Sadness has befallen Push Square towers. Not only has it been a disappointing week full of game delays, but Christmas songs are already playing on the radio. It's mid-October! To make matters worse, head honcho Sammy Barker hasn't contributed to this article – the swine. But don't worry, you need not fall into a pit of depression, let us know what games you'll be playing, while sobbing quietly over this rainy weekend.
Robert Ramsey, Associate Editor
This weekend sees the return of Liverpool FC to the Champion's League in FIFA 14, as I guide the club to the best season it's had in over a decade. Hopefully my hard work in the virtual space somehow encourages the team to continue their winning streak in real life. Maybe they'll end up beating Newcastle 13-0 in their next match – then I'll know that I'm really making a difference.
Katy Ellis, Assistant Editor
After spending all week carefully devising devious strategies in the gloriously nonsensical SRPG that is Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness, I feel I need a well deserved break from Laharl and friends. Instead, I shall turn my attention to El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron, which I've neglected lately.
Greg Giddens, Reviews Editor
Over four weeks after Grand Theft Auto V's release – precisely 42 hours, 30 minutes, and 30 seconds of single player play, and 23 hours, 40 minutes, and 24 seconds of multiplayer action – I'm still excited, nay, ecstatic to return to Los Santos. This weekend I will lose several more thousand GTA dollars in ill-placed bets, reckless crimes, and vicious gun battles. I'll see you on the streets.
Ben Potter, Video Editor
As a huge fan of Heavy Rain, I've been waiting eagerly for Beyond: Two Souls for what feels like a lifetime. That being said, David Cage is the embodiment of everything divisive in this world and rather predictably, critics have been divided over the title. Some call it ground breaking, some call it nothing more than an interactive movie, but as it's such a strange beast, I can't wait to jump in and make up my own mind about the emotional emotion displayed by an emotional Jodie Holmes. Emotion.
Jamie O’Neill, Retro Editor
It's less than two weeks until Hallowe'en, and as I shuffle towards infecting the brains of as many Push Square readers with an obsession for retro gaming as possible, I'll shiver my way through spooky PSone titles this weekend. The first Resident Evil is creepily calling to me, I need to collect two more chalices for the happier ending in MediEvil, and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is a certainty of Gothic greatness.
Nathan Michalik, Staff Writer
Beyond: Two Souls co-op has had me absolutely hooked. It's been a long time since I've played a game with such a compelling story. When I need a break from Jodie's heavy moral decisions, my friends and I will be attempting to take down Titan Hard Mode in Final Fantasy XIV: A Real Reborn and finish up our Relic weapon quests.
Orla Madden, Staff Writer
This weekend I'll be cheating on Grand Theft Auto V with a certain Game Freak title that seems to have spread Pokérus (that's the Pokémon virus, if you must know) across the nation. I'm currently in my 17th hour, with only one gym badge – the gap between the 1st and 2nd Gym Leader is Trubbish. If you're also playing Pokémon X or Y, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. [We don't play Nintendo games here, Orla - Ed]
Ron DelVillano, Staff Writer
I was really excited about receiving a free copy of Hotline Miami on my Vita through PlayStation Plus this week. Then my reality was shattered when I realised that I still have to wait a little while longer. If I'm not busy whining and crying about not getting a free download of HM, I'll probably just play some more Pokémon Y. [What did I just say, Ron? - Ed]
Gaz Plant, Staff Writer
This weekend I'll be heading around the world in F1 2013, as I attempt to haul my Sauber into a reasonable position. I'm really enjoying the subtle improvements made to this year's game, and I'm hoping that those improvements will continue to impress me over the weekend – a safety car would be nice to see. I'll also be spending far too much time on FIFA 14, as is tradition this time of year.
So come on then, out with it – we all want to hear what gaming delights are in store for you this weekend. Let us know by typing a few words in the comments section down below.
Comments 39
Sorry Ed but Pokemon is on my to do list also.. Come on, you gotta admit it's pretty awesome
Pokemon Y, of course i must finish this and maybe i will try The Wolf Among Us, if i have more some time left for play.
Puppeteer and the Ratchet and Clank Collection.
@Cowboysfan-22 I put like a hundred hours into both Pokemon Red and Pokemon Yellow, but I couldn't get into Pokemon Gold. I haven't played the series since.
@get2sammyb it got that way for me too for Ruby and sapphire, but the last two generations have won me back. This generation is pretty cool with mega evolution... And 3D of course
Going to be puling the SNES out of the closet this weekend. I seriously have the itch to play through Final Fantasy III (VI) again on the SNES. Also going to start The Wolf Among Us as well.
@Tasuki ff vi is fantastic. Might play that soon too.
If I play this weekend, I'll either finish up kh 1 hd or finally start sorcery.
Oh and my wife is gonna play wolf among us =)
I suppose I should confess and say that I'm playing Pokemon as well. But I'm professional enough to keep it in the comments section! Traitors.
I just picked up Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3, each only $10 at Walmart! Not that I'm endorsing Walmart, but I have to say, that was a great deal. I'll be playing ME 2 this weekend.
Hotline Miami on vita
and donkey kong on 3ds
Downloading The Wolf Among Us season pass as we speak. I loved Telltales take on The Walking Dead so can't wait to see if they can keep the ball rolling.
@Cowboysfan-22 http://youtu.be/KiVSupkD-9w
Mega Evolutions?
Disgaea 3SV version.
@Lelouch haha. Yea maybe that was slight thievery. But it's pretty epic when charizard mega evolves.
Pokemon Y for majority of the time most likely, but most likely will find time to Beyond: Two Souls and a little FFXIV
@Cowboysfan-22 I don't own Y yet, but I have seen Lucario and Gardevoir Mega Evolve.
@Lelouch I haven't seen gardevoir but I have lucario and charizard in Y.. Pretty cool stuff
Pokemon X and possibly some Resident Evil 4. I definitely want to play more Puzzle & Dragons, as well as some of my recently purchased PSN games (thank you Capcom).
GTA V, The Last of Us FINALLY, and um...GTA Online, hopefully. I had to clean my hard drive after my PS3 died, so I lost all of my downloads and save files. It's the struggle.
Tetris Axis. Still Deciding on what else.
At first I was like, "Who's playing A Little Mermaid game" but then realized I didn't care because I'm on the 8th Gym Leader in Pokemon X. I'll be playing that of course
A bit of Assassins Creed III & Liberation inc Gta V now and again
playing valhalla knights 3 now...would love to try beyond two souls after this...
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HDReMIX and Sonic Lost World
I'm in the process of shipping my Wii U in for repairs. Then I'm getting drunk and passing out until I get it back.
I'm still playing killzone mercenary multiplayer, also I have been meaning to play lone survivor.
Ni No Kuni, Borderlands 2, FF online. Windwaker HD
I've been pottering around on Dead Rising 2 after aqquiring it via the horror sale on PSN.....I'm not really feeling it TBH but I'll go till the end. I also just got Ni No Kuni and I'm looking forward to giving that a go....and I've also just gotten all the DLC for Dishonoured so it warrants another full play through.
@odd69 how are you liking FF online?
Resident Evil REmake
Despite the low reviews, im having more fun than i thought. I'm not an MMO junkie,so im not entirely sure what makes a fun one, but being an FF fan i think its nice and decent. I cant wait to try it on ps4, i would like better graphics and that is My only complaint with the game(well maybe the targeting system is horrible, with 100 people doing the same)
@odd69 Cool, I've been thinking about picking it up myself, but this coming tuesday, I'll be spending a lot of time playing Marvel Legos...so I think FF online will have to wait for a while .
@get2sammyb it's cause you shoulda gotten Silver instead. : )
VK3, Pkmn Y, TLoU, SH hd, KZ hd/Mercs, and Diablo3 are all on my list right now
I've been playing a lot of Crazy Market on Vita this weekend, so that's definitely been my jam!
Mostly played Vita games. Pre-ordered Injustice for it and in anticipation went back and started playing MK for the first time in a few months and am now hooked on that again.
I finished Beyond: Two Souls on Thursday, so this weekend, I played and finally finished Mario & Luigi: Dream Team and got to play a lot more of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD and I still can't believe that I haven't played it when it first came out as that game is awesome!
Oh i didnt get to play windwaker yall, sad state of affairs
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