Keep harbouring those thoughts of Trip’s great comeback, as Ninja Theory – the developer behind Enslaved: Odyssey to the West – has denied reports that it’s abandoning console development. Rumours today suggested that the Cambridge-based studio best known for Heavenly Sword could be turning its attention solely to the lucrative smartphone market, but the company has clarified that that’s not the case.
“Today it has been reported that Ninja Theory will exclusively pursue mobile gaming development in the future, however it is important to state that these reports are inaccurate," the firm told Eurogamer.net in an official statement. “Although we are excited by mobile opportunities, and the release of our first mobile title Fightback, we are not making the transition to a mobile only studio. We are currently developing for both console and mobile platforms.”
A quick glance at the studio’s website indicates that it’s working on “next generation” systems, though we haven’t got a clue what it could have in production. Despite being critically acclaimed, this year’s DmC: Devil May Cry fell short of publisher Capcom’s expectations, and there haven’t been a whole lot of hints at a sequel. Regardless, we’re just relieved that the studio hasn’t given up on the console market, because we’ve been fans of all of its games on the PlayStation 3.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 11
Nobody cares about Ninja Theory anymore =(
@Gemuarto I do! I love Ninja Theory games!
@get2sammyb Nice, that's a relieve =)
Whatever they're up to will fail like everything else they've done.
Aww no DmC 2 ? I actually enjoyed the game. :/
I liked dmc, but I loved the older ones. Heveanly sword yeah, but I'd rather they not touch dmc anymore.
I think DMC got unfairly bated on, but I rather hope they're working on Heavenly Sword 2 for PS4
Make another DMC.
Ninja Theory are at there best when making there own games, i would love to see a Heavenly Sword 2.
I also want more Ninja Thery games! I loved Heavenly Sword and the new DmC was better than the old ones.
I picked up Enslaved: Odyssey to the West for $10 having no idea what is was and really enjoyed it. Trip was also easy on the eyes...
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