The tasty Killzone: Shadow Fall bundle that leaked out of Amazon France earlier in the year is legit – and will deploy in the UK. Sony Computer Entertainment UK gaffer Fergal Gara confirmed the snippet in an interview with earlier today, adding that it will be “no more than a tenner either way of the [Xbox One’s base £429] depending on what conversion rate we use on the day”.
In truth, there will be two packages available. The more basic option will include a PlayStation 4 and a copy of the hotly anticipated first-person shooter for €439, which works out at about £369. The more attractive option, however, will include all of the above, in addition to an extra DualShock 4 controller and a PlayStation Eye. That will set you back €499, or about £420. A stone’s throw away from the Xbox One's price, then.
According to the publication's sources, the platform holder will announce several European bundles for its next generation console tomorrow. Those of you with pre-orders will be able to upgrade should you find any of the options more attractive than the base machine. However, you may need to act fast, as stocks won’t last long.
“The mega bundle is in limited volume, and therefore it’s probably going to go mainly to current pre-order customers, then follow-up volume may well be post-Christmas," Gara cautioned. “But there are other bundles that also represent incredibly good value. It's not just about having a good base price. We want to offer value in every way we can.”
What kind of PS4 bundle would tempt you? Are you interested in the aforementioned Killzone: Shadow Fall package? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 22
Still cheaper than Xbox one... Parents will buy a PS4 over Xbox one just for price. When i was a child my parents always bought Sony or Nintendo consoles based on price! Now with the economic crisis every penny will count. We have to deal with the fact that most parents don't look at the included games.
$400 PS4 VS $500 Xbox one . That's a delta of 20% !
@Sanquine Everyone's betting different ways on that point. MS is selling the Xbox brand, whatever that means to each consumer, and Sony is selling a objectively good home video game console. It's like buying designer sunglasses vs buying a still pretty expensive pair made by a reputable telescope and glasses lens company. Idk why there's such a rift but some people are just nerds and some are trendy. Guess which company got my $438?
ha thats the bundle I was waiting for, just preordered, i dont mind if its arriving after christmas, Im just after the value which is awesome in this one.
Funnily enough just today I got my Vita Wifi/3G + 8GB Card + Killzone Mercenary for just 169 € which is also incredible value and I like how I start into both consoles with Killzone!
So, how come no US bundles??? BTW, that's a sexy box.
@Sanquine I'm a parent I'm buying my son a XB1 for X-mas because he likes the system (also daddy doesnt mind playing xbox exclusives lol) but I see you're point and overall in my opinion not only is the price better but the the ps4 will be better.
@Madd_Hatter401 Haha, good dad i suppose. I will buy it eventualy. My Girlfriend is the boss and she said one console at the time... ( She bought the Wii U). Thus, for now only a PS4.
@PMasterTy9 You would think, with their big push for the US market this time around, we'd have bundles.
I really hope they announce this for US. I would upgrade for sure because I was on the borderline between getting Killzone or not and I already preordered an extra controller. In that scenario it's like getting the camera for free.
I would also like for Sony to announce when the US will get the Magma Red and Wave Blue Dualshock 4 Controllers.
@PMasterTy9 Probably because some retailers like gamestop and amazon already made launch bundles. Hence my amazon PS4/KZ:SF/Year of PS+ bundle preorder
@irken004 How much did you pay for that bundle? I haven't checked out amazon. The only bundles Gamestop have offered are the exact same price if you bought all of the items separately. This UK bundle is nice because it's an actual bundle that saves you money.
One drawback to this bundle is if you are planning on going all digital then you would end up with Killzone: Shadow Fall on disc.
Also since Sony has no program to trade in a retail disc for the digital version you would have to trade it in to GameStop/Game at a loss.
Most retailers these days are wanting a receipt for any kind of return.
@Squiggle55 It was like $510 with release day delivery charges. Overall I only save about $10 but at the same time no taxes! I actually haven't saved up the money quite yet (amazon doesn't charge until it ships).
I am quite jealous of this bundle, though I suppose I shouldn't complain considering America is getting the PS4 at a comparatively low price given conversion rates.
well,would love a ff15 or kingdom hearts 3 bundle also
Yeah, FF15 won't be out for at least another year, and KH3 won't be out until several years after that.
PS4 has the price advantage, but Xbox one has the game advantage. It'll interesting to see which wins out early on.
@Gamer83 Personally I don't see how Xbox One has the game advantage. There are more games on the PS4 than the Xbox One that appeal to me. This is the problem with this comparison, its all subjective and it's up to each person's personal tastes.
I'd imagine most here would agree with you. The thing is, what separates the lineups is Sony's indie push and as I've said those games are important but the fact is they are not system sellers to the majority of console gamers. Everybody wants to say AAA gaming is dead or on the verge of death (GTA V says hi) but when I talk to most people who are into console gaming they don't buy home consoles for games like Journey or Guacamelee, no matter how great they are, they want bigger experiences. And right now if you look at the lineups for PS4 and Xbox One from a non-biased perspective it can't be denied MS has the better slate of console-selling AAA titles. This could very well change by the end of 2015 but from launch through the end of next year there's no denying MS is ahead of the curve and it's not like XBLA won't be packed with great downloadable games.
@Gamer83 You do have a point that people don't buy consoles for the indie games but they do add to the overall experience of the console. Like it or not indies games are becoming more popular but that doesn't mean that AAA gaming is dying. My point wasn't who has the most AAA titles. I am just saying that the debate who has the games advantage is subjective. Yeah you can say one console has more AAA games but how many of those games do you really want to play. That's part of the reason why I pre-ordered a PS4 is because of the games. Xbox One only had a few that I would want to play but not enough for me to buy their console. Myself and many others feel this way just like there are people who don't care for PS4 games. So, it is all a matter of preference. Real gamers don't care if games are AAA titles or indie titles as long as they are good games. Also, you could argue that the PS4 has the game advantage because they have the most games announced. As of right now across the board the PS4 has the overall advantage but we will have to see how it all plays out. Not to mention the PS4 is already implementing a smarter marketing strategy.
Well, I don't dislike indie titles, I've said that many times, but they should be complimentary pieces. When I buy a $400 high powered console a major reason I'm dropping that kind of money is for stuff like Killzone, inFamous, true next-gen entries in franchises like GTA, Splinter Cell, Tomb Raider, Bioshock etc. To answer one of your questions, as somebody who's a big fan of both brands I'm actually really looking forward to many of the big budget productions on the way to Xbox One. Titanfall, Sunset Overdrive and Quantum Break look like stellar new IPs and have great development studios behind them. I'm a Halo and Forza fan and both new entries in those series should be good. That's not to say Sony has nothing, Killzone: Shadow Fall is the day one title I'm most looking forward to and Driveclub is rounding into shape very nicely. Then there's inFamous: Second Son is my most anticipated next-gen game so far. The $100 price difference is really what makes me lean more towards PS4 but I do think based on what's been shown to this point that over the first year MS' lineup is better and will likely be more appealing to the mass market. As far as marketing we'll see what happens. I don't feel like MS has really kicked that into high gear yet ,but I give Sony that its marketing has been great to this point, the build up to PS4 has been much smoother than it was leading into PS3.
@Gamer83 I never said you didn't like indie titles and if you look at PS4's indie titles they do compliment the system. The issue that I have with a lot of Xbox fans is that they only look at it form their perspective like I will only play this or I only do this, or this console has the games that I want to play so it is the better console. Yeah, one might be better for you but that doesn't mean it's the better console to someone else. From doing a little bit of research as of right now there are 32 PS4 titles compared to 17 for the Xbox One annouced for 2013-2014. This does not include multi-platform titles or titles with TBD release dates. So, from a numbers perspective I don't see how MS has an advantage. Now as far as AAA titles or indie titles the mass market is not going to know the difference and the people that really care are the hardcore gamers. Which games are better? Well, as I said before this is all about preference. So, the only way you can calculate this is after launch to see which games sell and which games rate better among the masses.The games that I look forward to are KZ, Infamous, Driveclub, Daylight, The Order, Deep Down, Warframe, Blacklight, and Planetside 2. As far as the consoles are concerned, you bring up one of the bigger advantages of the PS4 which is the $100 price difference and the $10 difference for the annual subscription (for those that choose to subscribe). A lot of people are going to get the cheaper console. Not to mention in just about every poll online list the PS4 as the preferred console as well as it being the better looking console (not that looks are everything). On the marketing side of things I have been seeing Playstation commercials all over TV as well as advertisements for the PS4 Taco Bell promotion. Also, the PS4 was a sponsor for one of the UFC fights. As far as the Xbox One, I have only seen a commercial for it the last few times I went to the movie theater and they did run a few commercials during the first week of football season. I don't know if they have been running them constantly because I don't follow football but people I do know that follow football hasn't seen any Xbox One commercials at least for the last few weeks.
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