BioShock Infinite

March was awash with high-profile releases, but few managed to delight us to quite the same degree as Irrational Games’ stunning BioShock Infinite. Ken Levine’s creative opus captivated us from start to finish, hooking us with an Elizabeth-shaped bait, and refusing to relinquish our attention until we’d explored every last tear. God only knows where we’d be without it, and thus we’ve awarded it our coveted Game of the Month gong for March.

“BioShock Infinite is a sublime shooter set in a magical world,” we wrote in our review. “Irrational Games has once again proven that it’s a very special developer, and if there’s any silver lining to the adventure’s complex conclusion, it’s that the studio is certain to take us somewhere equally endearing when it returns in a few years’ time.”

Honourable mentions go out to Tomb Raider and God of War: Ascension. The former came within an arrow’s length of dethroning Booker DeWitt’s twisted adventure in our internal poll, proving that Crystal Dynamics’ reboot was a real return to form for Lara Croft. And while Kratos’ origin story may have suffered from the age-old similarity syndrome, we’d be remiss to not at least acknowledge Sony Santa Monica’s latest romp through ancient Greece.

Of course, we’d love to know your Game of the Month, too. Did you prefer the hallowed gardens of BioShock Infinite to the isolated island of Tomb Raider, or did you fall in love with something else entirely? Let us know in the comments section and poll below.

What was your favourite game in March? (16 votes)

  1. BioShock Infinite%
  2. Darkstalkers Resurrection  0%
  3. God of War: Ascension%
  4. Hungry Giraffe  0%
  5. Runner 2 - Future Legend of Rhythm Alien%
  6. Tomb Raider%
  7. Something else  0%

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