5. Axiom Verge (PS4)
Players may not be able to enjoy a certain intergalactic bounty hunter’s back-and-forth adventure on PS4, so the next closest thing is this one-man effort to replicate the original Metroidvania. Axiom Verge is about as dense as this genre ever becomes, focussing on making mild protagonist Trace feel overwhelmed and dumbfounded by the unknown universe around him. Luckily, his huge roster of weapons makes discovering more of it an exciting 2D affair.
4. Guacamelee! 2 (PS4)
Drinkbox Studios’ superpowered sequel follows former luchador Juan as he is forced out of retirement. Whereas before he rescued his own reality through tight action-platforming, only by punching, kicking, and grappling even harder can he hope to save the rest of the vibrant Mexiverse. Guacamelee! 2 is a great modernisation of the Metroidvania format that knows exactly when to poke fun at itself. And now it has 100% more chicken combat!
3. Castlevania Requiem (PS4)
What’s better than one of the greatest Metroidvania games of all time? How about two bundled together in one neat PS4 package? Castlevania Requiem is exactly that, bringing the joys of both Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood to modern platforms to see players travel and fight through one epic connected tale. Symphony of the Night, as one of the most intricately designed Metroidvanias ever, would have been enough on its own to make this list. That said, consider slaying more vampires in the preceding entry a nice bonus.
2. SteamWorld Dig 2 (PS4)
Whereas the original SteamWorld Dig boasted randomised subterranean environments, Image and Form’s 2017 sequel takes a more authored approach. It’s much better for it. You play as steamboat Dot, continuously digging in search of the original game’s main hero. Being successful means knowing when to stop and venture back up top in order to source more powerful gear and upgrades. This results in a gameplay loop far more addictive than in your standard Metroidvania, infused with the franchise’s charming steampunk style.
1. Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (PS4)
Merging Metroidvania with select Souls-like elements, Hollow Knight quickly became a beloved indie darling due to its hand-drawn art style and mysterious characters. Backing those up, however, is the moody world of Hallownest, filled with several windy caverns and enemy-laden tunnels sure to test your combat and traversal skills to the max. Armed with a trusty nail sword and your preferred choice of customisable charms, Hollow Knight is one of the most haunting but beautifully designed Metroidvanias on PS4.
Do you agree with our picks for the best PS4 Metroidvania games? There sure were a lot to choose from, but these are just the ones we think represent the cream of the crop. Do you agree with are picks or think there's something vital that only just failed to make the cut? Leave a comment below.
Comments 44
Good list, but my personal favourite would be Axiom Verge. When is AV2 coming to PS5? And why on earth isn’t the PS4 version just available to play through PS5 🤷♂️
Surprised that Bloodstained. Ritual of the Night isnt here. I would rank it above many on this list
Well as Symphony of the Night is technically the only Metroidvania on the list 😉 I'd put that at number 1 and frankly would anyway, especially when bundled with Rondo of Blood.
As above though I'm surprised Bloodstained isn't on here and I'd put that above many of these
Meh list. Defo needs updating. Ender Lilies, Grime, Monster Boy, Wonder Boy 3 and F.I.S.T. are far better than Headlander, Iconoclasts, Blasphemous and Dead Cells (more of a roguelike to me). Got bored half way through Iconoclasts (wasn't very Metroivania-y) and Headlander was good but repetative.
I was expecting F.I.S.T. to make the list.
@fluggy Monster Boy is a great shout, not played Blasphemous but Dead Cells absolutely should not be on this list, my hatred of that word aside it simply is a different type of game
I'm playing number 7 (blasphemous) right now, the "face boss" is really difficult, I can only beat it after dying many times lol. The game is really good, I think it should behigher on the list. I've played hollow knight but I didn't like game, it's just an okay game for me.
Salt & Sanctuary should be on this list!
Out of all the games on this list, only Symphony of the night is the only game that I've enjoyed the most since it came out on PS1. I also recently got Ender Lillies which is fantastic and I highly recommend
I really suggest Bloodstained if you have not played it yet
What's it say about the genre that PS4 only has 2 entries better than a 24 year old game. Wasn't Bloodstained even supposed to be a spiritual successor (and made by some of the same people, right?), and none of it's games even made the top 10.
Symphony of the Night really spoiled us coming out so early and being so good. Too bad really only Aria of Sorrow has captured that quality since.
No respect for Timespinner? That was a great 2D Metroidvania.
Like many said before me: Bloodstained belongs on this list!
Other great metroidvanias not on the list: Sundered, Salt & Sanctuary, The Messenger, Apotheon, Dandara, and my personal favourite: Rain World.
It's a genre that its good to be a fan of, as it has so many quality titles
Somebody please remake nodes of yesod..one of my all time favorite metroidvania games before metroidvania games were even a thing..i want my wall eating mole back..
some great games on that list haven't picked up Steam world Dig 2 but I loved the first game. Dead Cells and Hollow Knight would be my picks off there even though I have no idea where to go or what to do in HK 😄
I tried Hollow Knight a couple of years ago but it didn’t grip me. I do think I should give the genre another go though. I do quite fancy F.I.S.T. but I’m thinking maybe I should just go all the way back and start Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. 🤔
I loved Hollow Knight.
Just finished Blasphemous, I thought it was pretty easy.
Maybe because I grew up in the 80's and every game was as hard as that if not harder.
Just bought Dead Cells Prisoner Edition and I'm loving it.
Not really a Metroidvania but still good.
Loved Axiom Verge as well.
Still have to buy the sequel.
Would kindly like to mention Strider as well. Great game, part of this genre as well.
Yeah I would've said Dead Cells was a rouge-lite with metroidvania elements, not the other way round
It is great fun though!
Never heard of Headlander, definitely going to check that one out. 👍🏼
I’ve always liked the look of Shadow Complex. I’m guessing the PS4 version is better than the PS3 original?
Song of the deep anyone?
Completely agree on Strider. Grossly overlooked metroidvania.
I might be wrong, but I thought it was a Xbox exclusive for that generation, but we got the remastered version for the PS4.
I'd like to have seen an honourable mentions bit, as you say, there are so many. It's a solid and diverse list, but if I'm being mean it almost seems like a list by someone who hasn't delved deep into the genre. It's a starting point for those curious about the genre more than anything else.
Dear Pushsquare staff, could you please re-write this list? It's so rubbish that can not be judged as opinion. Having a non metroidvania game such as Dead cells in the list is odd. Iconoclast is an action-platformer, even Chasm is more metroidvania than that. Besides, where are Yoku, Timespinner, Bloodstained: ritual of the night to name a few? Please update your list. Thanks
@fluggy agreed. Many great true metroidvanias are missing and Dead cells and Iconoclast are considered as metroidvania 🤣
@ColKojakSlapheadIII yeah strider looks cool, tried the demo on ps4 not long ago.
Will get it soon as it's on sale now for 4$ cad on psn.
I have shadow complex on my wishlist too for ps4, did try the demo on x360 back then, i thought it was ok.
@carlos82 No it isn't technically the only one Metroidvania is a genre, they all are.
This list has some good entries, but as someone with whom Metroidvania is arguably my favorite genre, this is a bad list. Not covering at least 5 that should be on here. Love Iconoclasts and Headlander, but they shouldn't make this list over Bloodstained or Sundered, or even Axiom Verge 2
@JOH01 the word was adopted for that, it was originally to describe Castlevania games that play like Metroid. Even so I wouldn't say Dead Cells is the same genre at all
@kyleforrester87 Sony says that Axiom Verge 2 is playable on PS5. Have you tried it?
Rondo of Blood isn't a Metroidvania, it's a linear action-platformer.
Anyway, this list desperately needs some Monster Boy, Shantae, and Bloodstained action.
You guys messed up and forgot Bloodstained. Clearly it couldn’t have been left off on purpose, that would be insanity. No worries, I forgive you and await the correction.
All credibility went out the window when Dead Cells made the list (how dare you call it a Metroidvania—it is not) and you left out Bloodstained. Like, seriously what were you thinking?
Can i hell get that invincible glitch cheat to work on Hollow Knight so i can complete the final pantheon. It's ridiculous that you're expected to fight every boss, one after each other, difficulty ever increasing in order to get the platinum.
One day i'll get round to activating it
I tried Iconoclasts a few years ago and found it dreadful. Also it didn't seem like a Metroidvania.
I can respect the list, it's just opinion and perhaps it's just because the games are new to me but I would omit a few of these for games like FIST and Ender Lilies in my own list.
Bloodstained number 1 for me.
@skaarj217 ahha - it is now, thanks for that. It wasn’t possible to get the PS4 version through the PS5 store on launch. Didn’t know that had changed. Thanks!
@cheonseojin I don’t love Hollow Knight but why shouldn’t it qualify out of interest?
@Casco Yeah completely agree
@fluggy Exactly what I was thinking. Ender lilies and F.I.S.T. seem to be getting great reviews.
Iconoclasts wasn't great imho. Also got bored several times before giving up... I think about half way through.
This list make me wonder why Shadow Complex Remastered isn't on Switch.
We are need more metroidvania games in consoles, pc have more the double
Dust An Elysian Tail is also a really good metroidvania
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