We loved Judgment on PlayStation 4, but over time, our appreciation of this Yakuza spinoff has only grown. Upon reflection, we actually think that our Judgment PS4 review was a bit off the mark, and having now played the game's remaster on PS5, we're fully convinced that this is, hands down, one of the best Yakuza-style games that money can buy.
For the uninitiated, Judgment slides you into the leather jacket of private detective Takayuki Yagami. A former defence attorney whose career fell apart three years ago, Yagami spends his days working out of a tiny office in Kamurocho — the main setting of most Yakuza titles. However, outside of the backdrop and its action RPG gameplay, Judgment has nothing to do with SEGA's main series. There are no returning characters or storylines, making Judgment a near perfect starting point if you're new to Yakuza in general.

Judgment is structured around cases. Main cases deal with the game's core story, introducing a rich cast of brilliant characters and an absolute boatload of great twists. Meanwhile, side cases are essentially side quests, giving you a good excuse to explore the city and meet its quirky inhabitants. In classic Yakuza fashion, the central plot deals with a lot of mature themes, and is gripping from start to finish. In contrast, the side stories are usually quite comical, or completely ridiculous. It's a delicate balancing act, but Judgment pulls it off extremely well.
The case-by-case structure of Judgment gives it an almost episodic feel, and that's partly why the plot is so engaging. It's slow to really get started, and it does meander from time to time — again, in classic Yakuza fashion — but by the end, you'll have been pulled through an emotional mangle. In terms of narrative cohesion and storytelling, Judgment deserves to be praised alongside games like Red Dead Redemption 2 and The Witcher 3. It can be a slow burn, but boy is the payoff worth it.
And if the plot gets a little too heavy, you can always relax with some fantastic minigames. Kamurocho is fit to burst with optional activities, and Judgment has a great selection of in-depth distractions. Most notably, drone racing is a fiendishly addictive pastime, and series mainstays, like darts and the batting cage, ensure that there's always something fun to try your hand at.

But as has always been the case in Kamurocho, the city streets are peppered with plucky thugs, just itching for a fight. Fortunately, Yagami is more than capable of defending himself. Combat is entirely action-based, and Yagami's natural agility allows for all kinds of crazy moves. He can run up walls, pull off dazzling combos, and generally just make his opponents look like idiots.
Yakuza's trademark heat moves punctuate fights, allowing you to deal huge damage with cinematic attacks at the cost of a bar that builds as you battle. Combat's got a very enjoyable flow to it once you're used to Yagami's graceful martial arts, and by the time you've unlocked a healthy amount of additional abilities, it's easily one of the best combat systems in Yakuza.
So Judgment is still an amazing game, but what does this PS5 version actually bring to the table? Well, for starters, it looks pretty damn good. The title's lighting engine appears to have been overhauled, allowing for more realistic illumination. At night especially, Kamurocho looks glorious, as each neon sign gives off an appropriately coloured glow, which is reflected in the surrounding environment. The PS5 version also runs at a rock solid 60 frames-per-second, which makes all of the action that much more enjoyable.

And, well, that's about it. Truth be told, it's not a massive improvement on the PS4 release, but then that's only a couple of years old. For our money, Judgment on PS5 is now the most visually impressive Yakuza game out there.
Oh, and it's worth mentioning that this remaster comes with all of the original game's DLC. It's nothing too significant — just bits and pieces like additional outfits for your potential girlfriends — but keep an eye out for several battle items that can trivialise combat on any difficulty setting. These DLC trinkets can be activated in a fight, granting Yagami a range of temporary powers — and all of them spit in the face of game balance. They're certainly fun to use if you're just playing around, but we'd advise against using them seriously, unless you really just want to blast through the entire campaign.
Judgment is a truly gripping detective thriller, and it plays better than ever on PS5. As a standalone adventure, it's an excellent action RPG, boasting some outstanding storytelling and a brilliant cast of characters. And as a Yakuza spinoff, it's arguably the perfect gateway into SEGA's stellar series.
Comments 58
If anyone's got any questions about the game, let me know and I'll try to answer them.
Started this a couple of days ago (PS4 version) and loving it. After finishing 6 Yakuza games in a row they don’t get old. Only thing I’m dreading is the Puyo Puyo completion!
I was totally going to go back to this after the PS5 version was released but it’s not a free upgrade so I’ll just play the PS4 version in that case!
@thefourfoldroot Man, I did the Puyo Puyo objectives in Yakuza 6 and it was rough. Not looking forward to having to repeat that exact same feat in Judgment when I get around to it, lol.
I always find it a little bit jarring that big companies get the good press about the free update but the developers need to put in the work. And i think ill buy it because its cheap.
Haven’t played 6 yet, played (and got the platinums for) 0-5, and now just jumping into Judgment. Going to try to get the plat for this too so I’m really hoping I can work out the strategy for Puyo Puyo. Would hate it to break my run.
Yeah, this game rules. I fondly remember many moments from it. I hope they're working on a sequel.
Playing like a dragon at the mo, but this arrived on my doorstep yesterday, so i'm very much looking forward to playing it soon. Great review
I want to play it😪
I hope for my retailer, that they have it ready to pick up tomorrow. I pre-ordered 1 1/2 months ago. Was really pissed today.
@thefourfoldroot I'd say definitely try out the tactic of quickly filling up the three rightmost columns with random puyos and then making combinations at the base of the structure to (hopefully) set off chains.
Even with that it takes some doing to get 25+ consecutive wins (required to spawn Rulue), but it worked wonders for me compared to what I was doing earlier.
Yes I saw that and plan to try. Not sure when I need to though, is it part of a friendship storyline or just a shop completion or something? Only started recently and have been doing a few of the more fun minigames do only on chapter 2.
No free upgrade D:
So sad!
@thefourfoldroot Haven't played Judgment yet so I couldn't tell you. In Y6 it was just one of many games at the SEGA arcade on Nakamichi Street.
@ShogunRok I’ve never finished a Yakuza game, though I’ve started a few. Is this game ok to play without having the experience with the rest of the series? The premise for Judgement is more appealing to me personally and the story seems compelling, so I’m curious if I should perhaps jump in and see if it’s the first Yakuza game I can get deep into.
Ah right. Well, I hope I get lucky. I don’t mind RNG with games I enjoy like Mahjong, but having to go through half an hour of repetitive gameplay only to lose at the end is something I hate, and have little patience for (such as in some of the Ultimate Matches and such in past Yakuza games, or the bloody car chase).
Played it back when it first released on PS4. Agree it's a fantastic game, anybody who hasn't played it should definitely check it out whether you're a fan of Yakuza or just looking for a good action game.
@thefourfoldroot Yeah, good luck with it. Having gotten the plats for all games 0 through 6, that Puyo Puyo thing was the hardest hurdle by far*. It doesn't help that I dislike the game to begin with and have no drive to improve at it, haha. More of a Tetris guy.
(*Although you don't actually need it for trophies on Y6 since the list is lenient there; I just got stubborn)
One heck of a game. 10/10 for me. Absoluetly loved it- I hope the saga continues.....
Having only played Yakuza 0, I'm not sure what to play next - this or Like a Dragon on my PS5.....I guess it's a choice between real time and turn-based. Both games seem to be at the same level in terms of writing quality/presentation/etc...
I am glad I waited to play this and now I can get PS5 version.
Seems like it is going to be a fun adventure.
I was always more of a Columns kid, lol. Loved my Game Gear.
@somnambulance Yeah, Judgment is completely standalone; it doesn't share any story or characters with the mainline Yakuza games — it's just set in the same red light district. Think of it as like a different tale from the same city.
The gameplay is about... 75% the same as most Yakuza games. The only real difference is that you'll be doing a chunk of detective work.
And obviously the perspective of the story is typically a lot different to what you'll find in a Yakuza game, since you're playing as a detective.
It really is a brilliant story, though. It has its slower moments and there is some filler now and then (different cases pop up that divert from the main plot) but overall I'd say it's one of the best story-based games on the market. Absolutely enthralling if it gets its hooks into you.
Where do I start with the series? Yakuza 0? The RPG one? or this?
Plan on buying the PS5 version when it drops just a teeeny bit in the near future.
@Omnistalgic I would recommend this or 0. Yakuza: Like a Dragon isn't a bad place to start either, but it's so different to every other game in the series because of its heavier RPG mechanics and turn based battles.
We wrote a big guide on the whole series, which has suggestions on where to start: https://www.pushsquare.com/guides/all-yakuza-games-ranked-which-yakuza-games-to-play-and-where-to-start
Hopefully it helps!
@ShogunRok Thanks. You know, I might give this one a spin after the whole Returnal/Resident Evil one-two punch. It looks really intriguing. Comparing it to RDR2 and Witcher 3 storyline wise sells it to me.
As someone who couldn’t really get along with Yakuza 0 but adored Like a Dragon - how do you think this one would sit?
@ShogunRok does this have a shared trophy list with the PS4 version?
Incredibly excited for this.
@tameshiyaku Nah, separate because this is its own native version.
@Orochilocka Hmmm. It depends what you didn't like about Yakuza 0. I would say the combat in Judgment is more refined overall — it's less of a button masher. But it's obviously not turn based like Like a Dragon.
Judgment runs on the same engine as Like a Dragon as well, if visuals matter to you. Yakuza 0 looks rough by comparison because it's the old engine.
I'd be tempted to say give Judgment a shot, because it's coming at the storytelling from a different angle — much like Like a Dragon does. But if it's heavier RPG mechanics that you enjoyed in Like a Dragon, know that the gameplay in Judgment is much more traditional Yakuza (no party members, no equipment, no levels, jobs, etc.)
@ShogunRok Does this use the dualsense at all? I imagine properly utilzed, it could be used brilliant with the whackiness of Yakuza.
@ShogunRok did you catch the perv trio? That quest line gave me a good laught. Especially the last encounter lol.
Just to brighten everyone's day, Puyo-Puyo isn't in the PS5 version. The arcade cabinets and completion requirement have been replaced by Virtua Fighter 2, hallelujah!
I've only played yakuza zero and really enjoyed it but got a little burned out by the end. I was going to skip kiwami, play kiwami 2 and maybe 6 but I can see me skipping 6 and playing judgement instead. All the other yakuza games are on gamepass, hope this one ends up there too.
Really? Bugger. That means I might have to get this too as I’m trying to collect all plats. Wouldn’t do so if it was just a duplicate list, but as it’s different...
Wonder if it was a licensing thing or if they were listening to people complain. Imagine the former as the latter would only have required a change to the completion requirements. Will be strange to have VR 2 and 5 in the same game.
@Flaming_Kaiser how much is it?
@Jaz007 Sadly not, it's just got standard rumble as far as I can tell.
@Cheems I did, amazing side quests, just pure ridiculousness. Judgment's got some superb side stories!
Given that Yakuza: LAD didn’t have save transfers, I assume this one doesn’t either?
If not, I’ll stick with my native PS4 version for now, sadly.
Just to put it out there, I wasn't loving the idea of Yakuza going turn based. I tend to hate that style of gameplay, I don't feel like it gives you total control and it many games, at least for me, it slows things down and hurts the pacing. Somehow, RGG Studio pulled off the change brilliantly. Combat doesn't hurt the flow at all. It still looks and feels like Yakuza, fast and fluid, never feels like I'm lacking control. Like a Dragon is making a serious run at 0 as my favorite game in the series. But either way you can't go wrong with that or Judgment.
@ShogunRok Tks a lot!
@Gamer83 I've been on the fence about the switch to turn-based too. Seems so out of left field but that's just Yakuza in general. I'm just waiting for the price to be about half of what it currently is, in case I end up not being a fan.
I pre-ordered the hell out out Kiwami 2 though when it came out. That's Yakuza in it's peak form, in my opinion.
Yeah, I played the PS4 version and as much as I want this one too, I will wait for a sale.
Love the Yakuza series and this game was (pun intended) criminally underrated when it originally released. Fantastic atmosphere, story and characters. Hoping we see a sequel soon. Reminds me of old Sega, this is something they'd put out on the Dreamcast...and that is a high compliment from me.
@KayOL77 I thought 39,99.
Might dip into this on the strength of this review.
Yeah, Kiwami 2 is also awesome. I love all the Yakuza games.
The best Yakuza game that never was...
@Flaming_Kaiser @KayOL77 Judgment PS5 version costs $40 USD, at least in the USA anyways.
@AFCC @nessisonett Yeah SEGA is really backwards, dunno why they aren't allowing free upgrades.
Just wait for a big price drop like myself, @Deadlyblack , and @GigaGaia are planning on doing.
@KidBoruto About Sega being backwards Microsoft comes with the free nextgen updates thats great. But why would other companies put work in it for free? They can always say it works on the PS5 and thats it. Its easy to call something normal if you dont need to put in the extra work.
@Flaming_Kaiser That's fair and your opinion does hold value!
I haven't bought Judgment yet but will be waiting for a sale on PS5 version, in no hurry to play it.
@KidBoruto Thats fair and its the same for your choice to buy it later. 👍
@ShogunRok I played every yakuza game and laslty yakuza like a dragon on ps5 and i am curious which one looks on new generation. Judgement or like a dragon.
@_seneka You mean which one looks better? I think it's definitely Judgment. The PS5 version has a new lighting system that makes everything look more lifelike.
Like a Dragon isn't a bad looking game, but it can be a bit rough around the edges — it's pretty much just a straight port of the PS4 version at a higher frame-rate.
Judgment, on the other hand, is a remaster, where more attention has been paid to improving the visuals.
Disappointed it's not a free upgrade. I never finished it on ps4, I got about half way and the story couldn't keep me hooked and I had way better games to play at the time. I was hoping to revisit and finish it but just too Yakuza'd out still after playing like a dragon.
Like a dragon looks much better as it was made for current gen PCs running 3070, 3080s (RT reflections for instance), by the looks of it to me for this "remaster" of Judgement they just added some higher graphics settings for ps5 because the they had to scale it back to run well for PS4 anyway when they released it. I don't think they went back and produced anything new for this, looks like everything was there already but they just stripped it back a bit before for performance. Not saying it's not worth it if you hadn't caught it on PS4 but there isn't much here for us that already own it. And to try and charge us again for it is pretty harsh.
I wonder what is your thoughts (from newcomers) between this game and Yakuza zero.
I hesitate which game shall I try. I am not sure I would be intrested to play all of the games but I would like to give a try and experience the franchise.
I saw both have long gameplay time. I am not a big fan of it as I usually struggle on some stages and quit or I just get bored as it gets repeated.
However, A well build story help me to get through, so I hope it's not like some tv shows where creators added 2 more seasons making money instead of making a good whole series.
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