from a graphics standpoint which is why they're generally the ones being remade right now.
However, as graphical leaps have lessened with each console generation, the justification for remaking a game may decline too.
Remakes of today’s titles may not be quite as appealing to future audiences.
So developers and publishers need to be mindful that this gravy train of nostalgic remasters and remakes may not last, so they're milking it while they can...
@Arnna...... Interesting... Does that make easy games like Animal Crossing, Mine Craft, Uncharted series, The Witcher 3, Tekken series, Detroit become human, Legend of Zelda, etc dull? So are all those game dull because they don't make the player feel macho by overemphasizing scripted A. I. difficulty?
@GREGORIAN I said nothing of the sort. You’re putting words in my mouth.
I said a lot of games hand-hold and that’s ok.
Things like constantly telling the the player where to go or what to do. I play plenty of games like Far Cry or Tomb Raider which are guilty of this but fun nonetheless.
However if all games continue to pander to the largest audience it does indeed make gaming dull. We have enough games which literally tell you what to do and where to go to a degree which is vaguely insulting to players.
Especially players who were brought up on less forgiving games.
The original Tomb Raider games on PS1 were extremely rewarding because they required patience and time spent exploring.
When you finally worked out the solution it felt like an achievement.
Having alternatives like the Souls series where tasks are more obtuse and less obvious is important because it caters to a niche which isn’t necessarily prevalent in most games.
Meat Boy comes to mind too. Games which demand a bit more from players.
Games which require lateral thinking or quick reflexes or actual practice and repetition to achieve victory.
Not just continually ticking boxes by collecting arbitrary items to fill a quota.
And don’t make this into a ‘macho’ thing, that is just churlish.
@Medic_Alert...... I kinda agree with @Khalic..... Unless a remake totally introduces new things (brand new mechanics or refined mechanics, new level design conceptualization, refinedment of narrive, etc) then I believe remakes and remaster should only get a "Must Buy" or "Garbage/Waste of Time/Skip" rating.............. The difference between this and the O. G ps3 version is basically the same as moving the visual settings from normal to ultra..... So why must the game get a higher rating when its just the same game with only ultra graphics settings turned on.... So if it got a 9 in 2009 it should also get a 9 in 2020 on the Ps5 unless it introduces somethings which when it gets played side by side with the 2009 version then the 2020 version should make the 2009 look obsolete...... It's the same feelings you get when you play the Spyro remaster and the Resident Evil 2 remasters/remakes, they feell and play like Ps1 games on super ultra high graphics settings.....
@NoxAeturnus........ Puzzling comment.......
all games unless they are online content updated are about check lists.......
Whether they hide the Map and force you to scrap the map(with the illusion that you are finding out by yourself) or give you the map..... The results are the same...... Assassins Creed Odyssey shows this brilliantly........ The sense of exploring or exploration is the same whether you choose the map to display points of interest or you switch them off.......
@Shred...... Blame Fifa, COD, Fortnite, Gta Online and to a lesser extent CP2077.... and not publisher............. The fifa team only works on the game 1 month just updating the club licensed kits which EA spend a quarter of their budget on....... With no risk or innovation yet easily sells minimum 15 million copies every 12 months and the game is now essentially an online game that sells by the bucket loads without taking any risks at all... It is currently the yearly best selling online game............. For example if The last of us 2 was not being published by Sony or a big publisher it would have been a financial disaster for an independent publisher/dev cause the cost to make it would not have been fully recovered by sales......yet that game is one of the few games that try to take risks and look were that got the game................. So it's not the publishers not wanting to risk..... It's us gamers who don't support creative risks........... We all want the same games where you solve everything by shooting everyone or beating everything and games are stuck I This cycle for a while.......
@Arnna............ These are your words and not mine "There are a lot of gamers who don’t have patience and want everything handed to them and that’s fine, but those games are pretty dull to a lot of us."
And I don't see the ".. And that's okay part"
And your comment still doesn't make sense because The Witcher 3 is one of the most hand-holding game of the generation /ever and yet its a generation defining game and that game does not make gaming dull it actually elevates gaming.......
The mentality " to the largest audience" is an elitist gamer entitled mentality as games should be all about accessibility to everyone its the same PC master race elitist mentality of thinking that you are not a real gamer if you are not spending $1500 every 18months on gaming o hardware or that the best gaming is on $2000+ hardware......
You also like to game with rose tinted glasses to your favorite games....... I don't recall a non-forgiving game ever....... Cause you confuse gameplay pro-longing mechanics with difficulty............... If there was ever any unforgiving game then there would not be game speeds runs....... There is no difficult games, just games with broken gameplay mechanics or games with pro-long mechanics/pattern recognition mechanics or forced pattern recognition mechanics
So I would even go on to say that actually games like the entire Souls/Borne/Sekiro series games are what makes game dull.......... Because the games essentially hiding behind cheap mechanics.
@GREGORIAN What are you on about dude?
Accusations of elitism? Grow up.
Your argument that all games should be equally accessible for all players is a load of bollocks.
If I want a fairly subdued difficulty and a more relaxed and easy going experience I’ll play Far Cry or GTA.
If I want to challenge my reflexes and be forced to put a bit more thought into my actions to succeed, I’ll play Nioh or Sekiro.
So using your logic Sekiro and Far Cry should be equally accessible? They are completely different types of games with completely different skill ceilings.
Its completely fine to enjoy all those games but denying there is a clear difference in skill levels required is completely delusional and nothing to do with elitism.
If all games were populist and simplistic the gaming landscape would be incredibly dull for certain players. Not every player wants regenerating health and constant waypoints telling us where to go and what to do.
This isn’t a difficult concept to grasp. Lose the anger.
@GREGORIAN your entire diatribe about the cost of a gaming PC isn’t even relevant to the conversation either.
@GREGORIAN Re: My "puzzling" comment. Consider this. You go to the grocery store with a list, buy the things on the list and leave. Alternatively, you go to the grocery store hungry, peruse up and down the aisles and leave with something you never would have thought was there. Which one is exploration?
Exploration is about satisfying the hunger of curiosity. Maps don't have to ruin exploration, but they often do. Objective markers nearly always do. Compasses and GPS are helpful for getting to a specific place...and also have a tendency to ruin exploration along the way. As soon as the game starts telling me where to go, it's adding something to my grocery list. And frankly, if the game world isn't interesting enough for me to want to learn my way around it, I'm probably not interested in the game.
@NoxAeturnus games without maps, markers and waypoints are so much more fun to explore, provided the areas are designed well of course. FROM games are very much like this and it’s one of my favourite aspects of those games.
That feeling of being dumped into a world which you need to map out in your mind and use your memory to navigate, finding secret areas as you go. Perhaps finding additional secrets on a subsequent play through.
Nothing is quite like it.
@GREGORIAN “I don't recall a non-forgiving game ever.”
Bahahahaha. Ok buddy. You mustn’t have too much experience playing games if you can’t understand that some games are more forgiving than others.
Your logic is ludicrous.
@GREGORIAN When they said “and that’s fine,” that’s another way to say “that’s okay.” You literally quoted them and then ignored what they wrote. Also, you sound like you don’t play games, and hate them. Is there a reason you are spamming a games thread with this nonsense?
@Arnna I love this concept to a point. There’s an old NES game called Solstice that does just that, no map, just dumps you in. It’s fun for a while but in that particular game it’s extremely tedious.
I would say that Bloodborne and Souls series do this in a much more enjoyable fashion. I always felt rewarded by the game for uncovering some secret, or for finally memorizing an area. I know they are just games, but they are done in a way that mastering them feels great.
I agree that hand holding games can be enjoyable, Skyrim stands out as one of those and I love it from time to time. There’s room for everyone at the table!
@TG16_IS_BAE I hear what you’re saying for sure. We don’t need to go back to 8-bit game design constraints in that regard. There is a certain level of comfort playing a game like Far Cry or Skyrim - I consider those games a relaxing experience.
Agree, there is room for everyone !
@jess3a3 “Not buying the PS5 until it is half the price and half the size, and has 100 times the games”
The hyperbole is strong here..
So what exactly are you saying? That the console isn’t worth the money and the games are bad?
You’ll be waiting literally 4-5 years. This kind of comment is dripping with entitlement.
@grahamd Its the game i wanted for so long. What remakes did we have on the PS4. We SoC, Rachet and Clank, MediEvil and FF7 thats not so bad the rest was mostly remasters.
Demon's Souls looks and sounds great, but just not my type of game. I'll still collect it down the line during a $15-$20 sale though.
Ill stick with my ps4. Ps5 is all sequels and remakes. Nothing exciting. Only cyberpunk matters in 2020
Why pay 500$ for 500gb of storage and no great games? Ill stick with my ps4 with games for 5$ not 70$ like ps5
Cyberpunk is more interesting than any exclusive on ps5. Boring
@grahamd If it sells i hope too see part 2 😅👍
But i really want Legend of Dragoon. 🙌
My only complaint has been two freezes during combat. The gameplay froze for a few seconds in the first area of Boletaria, second time I thought it was going crash it went that long, but the game fixed itself. Hope this doesn't happen often. Otherwise fantastic game!
Never played the original, but I look forward to feeling nostalgic whilst playing this
@JimmyP it’s not a remaster it’s a remake there’s a difference
@lolwhatno it wasn't lmao
I promised a friend it would be Elden Ring! We will see!
(Why are you here? lol)
@lolwhatno the problem is never the difficulty for me, it's doing the same stuff over and over when I have tons of games to finish!
(I do that sometimes aswell and I find it amusing when I stumble upon my comments lool! Sorry for asking)
@doctommaso I think that was @ataco
@gipsojo Ah, okay; makes sense.
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