Tetris on the PlayStation Network is one of the best versions of the puzzler available at the moment.

But no, according to a list compiled by Game Informer magazine, Tetris was the top-selling PlayStation Network game of 2011. There's just no stopping the puzzler.

To be fair, EA's port of the classic was sublime. Sure it came with the unnecessary headline of "1080p visuals" and "5:1 audio" — but you can't really blame the publisher for trying to make a classic sound new. What the PSN release of Tetris did do really well though was implement some strong online multiplayer. We might have rage-quit more than a couple of times, but we could appreciate the quality of the six-player netcode even when we were losing. Good game.

Tetris wasn't the only familiar face on the top-selling list though. Resident Evil 4 HD wound up in second and Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection finished in ninth. There was also room for favourites such as Castle Crashers and Limbo. inFamous: Festival Of Blood — a game which Sony touted as the fastest selling PSN release of all time — climbed into third, despite being released at the end of October.

Hit the jump for the full list of top-selling PSN games.

Best-selling PSN titles (games only, excludes Minis):

  1. Tetris
  2. Resident Evil 4
  3. Infamous: Festival of Blood
  4. Back to the Future: The Game - Full Series
  5. Dungeon Hunter: Alliance
  6. Castle Crashers
  7. Limbo
  8. Battlefield 1943
  9. Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection
  10. Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012

[source gameinformer.com]