Refreshingly, the PlayStation Network hasn’t crashed quite as badly as we expected it to. We were anticipating reports of Grand Theft Auto Online-esque outages to emerge overnight, but it seems that North America has managed to traverse the PlayStation 4’s launch relatively unscathed. That’s not to say that there aren’t issues being prompted by last night’s next generation release – but they’re not nearly as prolific as we’d expected.
Error codes being reported at the present appear to span ‘E-80E80034’ and ‘NW-31453-6’, and pertain to old-fashioned server load. “If you're getting a network error on the PS4, please sit tight,” explained the Ask PlayStation help desk. “As you can imagine, we're seeing heavy traffic tonight.” If these problems are preventing you from grabbing the platform’s day one update, then don’t forget that you can download it to a USB stick via a computer or laptop.
The manufacturer has created a support thread dedicated to providing updates on any outages. At the time of writing, the advice is to just wait – though it doesn’t seem like everyone is being affected by the downtime. It might be worth stepping away from your shiny new console for a few minutes and trying again a little later on if you are having problems, as you may find that you're able to login first time after a little pause. Have you managed to access the PlayStation Network, or are you getting error messages? Pull the plug in the comments section below.
[source community.us.playstation.com]
Comments 18
Strange, Sound Shapes and Flower appear in my download list but says that i didn't purchased them, it's a glitch linked to the PS4 versions, maybe?
@ferrers405 Did you buy them on PS3 or Vita?
@get2sammyb yes and i can download them on my download list, but in the store says i need to purchase again, it's weird...
@ferrers405 That is odd. As long as you can download them, though, right?
@get2sammyb kind of, the add-on for Sound Shapes for example, i can't download the PS4 versions (and i Bought every one of them).
@ferrers405 Is there a dollar amount or are they showing up as free? You might still have to go through a checkout process but not get charged anything.
@PMasterTy9 i got it now, was charging me to pay early, now it shows as free, maybe was a bug, i don't know...
I can't log into my PSN account. It just said the network is undergoing maintenance. Really?
Isn't the PS4 Europe Launch going to be bigger than the USA one? If so then i will download that PS4 patch next week to USB then(well i was going to anyway) & hopefully i can play my Disc copy of KZ:SF(just for the Story mode) without needing the internet/PSN on the 29th
Sammy - I'm new around here but just wanted to say you do a great job on the site buddy
@Carl-G I've already downloaded the patch to my USB, over a fortnight early! I'm not relying on Sony's servers or my rural pre-dialup broadband when I get that sensual plastic box
I was able to download the patch but when I go to link to my PSN account it just says please wait then it says down for maintenance. Maybe it'll be up tomorrow
BF4 online just isn't happening for me (( but KZ was fun online. I've been able to do everything but ^that and dl my MHFU avatars, but it kept my current one so whatever
@benrawr Good idea, i will do it as soon as possible thanks
@Dodoo Thanks for reading.
@ferrers405 I had this same problem it said I needed a license all I did was log out and back in and it was there, I think its more just PSN not verifying your account due to being swamped.
my startup and set up when is smooth as silk aside from the network traffic everything works perfectly now, loving every minute of this system especially the UI and instant In N Out of games! =)
My ps4 keeps crashing and it won't ever connect!
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