Valve has pulled cross-platform compatibility from its downloadable Counter Strike reboot, Counter Strike: Global Offensive.
The developer originally intended to allow players to compete across PC, Mac and PlayStation 3, but the company has since decided to strip away the feature in favour of more frequent updates on the PC and Mac.
Chet Faliszek explained:
The beta has proved we want to update not just the beta, but the game itself post-launch frequently on the PC. To do that we need to separate the platforms so one doesn't hamstring the other. So for that, we have removed the idea of cross-platform play — essentially make all platforms stronger by not mixing them.
We think Faliszek’s looking for a positive that doesn’t exist in that statement, but we can at least understand the rationale. Still, cross-platform play was one of the most ambitious features of Counter Strike: Global Offensive – it’s a shame to see it go.
Comments 5
Wow. Was really, really looking forward to buying a copy on my Mac and playing with all my PSN friends. Guess I'll be downloading the PS3 version after all. :/
I can't help wondering if Microsoft's policy has anything to do with this. You know, the one that says to developers, "you can't put anything on other platforms which you don't put on our platform, otherwise we reserve the right to sulk like children and refuse you a license."
@Paranoimia: My thoughts exactly.
I don't think Microsoft has anything to do with this as it's published by Valve and not Microsoft. It makes plenty of sense to keep them separate because of the update process. It often takes ages for consoles to get their updates approved and validated before they can be pushed out for security reasons. Prime example is Payday: The Heist.
It would not surprise me, as the most popular platform for FPS multiplayer games it intends to hold that dominance and not share it's large user base with people who choose not to pay $60 a year for it.
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