We suspect that those of you yapping about the need for new PlayStation Vita games had something other than PlayStation Vita Pets in mind, but we still reckon that there’s potential in the doggy endeavour. The title – in production at EyePet Adventures developer Spiral House – riffs on the ideas originally introduced with Nintendogs, but builds an entire adventure around them.
That means that in addition to grooming, bathing, and kitting out your canine with crazy clothes, you’ll also be able to explore beyond the boundaries of your home. “Together you’ll be able to investigate a massive forest, venture into multiple locations like spooky old mines and graveyards, [and] ultimately make your way to the legendary castle in the centre of the island,” explained creative director Kevin Oxland.
Perhaps the strangest thing is that the dogs can talk. The developer hopes that this will inject the animals with more personality than the mute pets found in other games. “Making humans walk and move realistically in videos games is one thing, but creating truly convincing dogs for today’s demanding younger gamers really is something else,” added Oxland.
There’s no firm release date just yet, but the game’s due out next year. This is clearly coveting a younger audience, which makes us wonder what Sony’s going to do about the system’s price. These types of games were hugely successful on the Nintendo DS – and, to a lesser extent, the PlayStation Portable – because the consoles could be purchased cheaply. The Vita, though, is still a big investment.
[source blog.eu.playstation.com]
Comments 26
My daughter would love this. Fortunately, she'll a) never lay her hands on my Vita, and b), has a 3DS for this stuff.
8 years late Sony
@MrSRArter I don't know - I get what you're saying, but that's like saying Call of Duty shouldn't exist because it launched however many years after Wolfenstein. As long as this brings something new to the "pet" genre, then I think it's fine. Will it be popular, though? Probably not.
(I will play this.)
@get2sammyb I'm not convinced that their target demographic exists beyond the 3DS or iPods
I smell a price drop comi-- Oh wait, it's just puppy poop.
Seriously though, I'm seriously thinking that Sony is planning to announce a price drop at Gamescom, that way the Vita and titles like this seem more appealing to parents.
well will get this maybe...
Haha but really my sister would LOVE this game! To bad i dont have a Vita xP
The prequel to CoD Ghosts
@Hyperstar96 Yep. What he said.
I'd guess that most readers of content on this site are hardcore gamers, so it's not surprising the comments have been tepid. I do let my daughter play with my Vita, and she loves Paint Park and Jetpack Joyride and Toro's Friend Network, so if the price is right ($19.99 or less), I could definitely see myself buying this on PSN, especially if it were cross-buy with a PS3 or PS4 version. Cool addition to the Vita catalog.
The voices.... I am scared....
5 Bucks says sammy is loving his copy!
If this is the first signs of a new focus on providing software skewing towards the family friendly, and apparently young female demographic, it would seem to indicate there's going to be a Vita price drop on the cards to suit it's expanded, younger audience that Nintendo has traditionally held a monopoly over. Or they could just be throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks.
Yes! My girlfriend wants a vita! Ty sony
@Hyperstar96 @Legendary-boss @Ginkgo @Bliquid Ridiculously childish (and might I add pathetic) posts. This game isn't made for you, or someone who wants to play an indie game or something like Soul Sacrifice. It's for children, elderly people and girls who aren't interested in games. The DS wouldn't have been the monumental juggernaut it is without Nintendogs as it got people who didn't want games to but the machine. Do we not all want that for Vita? Just because its not a "hardcore" title or one you want doesn't mean it's bad. Try looking at the bigger picture next time.
@rastamadeus Agree totally. I dont really have much interest in a game like this myself, although the tamagochi/cyber pet vibe they give off kinda calls to my nostalgia lol, Id say titles like this are needed. I know a few members of my family who bought a DS back in the day just for nintendogs, so there is a market for this. To be honest its about time Sony stopped pandering to the hardcore when it comes to the Vita as the hardcore haven't exactly supported the system as everyone expected now have they? If this gets Vita's in casuals hands, Im not complaining as it means more Vita's sold.
@rastamadeus Hey hey give me some credits. Girlfriend wants a vita. I also want to play it. So called hardcore gamers huh!
All i said was "ditto" my personal feelings on the subject.
I can accept Sony or Spiral House making this game, i can accept Sony or some over developer making games for all audiences which i'm not against, i can accept this game if its going to sell bucket-loads of PS Vitas which we all do we want, i can accept and admire Sony making a variety of games, the one thing i cannot accept is being called "childish" and "pathetic" on the basis of one comment: towards my personal feelings of a pre-gamescom announcement.
@Legendary-boss Wasn't meaning you are childish or pathetic, more the way people sneer at a game that isn't something they personally want. The vita is struggling and needs more games like this that will get non gamers on board. We're all wanting it to work so don't see why people - including yourself with your "ditto" agreement - ridicule it just because you wouldn't want it. As I said, just look at the bigger picture. But it wasn't an attack at you or the others I addressed the comment too, just an observation. "We cool, G? Yar, we're cool."
Of course i'm going to comment negatively on something i don't like i do with it COD, FIFA, etc, etc this game isn't a exception no matter the platform.
@Legendary-boss In a way, that is fairly childish. I - like you and many others - can't stand CoD, but that doesn't mean I go around announcing my dislike for the franchise just because I have negative feelings towards it.
I can understand why you would be disappointed at the announcement, many others on YouTube are, but you need to remember that the game isn't being made for you.
@Bliquid There's nothing ugly about it. You may not like the Nintendogs vibe that it gives off, but that does not make the game ugly.
Casual games are important to both the growth and health of a system, because it adds a much needed sense of variety.
Its not childish in anyway, its called having an opinion: if having a negative opinion is childish then at some-point the reviewers/fans that mauled COD Declassified are all childish. Think of it what you want but it ain't childish. Look at 21 more carefully: i don't mind Sony/Spiral House making this game for another audience but that doesn't affect my right to offer a opinion on it.
Am i acting immaturely by saying this game is "a system seller" sarcastically "Nintendogs Clone" "What. The. ****. Did I just watch?" "so we're going the nintendo lane now?" "What the **** is this ****???" "If Sony can't make good games soon then i'm going to have to sell my Vita " "How many 4 year old girls/boys do you think own a ****ing ps vita sony?!" Thats the childish comments you're looking for.
Whether you like it or not: i'm not being childish, go through more comments to see what childish really is.
@Legendary-boss I know you were quoting, but careful with the ol' swears there!
@rastamadeus : lol. You are right to call us out on this. But really, a dog in a pink tutu! That's just asking for it.
Sorry if there is a next time, i will sensor it myself.
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