Hold onto your burlap dolls everyone – a big LittleBigPlanet reveal is mere moments away. Writing on the franchise’s Twitter page, the community team behind the ‘Play, Create, Share’ favourite teased the imminent news. “Stay tuned to the PlayStation Blog because we have an exciting announcement coming tomorrow instead,” said the message. Tomorrow is today, by the way.
With the glamour of GamesCom right around the corner, we’re going to go out on a furry limb and assume that this is LittleBigPlanet 3. The game has been rumoured for as long as the Omniverse itself, and is supposedly in production at UK developer Sumo Digital. Sony may want to get the news out before its showing in Germany, where the game will presumably be playable.
Just to add credence to the rumours, the platform holder just Tweeted a picture of Sackboy standing next to the European convention’s logo. Talk about making it obvious, guys.
Update: Happy slap that hype – the LittleBigPlanet team has confirmed on Twitter that this is just a competition. We're pushing down on the d-pad as we type.
[source twitter.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 26
Were they not also developing some really weird clay or modeling move game they jammed out to in February at the Sony reveal conference
@ViciousDS This is unlikely to be Media Molecule's game. Rumours suggest Sumo Digitial is making the next LittleBigPlanet. MM is working on something else, which may (or may not) include the modelling stuff. We don't really know... :S
@ViciousDS I believe that was just a demo to show what was possible on the PS4!
Please be Ps4. Gt6 for ps3 was the most stupid announcement ever
It will suck if its more dlc. Hopefully it's a teaser for part 3 and if it is hope it's in a full 3d world. Time to make some some changes to little big planet.
Please be on Vita
Little Big Planet would be the perfect game to showcase the DS4 touch pad and the PS Eye. I hope they utitilize those additional features in some capacity, however I think it's more likely to be a Vita game.
Oh please LBP for PS4 - With amazing creation stuff! - Is the announcment going to be today?
Unfortunately, it's a competition. Will update shortly.
Look at the second comment
@ZeD People on the Internet are crazy.
@get2sammyb Crazy? That guy needs help!
@ZeD its a competition? Damn..
@Sanquine Looks like it!
Im siding with the crazy guy on this one....
@SuperSilverback i thought the same thing. ....
@Sanquine maybe hes sane, and everyone else is crazy?
@SuperSilverback That's deep, man.
@get2sammyb for a minute there, i lost myself, i lost myself.
I actually read this in Stephen Fry's voice in my head. I was really excited, then got super disappointed at the update.
@get2sammyb Now, Sammy, it may just be hopeful thinking, but they said there would be a big announcement on the blog, and though there has been the tweet, there have been no announcements from either blog, so keep your hopes up.
Its up....T_T
@SuperSilverback Why is this a so called big announcement?
All my hopes were instantly dashed. I feel as though I was slapped into a pit of fire by a close friend, and burned while he laughed at my misfortune!
As always, mankind has brought about its own destruction in the form of HYPEHYPEHYPE
LBP PS4... called it!
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