20. Resogun (PS Vita)
The PS Vita port of Resogun isn’t half as eye-popping as its PS4 older sibling, and yet there’s an unquestionable appeal to saving the last human on the move. While the pared back framerate means the cylindrical shooter never feels as fast and fluid as it should, the core gameplay systems still shine, even on a much smaller screen.
19. Persona 4 Dancing All Night (PS Vita)
The music in Persona 4 was so good that they decided to make a rhythm game out of it. Persona 4 Dancing All Night presents a perfect excuse to hang out with Inaba's finest all over again — and there's even a dedicated story. It'll take some time to master these beats, but when the tunes are this catchy, you won't mind replaying the same songs over and over again. Truly good vibe gaming.
18. Killzone: Mercenary (PS Vita)
All the way back in 2013, Killzone Mercenary was the game that Sony used to prove it was making console-like investments in the PS Vita. Developed by Guerrilla Games – albeit its since shuttered Cambridge-based satellite office – this was a AAA first-person shooter with staggering production values. Despite offering a full-length campaign, missions were smartly segmented to make them more digestible during portable play. The plot also introduced some interesting elements, as you worked as a gun-for-hire with little regard for the wider morality of the bloody Helghan war. With a popular online multiplayer mode and tons of replayability, this was a true shooter on the go.
17. Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward (PS Vita)
Insane twists and turns define Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, an oppressive visual novel that sees a cast of odd characters become trapped within a futuristic facility. Intriguing puzzles break up the dialogue alongside heavily weighted player choice, which determines who lives and who dies as you hurtle towards various story endings. An engrossing experience.
16. Tearaway (PS Vita)
A lot of the PS Vita’s best games, particularly in the portable’s later years, overlooked its unique features – but Media Molecule’s charming platformer Tearaway was built with every input in mind. The release takes advantage of everything, from the front and back cameras to the rear touchpad, to create a tactile papercraft environment that genuinely feels like it exists within the palm of your hands. The sheer boundless imagination of this outing is not to be overlooked, with the title constantly reinventing itself rather than recycling its ideas over and over.
15. Shovel Knight (PS Vita)
In an era of microtransactions and online open worlds, Shovel Knight dug into a past oft forgotten with its 8-bit aesthetic and challenging platforming gameplay. This tight, retro adventure turned back time to simpler days, and effortlessly captured the spirit of an old-school NES campaign. But there was more to this Yacht Club Games hit than nostalgia: this was a thrilling adventure in its own right, perfectly suited to portable play, and it served as a reminder that sometimes looking backwards for inspiration can be just as thrilling as focusing on the future.
13. The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series (PS Vita)
A game which introduced an entire genre, The Walking Dead: A Telltale Game Series was a Game of the Year winner in some prestigious circles. Originally released episodically, but compiled onto one cartridge here, it was seen as the evolution of point-and-click titles, focusing heavily on narrative and player choice. The poignant story involving convict Lee and orphan Clementine captured hearts, and while this PS Vita port struggled with performance issues, it still delivered an engrossing narrative featuring a band of survivors against impossible odds.
12. Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster (PS Vita)
Final Fantasy X is an essential PS2 RPG, and the Vita remaster is a fantastic way to experience Tidus' wonderous journey across Spira. Heart-wrenching twists, brilliant boss battles, and great characters make for an adventure that lasts long in the memory. Throw in an all-time classic soundtrack layered upon magical environments, and RPG enthusiasts simply can't go wrong. Oh, and Final Fantasy X-2? Weird game — even weirder sequel — but it's still pretty good.
11. Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (PS Vita)
Visual novels are one of the standout genres that truly excel on PS Vita, but few come with a recommendation as strong as Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. This brilliant detective game combines crime with courtroom drama, as you object to false evidence based on your own personal observations.
Comments 68
Ouch, no Dragon's Crown. That one remains my favourite Vita game. If I'm getting on the train it's either Dragon's Crown or Mario Kart for me.
Best handheld console since the game boy, but unfortunately couldn't get the support plus sony messed up its pricing especially with the memory cards
Great list, personally would also have:
Wipeout 2048
WRC4 (such a good rally game)
Gravity Rush (guessing I’ve missed that because it is an essential game for the Vita)
Rogue legacy
Salt and Sanctuary
I don’t know the order I’d put them in but Persona 4 Golden, Child of Light, Killzone Mercenary, Final Fantasy X and Shovel Knight would probably round out my top five, likely in that order.
I couldn’t get over how good Killzone was as a FPS on a handheld. Even the multiplayer felt really good.
To everyone who didn't vote Odin Sphere onto this list, I hate you.
Great list though it's odd to see some very low games there. Maybe some titles that were deep into the alphabet didn't get enough votes? People have already listed up some good titles that were snubbed so I'll go ahead and mention my favorite PSVita title - Papers, Please.
Why no Virtua Tennis 4? That game was lots of fun on Vita. I mean, the entire list is redundant anyway what with Fez not being at number 1 and that nonsense Persona 4 being included in the list at all, but still.
I just read the article fully and realise I can do something about it myself. But I’m too laaazzzyyy
I am the opposite.
I thought PS VITA games library really terrible for me, like almost no kiddie games like on 3DS.
The games I found just majority adult games, hentai games, boring sport games like what the heck are they. I never like any of them.
The only PS VITA games that caught my attention just only three, just only freaking three games.
Reality Fighters


Modnation Racers Road Trip

I saw Sly Cooper and Ratchet & Clank Trilogy games also on PS VITA but I already have them on PS3 version with better performance.
I still really on the fence to even consider PS VITA as I only have three games that I have interest about, not even a worthy purchase.
I will not buy a machine just to play 3 casual games.
That's why I choose 3DS over than PS VITA for having tons of kiddie and cute games for kids, even I have four 3DS XL machines with three different regions and more than 50 3DS games.
Needs a Stardew Valley on that list so it does.
@kyleforrester87 too lazy to click on numbers , but plenty of energy to whine in the comments. 😉
I particularly enjoy playing Killzone Mercernary and PlayStation All Stars. I also enjoy Dissidia Final Fantasy too. Wish they would release another Dissidia game like this because NT was just dreadful in comparison.
@Wesker you’ve changed man. What happened?
Remember that you can shape this list with your user votes, so feel free to use the search box at the start of the article if you disagree with any of the results!
@kyleforrester87 you know what else has changed? War. Which reminds me. Shouldn’t the transfarring version of MGS be on this list. Or everyone hates MGS?
@Wesker hey if you want to see it on the list go ahead and vote, stop moaning in the comments, jeez
Ys memories of celceta should be in the top 5!
@kyleforrester87 and have it threaten P4G’s rightful place at number 1? No chance!
I wished sony to come with the steam deck idea, i wonder if they will think to give another shot to handheld consoles.
Where in God's name is Gravity Rush/Daze?
@Anti-Matter there are plenty of kiddie games. You just weren't looking hard enough. Clearly.
I had searched from playasia and those three games I could find, the exclusive PS VITA games that passed my inspection. Just only three games.
The other kiddie games I found were either already available on PS4 / Switch or didn't even I have interest about.
@Wesker go play FF7 already.
Surprised to see Gravity Rush didn't make it anywhere but other than that I'm happy with the list. Still love ya Vita! You deserved a better hand than you were dealt.
Edit: Oh and Trails of Cold Steel 1&2 need a spot somewhere too!
The vita always felt like the console that should have been my favourite of all time but ended up being a bit disappointing (didn't get it's own God of war, gran turismo or metal gear...) Not without some good memories though.
Gravity rush is the definition of a flawed gem. One of my favourites ever. I originally bought it thinking it'll do as I wait for a vita infamous (which we never got) but ended up being much better than it.
Tearaway was one of the few games that made all the gimmicks of the vita make sense. Kind of felt like the vita was made with this game mind, such talented Devs.
Persona 3 portable/ 4 golden I was hesitant about. Really didn't think a school SIM game would be up my alley but nothing else of value was releasing so I went for it, borderline got addicted to them! Not sure they would connect to me as much if I played them today, but I'll have the good memories of playing them.
Honourable mentions would go to Giacamelee, Wipeout, escape plan, Rayman origins/legends, sound shapes, all stars battle royale, dragons crown and I'm struggling to think of anything else unfortunately.
Uncharted GA is easily the top game on the depressing handheld. You know when you have Sonic Racing as one of the top games that the library is rather sad for what it should have been.
On the 10 year anniversary of the worst Playstation ever released... I'd like to raise two middle fingers at Sony and the entire gaming industry for taking a fat dump on early adopters of this handheld.
Our Vitas get pulled out every week still, what a great platform. Worms and Russian Subway Dogs should be on the list somewhere!
Where the F is Frobisher Says!
Killzone mercanary. muramasa rebirth.gravity rush.uncharted golden abyss.sly cooper thieves and times and collection.and soul sacrifice. Persona 4 golden. freedom wars was cool also .little big planet.etc.so many.word up son
I joined the Vita party relatively late but I love the system. It's such a lovely handheld with a small library nonetheless but plenty of great games. It had plenty of PS2 ports, I loved the Sly Cooper Trilogy and Persona 4 Golden is what made me get into the Persona series as well as an attachment for the PlayStation brand. It's such a shame a combination of competition from mobile devices and 3DS at the time, as well as Sony failing in many regards with the Vita from expensive memory cards to a lack of support. The Vita deserved to do so much better and it's a shame we're most likely never getting another handheld from Sony. I see games release on Switch all the time and think "this would have worked great on Vita or even a Vita successor". I love picking it up every now and then to jump into a visual novel, platformer, RPG or a PS1 classic.
Ok, I get it why the Vita tanked now. You guys pick these at the best Vita games over all the actual really good games.
@Wesker 😭😭😭
Dude, this is a weird coincidence. For some reason I've been thinking about going back to my VITA. Can you even still buy games on that?
This article came out perfectly. Finally ordered me a Vita slim. I loved my PSP back in the day and can’t wait to start collecting for this gem. But first, downloading all my old games and playing some psone classics. Those were the days.
No Murasaki Baby? That was a ride.
Also, hack it, run psp and ps1 games, and emulate everything else.
It’s one of the biggest purchase regrets buying the Vita. The screen is awesome and the console looks beautiful (I got the Japanese blue one in 2019); but there really isn’t much to play at all. Even Trails of Cold Steel i’m struggling to get into.
Compare this to the top 3DS games… jeez.
How DARE you not include Gravity Rush?!
Wow. Someone doesn't know Vita very much do they?
Where's Gravity Rush? Where's Wipeout 2048? Where's Telltale Game's Wolf Among Us? Where's Metal Gear Solid HD collection? Where's Tearaway? Rayman Origins? Y's Memories of Celceta? among some other greats?
I've got a lot of Vita games, and you've missed a lot of titles that should be here. I mean I know favs are selective, but theres some mediocre titles that have been placed on this list which should be replaced by better titles.
@LazyLombax Same here. Plus one of the most fun games I've ever played. A shame that it didn't get the love it deserved.
I bought my second hand PSTV so I could play P4G on my flat screen. Never did. Pointless now I own a gaming PC.
I'm not surprised my first Vita game is not on the list - Valkyrie Bhikkuni Overdrive. That's a niche game right there.
It is a crime that TxK is not in this list.
@LazyLombax huh?
@LazyLombax haha. No worries. Thought so
The Vita is a great system that should have used Micro SD cards as the storage. Sony insisting on proprietary memory technology is just insane! Anyway, the library is great even though it should have had time to get bigger. As far as the system itself goes it is super easy to softmod and after doing that it becomes well worth the asking price! NES, SNES, Genesis, GBA, Vita, PSX, PSP, Arcade games, PC games that have been ported over like Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Half-life, also GTA Chinatown Wars, GTA3, Vice City, San Andreas, Bully, Max Payne. ScummVM also has a port for the system so include all the classic Point & Click games from LucasArts, Sierra and others, as well as Beavis & Butthead Virtual Stupidity. This system is AMAZING!
I added in my votes for best on Vita, but it looks like I have unpopular choices. My favourites are:
1) Dragon's Crown
2) Zero Escape: Virtues Last Reward
3) Final Fantasy X (this made the list)
4) Guacamelee (this made the list!)
5) Stardew Valley
I'm glad at least one Vanillaware game made the list. If you have a vita, you really should get all 3 games by them. Despite them not appearing on many top lists, they some of the best playing and looking games on the handheld.
I love and still play my PS Paperweight….. uh…..‘ Vita’ from time to time. The games I enjoyed the most were Unit 13, RESISTANCE: Burning Skies and yes even the widely hated COD: Black Ops Declassified. But the 2 games I enjoyed that I thought really made the most out of all the aspects the Vita brought to the table were Gravity Rush and UNCHARTED: Golden Abyss.
Persona 4 is so overrated. There's so many better JRPG's on Vita, like Lost Dimension or Mind Zero.
@Milktastrophe From what I can tell based on videos, Mind Zero and Lost Dimension are completely different subgenres of JRPG, and definitely don't appear to be anywhere near as interesting or in-depth as P4G.
@MiaowMinx Lost Dimension is way more interesting and in-depth than Persona 4. Outside of the combat revolves around using detective skills to determine which characters are traitors (this is not fixed). Sure, it's a strategy RPG, but that also means by definition the combat is more in-depth than P4's (and you can add onto that that the party members you like to use could be the traitors).
Mind Zero is a dungeon crawler, so perhaps it's more similar to SMT proper in that regard, but dungeon crawlers aren't that different than third person RPG's, they're first person. Mind Zero's combat is actually very similar Persona's, but the plot is better and isn't burdened by a time limit to complete things.
For me the best games for psvita is persona 4 golden and dragon crown pro. Man I hope atlus port dragon crown pro to switch (oled) since I want to play the game again.
Oh, and playing psone titles on psvita is a blast, I usually replay castlevania sotn on psvita back then.
Was excited to see this list come together and see what the pushsquare audience picks. I'm with @Shepherd_Tallon that Dragon's Crown is my favourite game on the vita.
Here's my personal top ten.
1) Dragon's Crown
2) Final Fantasy X
3) Zero Escape: Virtues Last Reward
4) Guacamelee
5) Stardew Valley
6) LoH: Trails of Cold Steel 2 (unfortunately not on pushsquare)
7) Sound Shapes
8) Odin Sphere
9) Child of Light
10) Shakedown: Hawaii
Be sure to rate yours!
Hey, hey. I'm a little late to the party but here's my top 10:
Personal faves are:
1. Gravity Rush
2. Muramasa Rebirth
3. Odin Sphere
4. Dragon's Crown
5. Persona 4 Golden
7. Freedom Wars
8. Ragnarok Odyssey ACE
9. Disgaea 4
10. Super Robot Wars X
Just picked up a Vita last week. Me and the kids are absolutely loving it. They haven't went near their switches since we got it. Those games added to my library via PlayStation Plus are coming in very handy now 😊
@Odium 100% agreed.
I never really got into Killzone on the 'Big Consoles" but the Vita version was friggin awesome, and it ran so damn smooth.
played some online matches with some buddies and this game proved to me Sony were onto something good with the Vita here!
Sadly Sony just could not help themselves digging the grave early for this piece of hardware ahead of it's time.
The pricing of the memory cards just killed it doa.
I like the love PS Vita still receives on here! Great list!
@BlaBlaBla sadly, I think you’re right that the memory card pricing put a ton of people off of it, which is a shame considering there’s some fantastic games on the Vita. I’m not much of an online player but I played the hell out of this online. I was on third shift when I started dating my wife so my sleep cycle was a mess, I’d always bring my Vita with me to play some matches when I inevitably couldn’t sleep.
Reliance on ratings rather than the games' merits is bound to make the list weird anyway (Gravity Rush, Tearaway, NFS MW12... all HOW low here?), but it's still an eyebrow raiser that Soul Sacrifice is listed twice while something arguably even more peculiar among the MH inspirations like Toukiden or God Eater misses out. After all, the only pragmatic reason to indulge with such top charts at all is the spotlight value it can provide in regards to the titles different folks may have overlooked or never heard about, plus a testimony to the ultimately impressive library of what I still consider the best PlayStation console to date. Hot take? You haven't seen hot takes yet - I even genuinely enjoyed Resistance: Burning Skies!😜 But of course, few lists short of the full Wikipedia ones can do justice to everything that arguably bears mentioning on Vita dear - from the likes of Rollers of the Realm, Knock-Knock and Exile's End to the likes of Assassin's Creed Liberation, Oreshika and Odin's Sphere. Many of the gems are still not on Switch and some might never be for variably obvious reasons, so even ten years on, this lovable handheld offers quite a backlog to sink teeth into.
@Shepherd_Tallon It's on there. #29
@LucasMcL Cheers! It wasn't on the list last February.
Glad to see it in there.
I played a lot of Vita. But looking over this list and having played pretty much all of these games on this list, I have to say the Vita has the weekest library of all the PlayStation consoles/handhelds. Its not without some good stuff, but overall compared to PS1-5 and the PSP, it doesn’t even come close. It could’ve been something really cool. But Sony really didn’t give it a chance.
Odin Sphere missing a description like the others?
"Is Sly Cooper the most underrated PlayStation mascot of the PS2 era?"
Yes. Yes he is. Absolutely incredible games.
Great handheld, lots of great Indie games and HD collections. Awesome AAA games like Uncharted Golden Abyss were very rare on Vita, something PSP had plenty of. Exclusive AAA games like GTA would have helped to make Vita more popular. I sold the Vita and moved to Switch, which shows that AAA can still sell on handhelds. Maybe one day Sony will try again with the handheld. I would buy it.
Ok, where is Txk?
I really regret I never got a Vita. The only Playstation device I never had (and the PSVRs).
Not me reading the comments to get more titles to add to the list for my future Vita purchases.
Playing psone classic castlevania sotn is so great on psvita, it's better than playing it emulated on steam deck. I think psp 2/ps4 portables (with at least ps4 power) will sells way better than psvr2.
@Mynameishello Its incredibly easy to not be in love with switch if you don't play hand held games. Mine hasn't been touched in years, as im not prepared to use it docked when I have much more capable machines. It actually annoys me that so many fantastic games that could be so much more than they are, are hamstrung by the poor tech. However, if you play handheld its clearly the ultimate portable regardless.
Like many here, I have fond memories of the psp and the vita as I had occasion to use them back then and found enough great games on them that they had plenty of play time.
Sony will never make another hand held, it would simply fail in an age when everyone has a mobile phone and nintendo has such market dominence. Definately not worth splitting your dev teams chasing a tiny slice of the market. I do love the memories though.
Like several people, Dragons Crown was a big fave for me on vita. Im actually replaying it on ps5 with my misses 😁
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