Need a Fun and Games walkthrough for The Last of Us 1, including all collectibles? In this The Last of Us 1 guide, we're going to show you how to achieve 100% completion in Fun and Games, which is part of The Last of Us: Left Behind expansion.
There is 1x Artefact and 3x Optional Conversations to find in Fun and Games, as Ellie and Riley bond over some recreational activities.
The Last of Us 1: Fun and Games Walkthrough

Things are So Close to going bad in the present day, but there'll always be the Fun and Games of the past to remember. You're back in the mall with Riley, where Mallrats left off, so it's time to goof around for a bit.
Optional Conversation #1
Right at the very beginning of the chapter, climb aboard one of the carousel's horses for an Optional Conversation opportunity. At the end of the cutscene, Riley will hand you a joke book.
Artefact #1: No Pun Intended Volume Too

The joke book that Riley hands you as part of the Optional Conversation on the carousel counts as an Artefact named No Pun Intended Volume Too.
Optional Conversation #2: Ellie's Jokes 6

Once you get off the carousel, you'll now have the joke book. Push the triangle button to tell a joke. In order to complete the Optional Conversation opportunity here, you'll need to tell all possible jokes, so keep pressing triangle when prompted and don't move on just yet. The last joke is a gross one about diarrhoea being hereditary because it "runs in your genes". If you've followed the rest of our The Last of Us 1 guide up to this point, then you'll unlock the That's All I Got Trophy at this point.
Optional Conversation #3
A short way down from the carousel is the Sharesnap photo booth. Head inside for an Optional Conversation opportunity, and a really entertaining little minigame. Just follow the button prompts and have fun before the machine breaks. If you've followed our The Last of Us 1 guide up to this point, you'll unlock the Getting to Know You Trophy here.
Artefact #2: Kitchen Note
Immediately after the Sharesnap photo booth sequence, go up the stairs back towards the carousel. Hop over Fast Burger's counter on the left, and in the kitchen area you'll find an Artefact named Kitchen Note on the desk.
With the power back on, the escalator opposite the carousel is working, so ride it upstairs. At the very top you'll see Raja's arcade, and there's no way you're not going inside, right?

The first thing you're going to want to do is head to the Jak X cabinet in the back-left part of the arcade. Ellie will mess around with the steering wheel and controls and pretend she's playing. This will unlock the Nobody's Perfect Trophy.
Next, head over to the cabinet on the right of the arcade called The Turning. Interact with it to trigger a really fun minigame. All you need to do is match the button prompts that appear in the bottom-left corner of the screen. Press them all without making a mistake and you'll unlock the Angel Knives Trophy.
With the fun and games over, it's time to catch back up with Riley. Follow the corridor around, under the debris and past the creepy mannequins. Go through the double doors at the end and into a storage room with more mannequins. Head to more double doors and go through, where you'll catch up with Riley. Watch the cutscene, which concludes with you getting your water guns back.
For the first part of the water gun fight, pump up your super soaker with R2 and spray Riley until her soaked meter is full. You can crouch behind cover if you need to — just like you would when fighting bandits or a Clicker with real guns. Once she's been defeated, she'll go and hide. So now you need to use stealth to track her.
Use Listen mode with R1 to track Riley's position and get the jump on her. Soak her, and she'll want to play best-of-three. Remember to remain crouched and patient. Riley will generally start running towards you, so as long as you maintain a good position you should be prepared for her. Squirt her a second time to win the competition and unlock the Skillz Trophy. With the competition over, the flashback will end, so it's time to meet The Enemy of My Enemy.
Did our Fun and Games walkthrough for The Last of Us 1 help? Did you find all Artefacts and Optional Conversations? Take a look at our The Last of Us 1 guide for much more information on the game, including all collectibles.
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