With another two weeks lost to the ever moving hands of time, we’ve grudgingly put our chocolate eggs to the side in order to bring you a sneak peak at our gaming itinerary for the extended Easter weekend. But, as you should already be aware, this isn’t all about us – we want to know what will be drawing your attention away from sweet treats over the coming days. Feel free to share your impending PlayStation plans in the comments section below.
Sammy Barker, Associate Editor
Pssht, I'm cancelling seasonal celebrations – I have a damsel in distress to rescue and a dodgy prophet to bring down, after all. Like many of you, BioShock Infinite is consuming my gaming agenda at the moment. Fortunately, the first-person adventure is absolutely, absolutely sublime.
Mike Mason, Assistant Editor
There'll be no time for Easter egg hunts this weekend, as I'll be helping Lara to survive the wilderness in Crystal Dynamics’ Tomb Raider reboot for PS3.
Greg Giddens, Reviews Editor
Long weekends, this is what we live for. But this one is even more special – it’s an extra long celebration, with chocolate, tremendous roast dinners, and four days dedicated to video games. But what will be monopolising my attention this weekend? BioShock Infinite. The city of Columbia and the mysteries within are waiting for me high up in the clouds, and I can't wait to discover the story behind this adventure.
Asher Asghar, Staff Writer
While my time has been limited recently, it amply demonstrates an advantage my Vita has over my PS3: gaming immediacy. So, I'll be alternating between bouts of Persona 4 Golden and Star Wars Pinball. I’m enjoying the former, but feel that its praise has been somewhat overblown. Gravity Rush remains my favourite experience on Vita – a title that uses the system’s full spectrum of controls.
Ben Potter, Staff Writer
This week I travelled homeward to spend Easter with my family and was thrilled to discover that my archaic PS2 was set up in the living room. As such, I’ve taken it upon myself to dig out my very dear copy of WWE SmackDown! Here Comes the Pain. I loved this title when I was younger, so I can’t wait to spend my weekend laying the smackdown on the likes Goldberg, Angle, and RVD.
Robert Ramsey, Staff Writer
I’m still playing Persona 4 Golden. I spent about 75 hours on my first playthrough, and now I’m looking forward to my second run. The real challenge I’m facing is which of the girls I should date – how sad. I’m also planning on playing through Journey again. All of the awards that it won at GDC got me hyped. It seems appropriate to play something spiritual at Easter, even if I’m not particularly religious.
Simon Waldron, Staff Writer
I'm hoping to finally finish God of War: Ascension so that I can start playing Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 and BioShock Infinite. Will my six month old son let me? I doubt it!
That’s enough of our chit-chat, so now it’s very much your turn. What’s on your gaming menu this weekend? Feel free to share all three courses in the comments section below.
Comments 26
i'm playing Metal Gear Rising, Dragon Ball Z HD Collection, Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 and Final Fantasy XIII-2 at the moment
Can't believe you went with "Eggstremely eggciting"!
I'm giving my vita a well earned break, and playing through Luigi's mansion on 3ds, its not half bad.
Jak and Daxter collection, GoW: Ascension and Killzone 3.
Just finished Bioshock : Infinite. Game of the Month for me in a month that was packed with great new games.
Elizabeth isn't damsel in distress at all. And I really hate story in B:I... It could be such a pleasure, but stupid ending makes it meaningless and stupid.
Easter is on the 5th of May here! Anyway Vita for me this weekend with Atelier Totori and Dead or Alive 5·
I just upgraded from 60 gigs to 1 terabyte hdd, so I'm downloading every PS+ game since last July, plus MGR:R and Persona 4!
@charlesnarles - Nice! If all goes well I will be upgrading to the white 500 GB PS3 in the new week or so.
@ShogunRok I can.
Personally playing Bioshock Infinite, but keep getting distracted by Dead Island which I picked up really cheap on PSN.
@charlesnarles Ah. the 1 TB feels so good doesn't it. Freedom!
Bioshock: Infinite (Xbox360) and MLB 13 The Show on Vita
playing phantasy star portable 2 and GOW ascension
@Ginkgo - You can't get Dead Island off PSN in the US.
Runner2 on PSN. I can't stop until I get all the costumes and retro levels!
@Splat : I won't tell you I picked it up for $12.95 then. ;-p Couldn't resist at that price. Australia's PSN is usually aligned with Europe not the US, which sometimes works for us, other times not.
All you lot playing Persona 4 Golden is making me insanely envious.
I'm playing Saint Seiya Sanctuary Battle and Hitman Absolution.
its....still etrian odyssey II
I started wanting to play alot, but I've been playing Ragnarok Odyssey on vita, and Family Guy Back to the Multiverse on PS3
nuns attack, rocketbirds hardboiled chicken and hotshot golf on the ps vita. Really loving rocketbirds, probably finish during the easter break.
@Superconsole same, I wanted that game this month (it's now $29.99 here) and it's sold out everywhere. I'll be playing Ragnarok till a copy comes in, but the wait sucks
A bit late but oh well.
I played Disgaea 3 absence of justice, Luigis mansion dark moon and super smash bros brawl(fun fact I have logged a little over 612 hours in that game)
Played Dark Moon all weekend.
chuckie egg
Persona 4 is, in my opinion, totally overrated. Like many reviewers who assume most readers won't actually cross reference their own views with that of over-articulated marketing rhetoric which passes for a review nowadays, I take particular issue with the whole 'you go to school, take a job, a complete world to explore' rubbish....for go to school, read: a few button clicks in mainly static screens....every time you do an 'activity', which is often reams of narrative followed by a few more button clicks, you're suddenly 6 hours into a day.
Don't get me wrong, it's got personality and I like it, but hardly the stuff of dreams. I'm all for suspension of disbelief, but Vita owners seeking an immersive world which harnesses the systems full array of controls and power should buy Gravity Rush...the sequel will rock, as will Killzone: Mercenary, which looks like THE killer app for Vita. Pun intended
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