What are the GTA Online Weekly Bonuses? Every week, Rockstar Games rolls out an update for its online sandbox, adding new activities and content for Los Santos. These events typically include GTA$ and RP multipliers for select modes, as well as discounts on vehicles and clothes. There are also regularly rewards for playing, such as free clothes or cash injections. If you're eager to learn How to Make Money Fast, then these special events can be a solid start. So, as part of our GTA Online guide, we're going to list out the latest GTA Online Weekly Bonuses.
GTA Online Weekly Bonuses: 23rd May, 2024
Below you'll find a list of the latest GTA Online Weekly Bonuses. Please note that this article will be updated every Thursday to reflect the game's content schedule.
GTA$ and RP Events
Event | GTA$ | RP | Notes |
Juggernaut | 3x | 3x |
- |
G's Caches | 3x | 3x | - |
Community Series | 3x | 3x | - |
Reward | Requirement | Notes |
Pirate Outfit | Find seven shipwrecks |
One shipwreck per day |
Dewbauchee Tee | Purchase the Dewbauchee Champion, Dewbauchee Vagner, or Dewbauchee Specter | Until 30th May, 2024 |
New Vehicles
- None
New Weapons
- None
Property Discounts
- None
Vehicle Discounts
- Eclipse Blvd Garage and Customizations – 30% off
- Dewbauchee Champion (Super) – 40% off
- Dewbauchee Vagner (Super) – 40% off
- Dewbauchee Specter (Sports) – 40% off
- Dewbauchee Rapid GT Classic (Sports Classic) – 30% off
- Dewbauchee Seven-70 (Sports) – 30% off
- Dewbauchee Massacro (Racecar) (Sports) – 30% off
Lucky Wheel Podium Vehicle
- Vapid Retinue Mk II
Prize Ride Challenge
- Pfister Astron (SUV)
- Place Top 3 in the LS Car Meet Series four days in a row
For more information, check out our GTA Online guide, including Best Cars and Vehicles to Buy and Own and How to Make Money Fast.
Comments 42
GTA6 would be cooler 😔
Will they show the ps5 version of GTA 5 next week surprised they haven't showed it yet
What about GTA offline ?
Stop playing this game if you ever want GTA 6 to come out.
Thats not how it works
@stefan771 I'm pretty sure it is, when you keep giving them money for online microtransactions they start to get complacent, and don't need another game. New trailer after trailer, nothing but the same game.
Fun Fact: GTA V has now spanned 3 console generations.
@GamingVeteran I hate that the site is doing this post every week. It means that there are enough people that click on it to drive traffic. That's depressing. And tells you that people are never gonna stop playing this game. But hey, if they enjoy it more power to them. I'm not that interested in a GTA 6 anyway
@Would_you_kindly it's already been shown? Didn't go so well
@MatthewJP I know , I commented that before the showcase it was shown at
"Hey Rockstar..we dont give a f***k!' Thanks, but no thanks....
@Would_you_kindly sorry, I didn't clock the date
Instead of updating this every week could you perhaps give coverage to an indie game or game you wouldn't otherwise cover? GTAV does not need more promotion.
@Rob3008 I definitely agree but I don't think a unknown indie game will generate any clicks unfortunately.
Had a return to Los Santos with a friend last night just to check out the Halloween stuff and surprisingly good effort I thought by Rockstar.
The 'random' appearances of the phantom car did seem quite faithful to the Christine movie (it is a move I have watched more times than hot dinners) but the slashers seemed way TO weak since he dropped like a sardine to my Carbine Rifle.
@Rob3008 I’m sure that posts like this help keep the lights on at Push Square towers, which in turn lets them cover some of the smaller games out there.
I love this game, online and story mode, but i can only play for about 5 minutes now before i get annoyed because of the need to tap X to run.
It is really jarring coming from toggle to run to tap tap tap tap and tap tap tap tap to keep running. Making it even worse now is Far Cry 6 which offers just pressing the L stick forward to run with no need to toggle another button.
Red Dead Online has X for run and can be toggled instead of holding or tapping to run. However tapping X is stilled need to make your horse gallop.
Removed - inappropriate
Well I know I am probably in the small minority but with the Prison Overalls being the most 'expensive' login reward for free (aka buying Definitive Edition) I am finally finished having this game on my console.
I need the space anyway for other things but I am very bitter about locking the item behind owning DE, I was finished with the game anyway as I no longer have friends who are interested to play sadly and have no desire to find new ones.
Hats off to Rockstar for making a game that folks are still playing after all these years. Played it, beat it and moved on.
How about GTA6 sometime this decade? That'd be awesome! ... or Red Dead 3 that'd be cool. Please for the love of god stop with GTA5 updates and move on.
Can anyone confirm that the physical copy of the GTA Trilogy remastered will be released for the PS5 as well or just for the PS4?
@Adem87 There currently isn’t a PS5 version. This article from Pure Xbox will explain in more detail.
@MaccaMUFC makes sense but still astonished as to why Rockstar would not incorporate what Xbox did. Tempted to get the physical copy for my xbox One now after reading that
I've just finished The Contract missions featuring Dre. It was like playing story mode content using my character, great stuff. More of this please, Rockstar.
Before big corp gets even more lazy.
In the header,is that a pic of the frickin teen wolf?
I’m just sad that a great single player franchise has been destroyed due to the number of people willing to throw money at such an obviously manipulative service “game”
I wish I could place the term GTAV on ignore that way I never have to see it again.
Posts show noone is interest in this maybe stopping making posts about it
Gta iv released in 2008, red dead redemption in 2010, that was a quick turnaround for two great games.
Gta v in 2013 and rdr 2 in 2018. Considering how great both those games are, and how we probably want a bigger and better gta vi, some more development time is needed, with patience. Gta vi should be next year some time, hopefully. Barring any unseen circumstances. Besides, if gta vi released this year, I can imagine it being multiplat. As in base ps4/xbo AND ps5/xbsx.
Is it really necessary to continue the coverage and tacit support of such a disgusting monetisation structure and shallow excuse for a game?
How do I get the PS5 version?
@NoCode23 So many games have these options it was available on PS3 with MGS already. In the worst case it should be nothing more then holding a button extra.
@PhhhCough Isnt 9 years more then enough? Its not like they reinvent the genre its just a better looking game. Maybe they put in realtime growing of grass and hair.
GTA Online needs a Westworld themed amusement park…
if you released more offline content you'd gain a bigger fan base and long time fans keeps returning to your game. i play gta5 once in a while still get a laugh out of it. playing through gta3 very funny stuff i forgot how funny lol
Anyone interested in whats in this post probably already knows the content from playing,
I wish this game would go away
@Boucho11 you and me both… at this point I don’t even care about 6 because they’re just gonna milk that one too for over 10 years.. so sick of online games.. I miss when games were just you and/or a buddy
Single player game great, 20 mins max online since the beginning. But some people seem to like it.
Why is this still considered news? It's just regular updates for years now...some xb boost, some special events, etc. Nobody cares anymore. Or if someone does, I am 100% sure that he/she doesn't have to read this post to find out. It's already online playing the game
What you trying to rip more money off the fans?
We made GTA what it is honor your fans show offline GTA some love.
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