If you were hoping to get back online this weekend and catch up with your PlayStation Network friends, the bad news is that Sony won't have the service ready, it has confirmed.
An update on the PlayStation Blog explained the initial announcement that the service would be restored by now was made before Sony had a good handle on the extent of the damage to the Sony Online Entertainment servers.
The continued Network downtime is still putting the skids on our upcoming SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs review, which will be available after we're able to take on the world's best over PSN again.
[source blog.eu.playstation.com]
Comments 8
I just hope it's back up sometime this coming week.
Don't get your hopes up
What a let down. Guess I'll not hold off making room for my 360 again.
I wonder what will be up and running first, PSN or eShop. lol. My guess is that when Sony says the network will be back up in the "coming days" they really don't know that and are just trying to keep public outrage at a minimum. Telling us what we want to hear without actual results will only work for so long Sony!
Gives me more time to practice in MvC3!
I don't see why people are so impatient. Getting riled up ain't gonna make things go any faster.
Rumors that I'm giving traction to suggest overall improvements to PSN as well, including fulfilling a long-standing desire of many users, cross-game chat.
So, just hang in there.
@din_djinn, If they're adding that, I wouldn't mind PSN opening up in June. lol
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