What are the best FPS games on PS4? Sony's console is well-equipped with dozens of excellent first-person shooters. There's lots of variety to suit all tastes, whether you like realistic firefights or flights of sci-fi fancy.
On PS4, there have been so many great first-person shooters over the years. In fact, with games like Destiny, Overwatch, and Apex Legends, we've had a whole new wave of innovation, especially in the online multiplayer space. If you're not interested in playing with others, there are still great options — Titanfall 2 and Wolfenstein: The New Order immediately spring to mind.
It's clear there are oodles of great FPS games on PS4, but which ones are the best? That's where you lot come in. As with all our lists, this page is essentially run by you, our lovely readers. Your user ratings for each game are what fuel these lists, informing which games appear and in what order. That's right: you can affect how this feature looks by rating PS4 FPS games. Either use the below search box or click the star on any game's page to leave your rating.
A game will need at least 50 ratings in order to show up in this article. Reckon an important FPS game is missing from the list? Make sure to rate it, and once it has enough, it'll take its rightful place among the rest.
Anyway, enough waffle — here are the best FPS games on PS4, as outlined by you lot.
28. Destiny (PS4)
As with most evolving online shooters these days, the original Destiny has been replaced by its superior sequel. Still, the original game laid down the framework for modern multiplayer, and it's inspired many games to try and capture some of the magic. Featuring varied sci-fi landscapes, addictive loot based progression, and best-in-class shooting, Destiny 1 was a real cornerstone for Bungie and for modern gaming.
27. Killzone: Shadow Fall (PS4)
The series hit its stride on PS3, but Killzone Shadow Fall is a highly entertaining launch title that seriously showed off what the PS4 could do on day one. A visual spectacle, as is the norm coming from Guerrilla Games, it might not have the best campaign, but the shooting itself is solid and the multiplayer was a lot of fun before the servers were switched off. It's not the best in the series, but its unique style and impressive tech made it an early PS4 treat.
25. Star Wars Battlefront 2 (PS4)
Star Wars Battlefront 2 really should have been so much more — especially after its predecessor delivered a likeable online experience in a galaxy far, far away. To developer DICE’s credit, though, the loot boxes are barely intrusive at all anymore, and the sci-fi gunplay is still great. Decent dogfighting and plenty of fanservice make this a game well worth playing.
24. Apex Legends (PS4)
Respawn Entertainment’s attempt at cashing in on the Battle Royale craze is Apex Legends, and it's a good one. A squad-based first-person shooter, the Titanfall spin-off combines elements of Fortnite and Overwatch to make for an addictive arena-based experience. Playing in teams of three you must work together to gather supplies and see off enemy factions. A unique ping system makes communication a breeze, while tight gunplay elevates it above its peers. The only question mark hanging over this Hunger Games-esque experience is whether its developer can iterate quick enough to keep its player base engaged.
23. Far Cry Primal (PS4)
Far Cry Primal takes the popular open-world series back in time to the prehistoric age, where exotic big cats and elephants are replaced by sabre-tooth tigers and woolly mammoths. This, however, is still Far Cry through and through, with a dense world to explore, skins to collect, weapons to upgrade, and even a tribal storyline to experience.
22. Borderlands 3 (PS4)
Borderlands 3 took the shooting from the franchise's previous games and turned it into something amazing. Bringing with it over a billion guns to loot, the sheer variety on offer sky-rocketed, an all-new feel that added weight to every bullet Vault Hunters unloaded. Throw a huge open world campaign into the mix along with online co-op, and you and your friends have the recipe for an FPS experience you won't forget in a hurry.
21. Call of Duty: WWII (PS4)
After several iterations that took the action into a modern scenario, Call of Duty: WWII brings the franchise back to its roots. While the end result is a game that feels quite safe, the action is as intense, fast-paced as it ever has been, and stripped back multiplayer is enjoyable, even if some of the maps are duds. Overall, it's not the best the series has to offer, but it's still a decent shooter all the same.
Comments 56
My top 3 would be :
1 - DOOM
2 - DOOM
3 - DOOM
I would argue that Destiny 1 collection is a better game then Destiny 2.
Killzone: Shadow Fall #19... behind Farpoint and Unfinished Swan...?
"...it might not have had a great campaign..." say what?
It's easily better than at least a third of the list. Doom behind Overwatch?
I feel I've misjudged you all...
@LaNooch1978 Doom doesn't have false starts, pretend crowd injuries and tired politics... nooch!
@KALofKRYPTON Killzone: Shadow Fall has some real low-points to be fair. Real low-points.
It takes a heck of a game to pull me in for 250 hours on multiplayer when I probably hadn’t played that much online multiplayer for all other games combined. Love Overwatch.
Wolfenstein The New Colossus yet no New Order. Smh. My top five would be Doom, Wolfenstein 2, Wolfenstein The New Order, Modern Warfare Remastered, and Infinite Warfare in that order.
My favorite FPS games are Doom, both Wolfenstein and Titanfall 2.
I love The Unfinished Swan, but I wouldn’t consider it a FPS.
My knowledge of Overwatch is supreme. I honestly didn't know it's a first person shooter.
PS4 (or this generation in general) has been massively disappointing for first-person shooters. that 25% of the list is ports of PS3 games, and some real barrel-scraping to produce the rest of it just highlights that.
there were so many more franchises, quirky one-offs, flawed gems, and innovation last gen. even franchises that didn't start last-gen really hit their peak then and haven't been as good since, such as killzone, call of duty, and battlefield.
destiny 1 is miles better than destiny 2.. i don't know anyone outside of this site that thinks the sequel is better. far fewer on my friends list bought it, and those that did abandoned it pretty quickly.. the general feeling was that it got very boring in a short space of time. the reward system was a mess. i know a lot of people hated the rng of destiny 1, but it kept people doing nightfalls and raids week after week in the hope of obtaining the mythical gjallarhorn.
My list would be: Hard Reset Redux, Bulletstorm, Hunting Simulator, Prey, Far Cry Primal, Dishonored 1-2-3, Sniper Ghost Warrior 3, theHunter: Call of the Wild, Killzone Shadowfall,
1. Fallout 4
3. Titanfall 2
Yep, Fallout 4, and it's not even strictly fps jeezus!
I must add that Battlefield 1 is one of the most boring fps I've ever played campaign-wise. Just when you get to know your protagonist... BOOM! chapter ends, on to the next chapter with a new character.
Pretty surprised that Prey didn't crack the top 20 at least somewhere. The Unfinished Swan over Prey?
@get2sammyb None of which could possibly be a low as the entirety of Farpoint.
@deepspace5d @Daggadat @Bonbonetti In my opinion the list makes sense since it's about First Person Shooters. Games like Dishonored, Prey or Alien: Isolation may be considered as First Person Adventures.
But what about Dying Light?
Gotta admit I was getting a little worked up about not seeing Doom on the list, until I found it placed 2nd. My faith in humanity is at an all time low right now, so I'll take the small successes where I can. I'm currently playing my first run of Doom. It's fantastic.
@KALofKRYPTON Nonsense, Farpoint is a great novelty.
@andreoni79 Yep I'm wondering if Unfinished Swan is strictly FPS with guns blazing...if not then it's only right the revolutionary Dishonored 2/DotO ( Clockwork Work Mansion & Crack in the Slab, nuff said) make top 3, ahead of DOOM and Overwatch.
@Daggadat Right, I forgot they put Infinite Swan in the list... I don't know that game but I surely know and love everything about Dishonored as my avatar may suggest!
Don't play a whole lot of FPS games. Overwatch was the one I played the most.
@KALofKRYPTON i know right.doom is way better than overwatch.and killzone shadow fall single player is amazing.word up son
@Jimmy_G_Buckets Word.whos your favorite rapper ever.mine is nas .eric b and rakim.wu tang clan.mobb deep.run dmc..yo mtv raps was the best.especially in queens new york.word up son
Titanfall 2: switching back and forth between time, this was a game changer, so much so that I would have loved to have more of it.
Doom: my favorite by far. A remake done just right!
Lotta love for Doom. So I guess maybe I should play it sometime. Overwatch I’m pretty uninterested in, given the multilayer only system that it is.
@playstation1995 Rakim, Nas, Redman are a few of my favorites. Definitely prefer the East Coast style. Much more technical rapping compared to West Coast. Yeah I loved Yo! Ed Lover and Dr. Dre were fun hosts. I can still see Ed Lover doing his dance on that one track
@Th3solution As I stated, I'm really enjoying Doom. It isn't a game that everyone will like however. It is repetitve and not very technical. But it makes up any docked points in pure fun, fast gameplay and an awesome soundtrack. Thats just my opinions on the matter, I bet you'll have fun. It is convenient that it's budget priced now.
@Jimmy_G_Buckets Honestly, I’m embarrassed to say I know next to nothing about the game. Does it have a horror / macabre feel to it? I’m not a fan of horror, nor of FPS, but every now and then I get in the mood for one.
Prey should be there imho (Unfinished Swan...really?).
Doom is my #1 by distance.
What about Dishonored 2???????
@arnoldlayne83 I always classed the Dishonored series as stealth games. That's my fave way of playing them anyway.
Needs more Lo Wang. Or to be more specific, the Shadow Warrior games
@andreoni79 I guess that depends on how you play a Dishonored game. I was a big fan of the crossbow, using it as my main weapon so to speak. I also really liked the pistols. So it probably goes without saying that I played the game more like a shooter than a stealth game, or at least stealth-until-it-fails.
@Bonbonetti My first run I played it as Emily, full stealth and no killing. The second one as Corvo, full killing and no stealth. What a game!
Let's agree to completely disagree, Pushsquare. My personal top 5:
5. Doom
4. Wolfenstein: The New Order (haven't played part 2)
3. Dishonored II (seriously, did you guys forget about this one?)
2. Overwatch
1. The Bioshock Collection
@andreoni79 Yeah, the whole series is awesome in that way, they make both stealth and action fun to play, which is rare to achieve.
No Battlefield 4?
RE7? Skyrim? London Heist?
I absolutely loved the Titanfall 2 campaign. One I'll play over and over again I think. Every level/chapter was different and the time travel stuff was just soooo good. It's relatively short, well crafted and just a big heap of fun.
fallout 4. wolfenstein.word up son
Please can you do a twin stick shooter top 10? It would be tragic for nex machina to win nothing this gen. Or any smaller more niche top 10's
Overwatch is a decent game, but it’s really not a number one or even top 5 FPS game.
Nice article. I learnt lots of info from here (https://thevrheadset.com/playstation-vr-psvr-test-review/)also.
Great. Keep it up. thanks.
The most fun I've had with a FPS for me was way back on the PS3 with Battlefield Bad Company 2 and it's MP mode I just have suck 100+ hours in to that game. Then Titanfall 2 is my go to game for a quick blast of Frontia Defence and I play the campaign every now and then. Overwatch I couldn't get into I was that bad at it I knew to me since I don't do eSports then it's not for me lol.
Destiny 2 now I have Forsaken is so much better that's another one I have a few FPS games to be honest
So in order
1) Titanfall 2
2) Destiny 2
3) BF Bad Company 2
4) BF4
5) BF3
@get2sammyb I really was dissapointed after Killzone 3 i loved that one the story was so dissapointing i stopped playing at the start and i was dissapointed at the looks.
Updated. Been a while!
Shame they didnt make a 4th Crysis game. I loved the 2nd and 3rd.
2. Titanfall 2
3. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019
Some others that I enjoy as well but those 3 are leaps and bounds above the rest, imo.
You've spelt DOOM wrong for the number 1 game
@carlos82 Not anymore lol
@NeoTokyo404 they've spelled DOOM worng for the number 2 game 😉
Well, now that the whole series is on the PS4 those (fantastic) all-DOOM lists in the comments can become reality lol
1) DOOM Eternal
2) DOOM 2016
3) DOOM 1993
5) DOOM 64
6) Final DOOM
7) DOOM 3
(Disclaimer: I'm a DOOM newbie but I fell in love hard with the series since playing 2016.
I still haven't played most of them but I wanted to make one of this lists anyway cause that's an eye-watering amount of DOOM on any given console and I plan to have them all on my Switch and double dip on Eternal and I love DOOM you love DOOM everyone loves DOOM RIP AND FREAKING TEAR...okay I got a bit carried away by the Eternal hype lol 😉)
Wow, I could never disagree with a list more. Buuut, these kind of lists are authors own opinions, I understand. Still disagree with almost every digit.
I'm disturbed by the lack of battlefield 4!
If destiny counts then warframe should be in there too
I find your lack of boomer shooters like Ion Fury here, disturbing
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